Spontaneous Combustion [General]
Prerequisites: Must be able to cast a spell or spell-like ability (or manifest a power or psi-like ability) with [fire] descriptor of 7th level or higher.Benefit: Whenever you deal fire damages you may convert any amount of it into non-lethal damage. In addition at your option your [fire] spells and powers deal immense internal damage, dealing an amount of constitution drain based on the amount of fire damage dealt (see below). A successful fortitude save (same save as the original spell or power) halves the amount of constitution drain inflicted and the amount of constitution drain inflicted to a creature in the same round overlap (choosing the highest amount of con drain) and do not stack. Whenever you kill a creature using a spell or power that dealt at least 1 points of constitution drain the affected creature is completely destroyed in a spontaneous combustion leaving only it equipment and ashes.
Table: Constitution Drain based on Fire Damage
Constitution Drain |
Minimum amount of fire Damage dealt
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
More |
Amount of Con drain squaredx10
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