Robotic Doppelganger (3.5e Template)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 2nd June 2016
Status: Finished
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Robotic Doppelganger[edit]

Robotic Doppelgangers are construct who were built to look and act like someone in particular for a variety of purposes. Some build robotic doppelgangers to act as body double and bodyguard while others build them to assassinate and replace their target. Sadly for the later the robotic doppelgangers, while somewhat convincing, are still very much robot and do not compare to the doppelbose.

Robotic Doppelganger are obviously robotic in appearance, with mechanized joints, strange glowing light and a visible power core. While this made them flawed infiltrator, they may still use the disguise skill at it full advantages.

Creating a Robotic Doppelganger Creature[edit]

The Robotic Doppelganger is an inherited template which can only be added to any humanoid creature. Robotic Doppelganger are built as the copy of another creature and thus have the same base race but modified by this template, they however do not share class levels or unique abilities and are essentially separated creatures.

Hit Dice: All current and future HD become d12s. If they already possess a d12 HD, they instead gain a +2 hp bonus for each d12 they possessed. This does not affect Level Adjustment Dice.

Ability Scores: A robotic doppelganger receive a +6 bonus to Strength, as a Construct it lose it Constitution modifier.

Size and Type: A robotic doppelganger type change to Construct and thus possess all construct traits except mindlessness and immunity to mind-affecting effects (see AI Core below).

Feats: Robotic doppelgangers are extremely tough, they may use their Strength score as their Constitution score for the purpose of qualifying for feats. Additionally the robotic doppelgangers receive Born Tough, Fortitude Surge, Masterwork Body and Why Won't You Die as bonus feats even if it does not meet the prerequisites.

Skills: A robotic doppelgangers's is extremely capable at doing certain tasks because of built in tools, choose three skill. The robotic doppelganger receive a +4 bonus on all checks made with the chosen skills.

Special Qualities: A robotic doppelgangers has the following special qualities:

  • AI Core (Su): A robotic doppelganger unlike most construct has a special core in it head granting it sapience and full consciousness. A robotic doppelganger possess intelligence score and is as capable as any normally intelligent creature. However, if the robotic doppelganger's head is destroyer or removed from it body (such as with the Vorpal enhancement) it become mindless and will continue it latest objective (while also being blind and incapable of vocalization). The head is capable of surviving by itself but can only speak and take mental action, if reattached to the body it will take back control, otherwise it is a two size category smaller count and has 1/4th of the body's maximum of hit point. Similarly the robotic doppelganger become mindless in an antimagic field.
If the robotic doppelganger is destroyed and the AI Core is undamaged, it can be used as a focus for resurrection, allowing it to be brought to life as if it was a living creature. On the other hand, as long as the AI Core is active the robotic doppelganger is vulnerable to mind-affecting effects as if wasn't a construct.
  • Mechanical Body (Ex): A robotic doppelganger's body is made of any material that cost equal or less than Adamantine, it grant a +4 bonus to AC with max dexterity, armor check penalty or arcane spell failure, it count as heavy armor for the purpose of the benefits granted by the material it made of. It count as either heavy armor or no armor for the purpose of interacting with class features, prerequisites and other effect, whichever is more beneficial.
  • Power Core (Ex): A robotic doppelganger require a power core to keep it running properly, the core is visible on the outside (although it can be hidden under clothing) and can be targeted with a -4 penalty. While attacking the core the robotic doppelganger is vulnerable to critical hit as if it was a living creature and if the core take 5/HD or more damage in one turn the robotic doppelganger is staggered for 3 rounds (bypassing immunity to the status effect). The core can be detected with detect magic, giving a strong transmutation aura.
  • Robotic Copy (Ex): A robotic doppelganger is the copy of another creature, it gain a +10 bonus to disguise as the creature against creature at least 30 ft away. Up close it become obvious that the robotic doppelganger is just that, reducing the bonus to +2. The robotic doppelganger still has the same or very similar personality to the original and thus gain a +10 bonus on bluff check to appear as the creature it copied.

Challenge Rating: +3

Level Adjustment: +3

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Leziad's Homebrew (4521 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
CR3 +
Identifier3.5e Template +
Level Adjustment3 +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryRobotic Doppelgangers are robots who emulate someone in particular. +
TitleRobotic Doppelganger +