Trained Psyker (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 6th June 2021
Status: Complete
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Trained Psyker

While most psyker remains untrained, some do manage to get a grasp on their powers. Those who manage to keep their powers in check become fearsome psychic spellcasters.

Class: Psychic

Level: 1st-18th

Replaces: Spellcasting (Altered), Discipline (Altered), 3rd and 15th level Phrenic Augmentations

Benefit: A trained psyker's spellcasting is based on Wisdom rather than Intelligence. All disciplines which were based on Wisdom are now based on Intelligence for the Trained Psyker.

Phrenic Surge (Su): At 3rd level a trained psyker is able to draw more power for her spells, she can increase the DC and caster level of any psychic spell she cast by +1. However if she does so she suffers a spell failure chance of 20%. Upon failing to cast a spell this way, the trained psyker take 1 point of Wisdom Burn. At 6th level and each 6 levels thereafter she increases the bonus granted by Phrenic Surge by +1, each increase of 1 also increases the failure chance by 10%. She may augment her spells less than normal with power surge to have a lower failure chance whenever she uses it. A trained psyker may spend a number of points from her phrenic pool when using this ability, each point reducing the failure chance by 10% (to a minimum of 0%).

This ability replaces the Phrenic Augmentations gained at 3rd and 11th level.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4504 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
ClassPsychic +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryWhile most psyker remains untrained, some do manage to get a grasp on their powers. Those who manage to keep their powers in check become fearsome psychic spellcasters. +
TitleTrained Psyker +