Truemaestro (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 30th August 2019
Status: Finished
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It is said that the multiverse was weaved from primal music, the Truemaestros seek that primal music and to harness their melody. They are much like truenamer, except weaving their power in strange melodies instead if garbled words.

Class: Truenamer

Level: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th

Replaces: Utterance, Rapid Truespeech, Expanded Truespeech

Benefit: A truemaestro use her Intelligence instead of her Charisma on all of her class features. In addition they receive the following class features.

Cosmic Scorebook: A truemaestro unlike other truenamers do not know any utterance, instead ready a number of utterance from her scorebook equal 2 + half her class level. She ready or change her readied utterances by studying her scorebook over the course of 15 minutes, which may be done any number of times per day. If she unready an utterance, it immediately end if it duration was still up.

She start the game with 1 + her Intelligence bonus in 1st level utterance and as well as all interjections in her scorebook. She add two utterance of any level she can use whenever she gain a level in truenamer. She may also add an utterance of a level she can use by paying it utterance level squared x 100 gp in research. A scorebook is a spellbook which is simply repurposed, every utterance use a number of pages equal to their level and all interjections fit on a single page as a whole.

If her cosmic scorebook is lost she may recreate it from memory for free, using a spellbook as the base.

Utterance: A truemaestro can no longer simply use her utterance or activate primed utterance, she must using her primal conducting class ability (see below). Instead of making truespeak check, the truemaestro use Perform (Conducting) when using her utterance. The truemaestro may still use her Utterance while not conducting, but the check automatically fail and thus the effect and targets are minimal. Otherwise her utterance function in the same way as normal.

The DCs of her Utterance become 10 + 1/2 Class Level + her Intelligence modifier. A truemaestro use her Perform (Conducting) instead of Truespeak for the purpose of meeting prerequisites, class features, feats and skill tricks.

When she gain access to 3rd level Utterance, she us able to use Interjections and 1st level Utterance while not conducting. When she gain access to 5th level Utterance she may do so for 2nd level Utterance as well.

Primal Conducting (Su): As a move action, a truemaestro can start conducting the primal compositions of the universe. Upon doing so a faint melody can be heard in the background, even in area where sounds does not conduct. She may conduct every round as a free action as long as she is able to perform somatic components and has a hand free. A truemaestro may use any of her utterance while conducting. She no longer require verbal component to her utterance, instead using the somatic component of her conducting. While she use an utterance to background melody become loud and change to reflect the utterance being used, which can be identified as normal by a truespeak check.

A truemaestro can only conduct for a number of rounds per day equal to her 4 + her Intelligence modifier, for each level in truemaestro she gain two additional rounds of conducting per day. These rounds do not need to be continuous, a truemaestro can stop conducting at any time. When she run out of rounds she may still sustain her melody with her own lifeforce, dealing 1 non-lethal damage per class level for each round she maintain. This damage cannot be healed until she stop conducting.

Any class which advance her truenaming also advance her conducting.

Phantom Orchestra (Su): A truemaestro can reproduce any music by waving her baton around, replicating the effect of ghost sound at-will except it can replicate the sound of any instrument. Unlike the spell she may use her Perform (Conducting) to imitate any other musical Perform skill.

True Refrain (Su): A 2nd level truemaestro is able to invoke a true refrain while conducting as a swift action. She has access to the three refrain below and may gain more refrains through other sources.

Dark Symphony: Choose a target within close range, the that creature take a -2 penalty on all it saving throws against your utterances for 1 round.
Echoing Serenade: When you use this refrain, you immediately use a single interjection.
Sustained Melody: When used this refrain extend the duration of any number of you ongoing utterance with duration higher than instantaneous by 1 round.

Virtuous Performance (Su): A 3rd level truemaestro is capable of performing virtuous performance as a Minstrel of her class level, using Perform (Conducting) and her Phantom Orchestra ability. She may only use a virtuous performance while conducting, using her conducting rounds instead of the normal round limit. If she use a performance which is measured in minute instead of round, it use a round of conducting every minute, but still count any round which you used an utterance or refrain as a full round of use.

The truemaestro know two virtuous performances at 3rd level and one additional performance at each 3 levels thereafter. Any classes whcih advance your truenaming also advance your virtuous performance, although does not grant more virtuous performance known.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4528 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
ClassTruenamer +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryIt is said that the multiverse was weaved from primal music, the Truemaestros seek that primal music and to harness their melody. They are much like truenamer, except weaving their power in strange melodies instead if garbled words. +
TitleTruemaestro +