User:Zhenra-Khal/Veiled Knight (3.5e Martial Discipline)/All Maneuvers
Veiled Knight (Stance) | |
Level: | 2 |
Prerequisite: | 1 Veiled Knight maneuver |
Initiation Action: | Swift action |
Range: | 0 |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | Stance |
Saving Throw: | None |
You swirl your blade, mist trailing from it and drifting toward your body. Very shortly, the mist seems to be a part of you, blurring your outline as you move.
When you initiate this stance, you call into being a blurring concealment around your body. This grants you 20% concealment, as per the Blur spell.
Veiled Knight (Counter) | |
Level: | 3 |
Prerequisite: | Two Veiled Knight maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Immediate action |
Range: | Medium |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | None |
As the adept spied on the enemy camp below, the enemy wizard couldn't figure out why every divination spell he cast, to spy on the pesky adventurers who had been hindering his work recently, failed without effect.
When a foe within Medium range of you begins to cast a spell, you may initiate this counter in order to attempt a counterspell. You need not identify the spell, but you must succeed at an Initiator Level check (1d20 + your initiator level, max +10) versus a DC equal to 15 + the spell's level. If you succeed, the spell is countered and fizzles with no effect, as normal for counterspelling. If you fail, the spell take effect normally. This otherwise functions as Lesser Counterweave.
Veiled Knight (Strike) [Fire, Cold, Acid, Electricity, Sonic] | |
Level: | 3 |
Prerequisite: | Two Veiled Knight Maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Standard action |
Range: | Melee |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | None |
As your blade strikes true, it leaves searing acid in its wake.
When you initiate this maneuver, choose of of: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Sonic; The maneuver gains that descriptor. As part of the manuever, make one attack; The attack deals +3d6 extra energy damage of the appropriate type. This extra damage stacks with that granted by things like the Lesser Energy Surge maneuver or Flaming weapon property.
Veiled Knight (Boost) [Fire, Cold, Acid, Electricity, Sonic] | |
Level: | 3 |
Prerequisite: | Two Veiled Knight Maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Swift action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | 1 round |
Saving Throw: | None |
As you twirl your blade, it hums with sonic energy.
When you initiate this maneuver, choose of of: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Sonic. The maneuver gains that descriptor. Once you've initiated the maneuver, until the beginning of your next turn, your weapon attacks deal an extra 2d6 damage of the chosen energy type. This extra damage stacks with that granted by things like the Lesser Energy Strike maneuver or Flaming weapon property.
Veiled Knight (Stance) [Fire, Cold, Acid, Electricity, Sonic] | |
Level: | 1 |
Initiation Action: | Swift action |
Range: | Melee |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | Stance |
Saving Throw: | None |
Your steps are measured, your progression slow but steady, and wisps of cold vapor drift from your body.
While you're in this stance, you gain energy resistance 10 one type of energy - Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire or Sonic - which is selected upon entering the stance. You can also choose to have all of your weapon attacks deal and additional +1 damage of the appropriate energy type. Changing between energy types is the same as changing stances entirely; This is effectively 5 stances in one.
If you have 12 ranks in the Spellcraft skill, the resistance increases to 20, and the extra damage increases to +1d6.
If you have 18 ranks in the Spellcraft skill, the resistance increases to 30, and the extra damage increases to +2d6.
Veiled Knight (Counter) | |
Level: | 6 |
Prerequisite: | Three Veiled Knight maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Immediate action |
Range: | Medium |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | None |
Try as he might, the dragon just could't pop off a successful spell to fry the adventurers that had interrupted his slumber.
When a foe within Medium range of you begins to cast a spell, you may initiate this counter in order to attempt a counterspell. You need not identify the spell, but you must succeed at an Initiator Level check (1d20 + your initiator level, max +20) versus a DC equal to 15 + the spell's level. If you succeed, the spell is countered and fizzles with no effect, as normal for counterspelling. If you fail, the spell take effect normally.
Veiled Knight (Counter) | |
Level: | 6 |
Prerequisite: | Five Veiled Knight maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Immediate action |
Range: | 0 |
Target: | One spell |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | None |
This ability functions almost exactly as Greater Counterweave, except that rather than causing the spell to fizzle harmlessly, you can choose to reflect it right back at the caster, using the original save DC, caster level and etc.
Veiled Knight (Strike) | |
Level: | 7 |
Prerequisite: | Four Veiled Knight maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Standard action |
Range: | Melee |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | None |
Every time you whack a summoned creature, it always seems to vanish. The enemy high priest is halfway between curious and infuriated.
When you initiate this strike, you make one melee attack. If the attack is successful, the target is subject to an effect identical to a targeted Dispel Magic, except that the check is an Initiator Level check (1d20 + your initiator level, max +20).
If you know at least one 7th-level Psychic Arrow strike, this maneuver becomes X-Discipline and you can use it with a bow, centering an equivalent Area Dispel on the target hit or square where the arrow landed.
Veiled Knight (Strike) [Fire, Cold, Acid, Electricity, Sonic] | |
Level: | 5 |
Prerequisite: | Three Veiled Knight Maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Standard action |
Range: | Melee |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | None |
As your spear pierces the target, the flesh around the wound freezes solid.
When you initiate this maneuver, choose of of: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Sonic; The maneuver gains that descriptor. As part of the manuever, make one attack; The attack deals +5d6 extra energy damage of the appropriate type. This extra damage stacks with that granted by things like the Lesser Energy Surge maneuver or Flaming weapon property.
Veiled Knight (Boost) [Fire, Cold, Acid, Electricity, Sonic] | |
Level: | 5 |
Prerequisite: | Two Veiled Knight Maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Swift action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | 1 round |
Saving Throw: | None |
As you twirl your blade, frigid mist forms around it.
When you initiate this maneuver, choose of of: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Sonic. The maneuver gains that descriptor. Once you've initiated the maneuver, until the beginning of your next turn, your weapon attacks deal an extra 3d6 damage of the chosen energy type. This extra damage stacks with that granted by things like the Lesser Energy Strike maneuver or Flaming weapon property.
Veiled Knight (Counter) | |
Level: | 1 |
Initiation Action: | Immediate action |
Range: | Medium |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | None |
As the enemy caster begins his spell, you trace arcane patterns in the air with your blade and mutter words of power taken from the spell known as Dispel Magic. As he finishes casting the spell, his gloating expression turns into one of terror as his spell fizzles harmlessly into nothingness, leaving him vulnerable to your allies' attacks.
When a foe within Medium range of you begins to cast a spell, you may initiate this counter in order to attempt a counterspell. You need not identify the spell, but you must succeed at an Initiator Level check (1d20 + your initiator level, max +5) versus a DC equal to 15 + the spell's level. If you succeed, the spell is countered and fizzles with no effect, as normal for counterspelling. If you fail, the spell take effect normally.
Veiled Knight (Strike) [Fire, Cold, Acid, Electricity, Sonic] | |
Level: | 1 |
Initiation Action: | Standard action |
Range: | Melee |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | None |
As your blade strikes true, it blasts the target's flesh with a thunderous boom.
When you initiate this maneuver, choose of of: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Sonic; The maneuver gains that descriptor. As part of the manuever, make one attack; The attack deals +2d6 extra energy damage of the appropriate type. This extra damage stacks with that granted by things like the Lesser Energy Surge maneuver or Flaming weapon property.
Veiled Knight (Boost) [Fire, Cold, Acid, Electricity, Sonic] | |
Level: | 1 |
Initiation Action: | Swift action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | 1 round |
Saving Throw: | None |
As you twirl your blade, it erupts into flames.
When you initiate this maneuver, choose of of: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Sonic. The maneuver gains that descriptor. Once you've initiated the maneuver, until the beginning of your next turn, your weapon attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage of the chosen energy type. This extra damage stacks with that granted by things like the Lesser Energy Strike maneuver or Flaming weapon property.
Veiled Knight (Counter) | |
Level: | 2 |
Prerequisite: | One Veiled Knight maneuver |
Initiation Action: | Immediate action |
Range: | 0 |
Target: | One spell |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | None |
With a flurry of steel and five clanging sounds, the wizard's magic missiles were flying back toward their caster.
This ability functions almost exactly as Lesser Counterweave, except that rather than causing the spell to fizzle harmlessly, you can choose to reflect it right back at the caster, using the original save DC, caster level and etc.
Veiled Knight (Strike) | |
Level: | 2 |
Prerequisite: | One Veiled Knight maneuver |
Initiation Action: | Standard action |
Range: | Melee |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | None |
You strike the enemy wizard and to his horror, his shielding spell shatters before his eyes.
When you initiate this strike, you make one melee attack. If the attack is successful, the target is subject to an effect identical to a targeted Dispel Magic, except that the check is an Initiator Level check (1d20 + your initiator level, max +5).
If you know at least one 2nd-level Psychic Arrow strike, this maneuver becomes X-Discipline and you can use it with a bow, centering an equivalent Area Dispel on the target hit or square where the arrow landed.
Veiled Knight (Boost) | |
Level: | 4 |
Prerequisite: | Three Veiled Knight maneuvers, one of which must be a Strike |
Initiation Action: | Swift action |
Range: | 0 |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | End of turn |
Saving Throw: | None |
When you initiate this Boost, the next single-target Veiled Knight Strike you initiate affects all targets within a line; If you don't initiate a Strike from the Veiled Knight discipline before the end of your turn, this maneuver is lost without effect. The length of this line is 10ft per maneuver level, so a 2nd-level Strike will produce a 20ft line. Targets are entitled a Reflex save to avoid the effect; The DC for this save is equal to 10 + the level of the Strike used + your Intelligence modifier. Otherwise, targets struck are subject to all effects of the strike, such as energy damage, dispelling and the like. However, the Strike suffers a -4 penalty to Initiator level for the purposes of determining its effects.
Veiled Knight (Boost) | |
Level: | 3 |
Prerequisite: | Three Veiled Knight maneuvers, one of which must be a Strike |
Initiation Action: | Swift action |
Range: | 0 |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | End of turn |
Saving Throw: | None |
When you initiate this Boost, the next single-target Veiled Knight Strike you initiate arcs to an additional target of your choice; If you don't initiate a Strike from the Veiled Knight discipline before the end of your turn, this maneuver is lost without effect. Each secondary target must be no farther from the previous target than the Strike's initial range (So if you use this boost and then a melee-range strike, all your targets must be within melee range of each other). However, the trike loses 1 effective initiator level for each target it has struck - Thus the second target is struck be a version of the Strike at -1 IL, the second at -2, and so on.
You can initially affect only one additional target. You can affect two additional targets at initiator level 10, three at initiator level 15, and four additional targets at initiator level 20.
Veiled Knight (Boost) | |
Level: | 5 |
Prerequisite: | Four Veiled Knight maneuvers, one of which must be a Strike |
Initiation Action: | Swift action |
Range: | 0 |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | End of turn |
Saving Throw: | None |
When you initiate this Boost, the next single-target Veiled Knight Strike you initiate affects all targets within a cone; If you don't initiate a Strike from the Veiled Knight discipline before the end of your turn, this maneuver is lost without effect. The length of this cone is 5ft per maneuver level, so a 2nd-level Strike will produce a 10ft cone.
Targets are entitled a Reflex save to avoid the effect; The DC for this save is equal to 10 + the level of the Strike used + your Intelligence modifier. Otherwise, targets struck are subject to all effects of the strike, such as energy damage, dispelling and the like. However, the Strike suffers a -5 penalty to Initiator level for the purposes of determining its effects.
Veiled Knight (Rush) [Air, Teleportation] | |
Level: | 3 |
Prerequisite: | Two Veiled Knight maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Move action |
Range: | Close |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | Instantaneous and 1 round (See text) |
Saving Throw: | None |
His blade slashed the air, and mist poured forth from the gash he tore in space. When the mist cleared, he was gone.
When you initiate this maneuver, you become shrouded in mist, then teleport to any unoccupied square in Close range. Until the beginning of your next turn, a cold mist surrounds both your entry and exit points in a 5ft radius, blocking vision and providing concealment.
Veiled Knight (Rush) [Air, Teleportation] | |
Level: | 6 |
Prerequisite: | Four Veiled Knight maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Move action |
Range: | Long |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | Instantaneous and 1 round (See text) |
Saving Throw: | None |
This maneuver functions exactly like Mist Step, except the range is 400ft, + 40ft per initiator level.
Veiled Knight (Counter) [Force] | |
Level: | 8 |
Prerequisite: | Seven Veiled Knight maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Immediate action |
Range: | Medium |
Target: | Any number of creatures within range |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | Reflex partial |
When you initiate this offensive counter, you throw forth your hands, and several spectral weapons of force fly from your palms to strike the targets.
This maneuver is the same as Quickrazor Slash, except for the following:
You throw any number of blades, but only one per target, and as always, you must be aware of your targets. If you aren't holding a weapon, the blades of force deal 4d8 Force damage, +1 per initiator level (Max +20). The Reflex save DC is equal to 18 + your Intelligence modifier. Finally, the strain of this maneuver consumes all of your attacks of opportunity for the next 8 rounds.
Veiled Knight (Counter) [Force] | |
Level: | 4 |
Prerequisite: | Three Veiled Knight maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Immediate action |
Range: | Close |
Target: | A number of creatures up to your Intelligence bonus. |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | Reflex partial |
When you initiate this offensive counter, you throw forth your hands, and several spectral weapons of force fly from your palms to strike the targets.
This maneuver is the same as Quickrazor Slash, except for the following:
You throw a number of blades up to your Intelligence bonus, but this number cannot be higher than your initiator level. If you aren't holding weapon, the blades of force deal 2d8 Force damage, +1 per initiator level (Max +10). The Reflex save DC is equal to 14 + your Intelligence modifier. Finally, the strain of this maneuver consumes all of your attacks of opportunity for the next 4 rounds.
Veiled Knight (Counter) [Force] | |
Level: | 2 |
Prerequisite: | One Veiled Knight maneuver |
Initiation Action: | Immediate action |
Range: | Close |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | Reflex partial |
The wizard tried to cast a spell, but before he could finish, a ghostly copy of the blade in your hand burst through his throat, ending his spell and his life with a gurgle.
When you initiate this offensive counter, you throw forth your hand, and a spectral weapon of force flies from your palm to strike the target.
As an immediate action, you may make a single melee touch attack at your highest base attack bonus. The target, if struck, is damaged as if you struck them with whatever weapon you have in-hand; If you aren't holding a weapon, they take 1d8 Force damage, +1 per initiator level (Max +5). Unless they succeed on a Reflex save (DC 12 + your Intelligence modifier), they are caught flat-footed by the attack, granting all appropriate bonuses such as Sneak Attack. The ghostly weapon strikes incorporeal creatures as if it possesses the Ghost Touch enchantment.
However, the strain of initiating this maneuver consumes all of your attacks of opportunity for the next 2 rounds, no matter how many of them you have.
Veiled Knight (Counter) [Force] | |
Level: | 6 |
Prerequisite: | Five Veiled Knight maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Immediate action |
Range: | Medium |
Target: | A number of creatures up to your Initiator level. |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | Reflex partial |
When you initiate this offensive counter, you throw forth your hands, and several spectral weapons of force fly from your palms to strike the targets.
This maneuver is the same as Quickrazor Slash, except for the following:
You throw a number of blades up to your initiator level. If you aren't holding weapon, the blades of force deal 3d8 Force damage, +1 per initiator level (Max +15). The Reflex save DC is equal to 16 + your Intelligence modifier. Finally, the strain of this maneuver consumes all of your attacks of opportunity for the next 6 rounds.
Veiled Knight (Rush) [Air, Teleportation] | |
Level: | 9 |
Prerequisite: | Six Veiled Knight maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Move action |
Range: | 100 miles per IL |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | Instantaneous and 1 round (See text) |
Saving Throw: | None |
This maneuver functions exactly like Mist Step, except the range is 100 miles per initiator level.
Veiled Knight (Counter) | |
Level: | 4 |
Prerequisite: | Three Veiled Knight maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Immediate action |
Range: | 0 |
Target: | One spell |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | None |
This ability functions almost exactly as Counterweave, except that rather than causing the spell to fizzle harmlessly, you can choose to reflect it right back at the caster, using the original save DC, caster level and etc.
Veiled Knight (Strike or Boost; See text) [See text] | |
Level: | 1 |
Prerequisite: | One Veiled Knight maneuver; Spellcraft 4 Ranks |
Initiation Action: | As spell/standard action, or swift action. |
Range: | As spell |
[[SRD:Aiming a Spell (Spell Descriptor)|]]: | As spell |
Duration: | As spell |
Saving Throw: | As spell |
When you learn this Maneuver, you choose a single 1st-level spell from any class list and add it to your spellbook. You can add other spells to your spellbook in the same manner as a Wizard, but only spells of 1st level or lower until you learn a higher grade of Spellstrike. For the purposes of spells learned in this manner, you use your initiator level in place of caster level.
When you ready this maneuver, you choose to "prepare" a single spell of 1st level or lower you know from your Veiled Knight spellbook. If the spell is an attack spell (Meaning a spell that harms or impedes another creature in any fashion, such as Magic Missile), the maneuver is readied as a Strike. Otherwise, the spell is readied as a Boost, and can only target yourself. The maneuver gains any descriptors the spell possesses.
If the spell is a Strike, the initiation time is the same as the casting time for the spell, or a standard action, whichever is higher.
If the spell is a Boost, it is a swift action, as normal for a boost. However, unless the effect is instantaneous (Such as Cure Light Wounds), the spell only lasts until the beginning of your next turn.
In order to successfully initiate the spell, you must attempt a Spellcraft check. The DC is equal to 11 + your Initiator level. Regardless of success, the maneuver is expended and must be recovered before you can try again. You automatically fail this check if you are Fatigued, and your Armor Check Penalty applies to this check.
If you are successful, the spell goes off normally. However, the spell momentarily drains your vitality, causing you to become Fatigued for 1 round and reducing your initiator level by 1 for 1 minute.
Veiled Knight (Strike or Boost; See text) [See text] | |
Level: | 2 |
Prerequisite: | Two Veiled Knight maneuvers, one of which must be Spellstrike I; Spellcraft 7 Ranks |
Initiation Action: | As spell/standard action, or swift action. |
Range: | As spell |
[[SRD:Aiming a Spell (Spell Descriptor)|]]: | As spell |
Duration: | As spell |
Saving Throw: | As spell |
When you learn this Maneuver, you choose a single 2nd-level spell from any class list and add it to your spellbook.
This maneuver functions exactly like Spellstrike I, except that the Spellcraft DC is equal to 12 + your Initiator level, the duration of the Fatigue is 2 rounds, and the penalty to initiator level is -2.
Veiled Knight (Strike or Boost; See text) [See text] | |
Level: | 3 |
Prerequisite: | Three Veiled Knight maneuvers, one of which must be Spellstrike II; Spellcraft 9 Ranks |
Initiation Action: | As spell/standard action, or swift action. |
Range: | As spell |
[[SRD:Aiming a Spell (Spell Descriptor)|]]: | As spell |
Duration: | As spell |
Saving Throw: | As spell |
When you learn this Maneuver, you choose a single 3rd-level spell from any class list and add it to your spellbook.
This maneuver functions exactly like Spellstrike I, except that the Spellcraft DC is equal to 13 + your Initiator level, the duration of the Fatigue is 3 rounds, and the penalty to initiator level is -3.
Veiled Knight (Strike or Boost; See text) [See text] | |
Level: | 4 |
Prerequisite: | Four Veiled Knight maneuvers, one of which must be Spellstrike III; Spellcraft 11 Ranks |
Initiation Action: | As spell/standard action, or swift action. |
Range: | As spell |
[[SRD:Aiming a Spell (Spell Descriptor)|]]: | As spell |
Duration: | As spell |
Saving Throw: | As spell |
When you learn this Maneuver, you choose a single 4th-level spell from any class list and add it to your spellbook.
This maneuver functions exactly like Spellstrike I, except that the Spellcraft DC is equal to 14 + your Initiator level, the maneuver Exhausts the initiator instead of fatigue, the duration of the exhaustion is 4 rounds, and the penalty to initiator level is -4 and lasts for 5 minutes.
Veiled Knight (Strike or Boost; See text) [See text] | |
Level: | 9 |
Prerequisite: | Seven Veiled Knight maneuvers, one of which must be Spellstrike VIII; Spellcraft 21 Ranks |
Initiation Action: | As spell/standard action, or swift action. |
Range: | As spell |
[[SRD:Aiming a Spell (Spell Descriptor)|]]: | As spell |
Duration: | As spell |
Saving Throw: | As spell |
When you learn this Maneuver, you choose a single 9th-level spell from any class list and add it to your spellbook.
This maneuver functions exactly like Spellstrike I, except that the Spellcraft DC is equal to 19 + your Initiator level, the maneuver Staggers the initiator instead of fatigue or exhaustion, the duration of the staggering is 9 rounds, and the penalty to initiator level is -9 and lasts for 10 minutes.
Veiled Knight (Strike or Boost; See text) [See text] | |
Level: | 5 |
Prerequisite: | Five Veiled Knight maneuvers, one of which must be Spellstrike IV; Spellcraft 13 Ranks |
Initiation Action: | As spell/standard action, or swift action. |
Range: | As spell |
[[SRD:Aiming a Spell (Spell Descriptor)|]]: | As spell |
Duration: | As spell |
Saving Throw: | As spell |
When you learn this Maneuver, you choose a single 5th-level spell from any class list and add it to your spellbook.
This maneuver functions exactly like Spellstrike I, except that the Spellcraft DC is equal to 15 + your Initiator level, the maneuver Exhausts the initiator instead of fatigue, the duration of the exhaustion is 5 rounds, and the penalty to initiator level is -5 and lasts for 5 minutes.
Veiled Knight (Strike or Boost; See text) [See text] | |
Level: | 6 |
Prerequisite: | Six Veiled Knight maneuvers, one of which must be Spellstrike V; Spellcraft 15 Ranks |
Initiation Action: | As spell/standard action, or swift action. |
Range: | As spell |
[[SRD:Aiming a Spell (Spell Descriptor)|]]: | As spell |
Duration: | As spell |
Saving Throw: | As spell |
When you learn this Maneuver, you choose a single 6th-level spell from any class list and add it to your spellbook.
This maneuver functions exactly like Spellstrike I, except that the Spellcraft DC is equal to 16 + your Initiator level, the maneuver Exhausts the initiator instead of fatigue, the duration of the exhaustion is 6 rounds, and the penalty to initiator level is -6 and lasts for 5 minutes.
Veiled Knight (Strike or Boost; See text) [See text] | |
Level: | 7 |
Prerequisite: | Seven Veiled Knight maneuvers, one of which must be Spellstrike VI; Spellcraft 17 Ranks |
Initiation Action: | As spell/standard action, or swift action. |
Range: | As spell |
[[SRD:Aiming a Spell (Spell Descriptor)|]]: | As spell |
Duration: | As spell |
Saving Throw: | As spell |
When you learn this Maneuver, you choose a single 7th-level spell from any class list and add it to your spellbook.
This maneuver functions exactly like Spellstrike I, except that the Spellcraft DC is equal to 17 + your Initiator level, the maneuver Staggers the initiator instead of fatigue or exhaustion, the duration of the staggering is 7 rounds, and the penalty to initiator level is -7 and lasts for 10 minutes.
Veiled Knight (Strike or Boost; See text) [See text] | |
Level: | 8 |
Prerequisite: | Seven Veiled Knight maneuvers, one of which must be Spellstrike VII; Spellcraft 19 Ranks |
Initiation Action: | As spell/standard action, or swift action. |
Range: | As spell |
[[SRD:Aiming a Spell (Spell Descriptor)|]]: | As spell |
Duration: | As spell |
Saving Throw: | As spell |
When you learn this Maneuver, you choose a single 8th-level spell from any class list and add it to your spellbook.
This maneuver functions exactly like Spellstrike I, except that the Spellcraft DC is equal to 18 + your Initiator level, the maneuver Staggers the initiator instead of fatigue or exhaustion, the duration of the staggering is 8 rounds, and the penalty to initiator level is -8 and lasts for 10 minutes.
Veiled Knight, Stone Dragon (Stance) [Earth, X-Discipline] | |
Level: | 4 |
Prerequisite: | Three Veiled Knight or Stone Dragon maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Swift action |
Range: | 0 |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | Stance |
Saving Throw: | None |
This stance grants you Damage Reduction 10/Adamantine. The stance can prevent up to 5 points of damage per initiator level; If the stance reaches this limit, the stance ends immediately and you are Uncentered.
Veiled Knight (Stance) | |
Level: | 1 |
Initiation Action: | Swift action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | Stance |
Saving Throw: | None |
Your movement is accelerated, causing your outline to blur slightly whenever you move.
While in this stance, your land speed increases by 10 feet, and you gain a +2 Dodge bonus to Armor Class against attacks of opportunity provoked by movement; This bonus does not stack with the benefits of the Mobility feat. Your land speed increases by an additional +5ft, and the Dodge bonus to armor class increases by +1, for every 5 ranks in Spellcraft you possess. Furthermore, if you fall, you may immediately execute a DC 16 Spellcraft check; Doing so causes you to take no damage from the fall as you drift comfortably to the ground.
Veiled Knight (Stance) | |
Level: | 6 |
Prerequisite: | Six Veiled Knight maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Swift action |
Range: | 0 |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | Stance |
Saving Throw: | None |
This stance functions almost exactly like the Minor Temporal Compression stance, except that the "extra attack" option grants an additional extra attack at a -5 penalty, and the stance allows a third option of taking an additional standard or move action each round.
Veiled Knight (Stance) | |
Level: | 3 |
Prerequisite: | 2 Veiled Knight maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Swift action |
Range: | 0 |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | Stance |
Saving Throw: | None |
As you concentrate on your enemy's movements and plan your next move, the world around you seems to slow down
When you enter this stance, you change time relative to yourself. While you maintain this, your movement speed is increased by 30ft, and you gain a +1 bonus on Reflex saves and as a Dodge bonus to Armor Class per 4 initiator levels. Additionally, when you make a full attack, you may choose to either 1) Make an additional attack at your highest Base Attack Bonus, as per the Haste spell, which of course in turn affect abilities such as the Time Stands Still strike, or 2) Initiate one Strike you know that ordinarily requires one Standard action or less to initiate, in place of one of your normal attacks that round.
Thus, a Mystblade with BAB +12 who used this stance could either add a fourth attack, making his attack sequence +12/+12/+7/+2, or exchange one of his normal three attacks for a Standard strike he knows, perhaps replacing his first attack with his Lesser Energy Strike.
This doesn't stack with the Haste spell, but at the DM's discretion can function as the Haste spell for the purposes of prerequisites and abilities, such as the Swiftblade prestige class.
Veiled Knight (Strike) | |
Level: | 4 |
Prerequisite: | Two Veiled Knight maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Standard action |
Range: | Melee |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | None |
The Druid's flame blade turns to empty smoke in his hand as the weapon clashes with your own.
When you initiate this strike, you make one melee attack. If the attack is successful, the target is subject to an effect identical to a targeted Dispel Magic, except that the check is an Initiator Level check (1d20 + your initiator level, max +10).
If you know at least one 4th-level Psychic Arrow strike, this maneuver becomes X-Discipline and you can use it with a bow, centering an equivalent Area Dispel on the target hit or square where the arrow landed.