Profession Pilot (3.5e Skill)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 10-10-12
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Profession Pilot (Wis; Trained Only)[edit]

With this skill you can operate flying vehicles, and pull off all manner of tricks.

DC Examples
10 Start and/or stop an unfamiliar vehicle.
10 + CR Fly unfamiliar vehicle.
Varies Eject Safely
Varies Evasive Action
15 Quick Repairs
15 Minor Stunt
30 Moderate Stunt
45 Major Stunt
60 Epic Stunt

Start/Stop Unfamiliar Vehicle: You can figure how to operate an unfamiliar vehicle with a Profession (pilot) check with a DC 10 check as a move action. This can also be used to turn off an unfamiliar vehicle. After using a vehicle for 1 week, you become familiar with it and no longer need to make checks to turn a vehicle on and off.

Fly Unfamiliar Vehicle: You can figure out the basic controls for an unfamiliar vehicle with a DC 10 + CR check as a non-action. Whenever changing speed or direction you must make a check, otherwise the action fails. If you fail the check by 10 or more, you fail dramatically and end up changing speed or direction in a hazardous way (such as aiming straight for the ground). Once you become familiar with a vehicle you do not need to make checks to operate it.

Eject Safely: You can abandon your vehicle mid-flight. If the vehicle has the ejection seat ability, you can replace your Reflex save from a sudden ejection with the result of your skill check. If your vehicle does not have an ejection seat, you can take a standard action to make a DC 15 Profession (pilot) check. If successful you pry open the door or cockpit and leap out, though the subsequent fall may be a threat.

Evasive Action: Once per round when your vehicle is hit in combat, you may attempt a Profession (pilot) check (as a reaction) to negate the hit. Apply your vehicle's size modifier to the result. The hit is negated if your Profession check result is greater than the opponent’s attack roll. Essentially, the Profession check result becomes the vehicle’s Armor Class if it’s higher than the vehicle’s regular AC.

Quick Repairs: Sometimes you need to make quick repairs to a damaged craft to keep it flying. As a full-round action you can expend 50 gp of raw materials and make a DC 15 Profession (pilot) check. If successful you grant the vehicle temporary hp equal to your check result -15, to a maximum equal to the amount of damage it currently possesses. This is a result of crude repairs, or re-wiring controls to operate other broken devices. The temporary hp bleeds away at a rate of 1 hp each minute. Temporary hp overlaps, it does not stack. Failing the check expends the raw materials but does not further harm the vehicle.

Minor Stunt: As a move action you can pull off a stunt. The methods of the stunt vary, but can result in one of the following effects:

Barrel Roll: You do a barrel roll, as your instructor always told you to do. The DC for any special attacks that hit you, such as missiles, is decreased by -2 for 1 round.

Dive Bomb: If you make a charge attack against a target below you, you gain +2 attack and -2 AC to your ranged attacks, and +2 DCs to your special attacks such as missiles.

Glide: You can set your vehicle into a glide, dropping 10 feet for every move action you make. In a glide your vehicle's engines do not make sound, allowing you to attempt a Move Silently check on your approach. In addition if you fall due to going too slow or otherwise stalling out, you can glide to avoid damage and keep "flying" until power is restored.

Moderate Stunt: As a move action you can pull off a stunt. The methods of the stunt vary, but can result in one of the following effects:

Level Out: If you are diving, falling, or otherwise about to crash into a surface you can use this ability as an immediate action to try and make your motion parallel to the surface in question. You take a -1 penalty for each degree under perfect maneuverability you have (-1 good, -2 average, -3 poor, and -4 clumsy) and an additional -1 penalty for every 1000 feet in speed you were moving. If successful, you pull up in time and are moving in a direction parallel to the surface. If you fail, you crash into the surface.

Sharp Turn: Treat your maneuverability as if it were one greater (to a maximum of perfect) for 1 round.

Wingover: You can duplicate the effects of Wingover as if you had the feat by making a successful skill check.

Major Stunt: As a move action you can pull off a stunt. The methods of the stunt vary, but can result in one of the following effects:

Dampen Extrasensory Presence: Your maneuvering and angling allows you to evade extrasensory perceptions, such as radar or natural abilities like blindsense, blindsight, and the like. If you succeed, you do not show up on these alternate senses. They may still see you visually, but they cannot otherwise detect you.

Sharper Turn: Treat your maneuverability as if it were two greater (to a maximum of perfect) for 1 round.

Superior Evasive Action: As a full-round action you make a check as if using evasive actions, but your check applies to all attacks for 1 round.

Epic Stunt: As a move action you can pull off a stunt. The methods of the stunt vary, but can result in one of the following effects:

Evade Reality: You manage to find the weak points in reality, allowing you to fly to other dimensions through weaknesses in reality. You transfer planes by flying for 1d4 hours, as if using shadow walk's plane-shifting ability.

Sharpest Turn: Treat your maneuverability as if it were three greater (to a maximum of perfect) for 1 round.

Squeeze Vehicle: You can pass through spaces too small for your vehicle to fit normally, up to a space two sizes smaller than your square. How did you even fly your airplane through that door anyway? You must be some kind of tactical geni- ...CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!!


Varies. Stunts are usually a move action, quick repairs is a standard action, evading, ejecting, flying, and starting/stopping unfamiliar crafts are part of another action or a non-action.

Try Again[edit]

Yes, but failing some checks may have negative consequences.


If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (engineering), you get a +2 bonus on Profession (pilot) checks.


An untrained user can only start and/or stop an unfamiliar vehicle, fly an unfamiliar vehicle, and attempt to eject safely.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5645 Articles)
AuthorEiji-kun +
Identifier3.5e Skill +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryWith this skill you can operate flying vehicles, and pull off all manner of tricks. +
TitleProfession Pilot +