Vargouille's Kiss (3.5e Soulmeld)

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Author: the bluez in the dungeon (talk)
Date Created: 16/12/2021
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Vargouille's Kiss 
Descriptors: Evil
Classes: Necrocarnal
Chakra: Crown, Heart, Shoulders, Throat
Saving Throw: Will

Your hairs levitate slightly, suffused with a greyish aura.

You gain a +2 bonus against fear effects.

Essentia: You increase the bonus by 1 per point of invested essentia.  

Chakra Bind (Crown)

Your hair fuse together, becoming vine-like, writhing as tentacles.

You gain the bonus to saves against fear also against paralysis and poison. 

Chakra Bind (Throat)

Your jaw can now enlarge abnormally.

You gain the ability to release a frightful shriek. It affects an area of 30 feet (9 meters) around you, forcing a Will save (DC is 10 + your relevant ability modifier + 1 per point of essentia invested, up to 5). Those affected are paralyzed for one round + 1 per essentia invested (up to 3 rounds), while those who pass are just shaken for one round. You must wait one 1d3 rounds to use this ability again. 

Chakra Bind (Shoulders)

Your neck sprouts bat wings and the head detaches. A demonic grin appears on your face.

Your head can fly with perfect maneuverability with a speed of 40 feet (12 meters). This allows you to flank with both your body and your head. As long as your head sees your body it can move it at the same time as itself, without any problem. If out of sight, the body and the head have a general sense of their respective locations but must navigate at best of their abilities. Your head counts as Tiny creature (+2 size) with a deviation bonus to AC equal to the essentia invested in the soulmeld (up to +5) and has a bite feral strike that deals 1d4 + 1 per essentia invested + Strength modifier of damage. Head and body share hit points and if the soulmeld is unshaped with the two being more distant than 40 feet, the head withers aways and regrows onto the helpless body one round later. 

Chakra Bind (Heart)

Your aura becomes menacing and alluring, your kisses a perilous affair.

You gain the ability to project a phantasmal copy of your head which flies towards enemies to damage them. You may hit one enemy + one per point of essentia invested, up to 5, within 60 feet (18 meters) with a touch attack. If it its the target must make a Fortitude save to avoid suffering 1d6 per two meldshaper levels of damage. If the target is brought between 0 and -9 hit points it must make a Fortitude (DC is 10 + your relevant ability modifier + 1 per point of essentia invested) or it immediately dies and its head transforms into a vargouille. A character that dies transforms without any saves. The vargouille is non-hostile towards you.

You may produce this effect even on an helpless target if you kiss it.

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the bluez in the dungeon's Homebrew (771 Articles)
the bluez in the dungeonv
Article BalanceHigh +
Authorthe bluez in the dungeon +
ClassNecrocarnal +
DescriptorEvil +
Identifier3.5e Soulmeld +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryTransform your head in woeful weapon +
TitleVargouille's Kiss +
TypeCrown +, Heart +, Shoulders + and Throat +