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Shield and Spear Style (3.5e Feat)

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 10-9-12
Status: Complete
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Shield and Spear Style [Fighter, Tactical] You balance your polearm as easily as a mounted unit, using your shield as both counterbalance and protection.Prerequisites: BAB +1, Shield Proficiency, Weapon Focus (any polearm)Benefit: When using a light, heavy, or tower shield you can use a polearm (such as a longspear or glaive) as a one-handed weapon. In addition, you gain three tactical benefits while fighting with shield and polearm.

Bash and Swing: You may make a shield bash as normal. If successful, you immediately may take a 5 foot step backwards and attack with your polearm as a free action at your highest attack bonus. This does not count towards your 5 foot step each round. You may only gain one free attack from this ability each round, and you lose your shield's AC bonus as normal unless you have Improved Shield Bash.

Deflect and Sting: If a target misses your AC, but would otherwise hit you if you did not have your shield bonus you manage to deflect the weapon away with your shield, throwing them open for attack. You may take an attack of opportunity against them, attacking with your polearm (even if they would normally be too close to strike with the polearm).

Spiked Shell: If you are using a tower shield you may bunker down as a swift action, gaining partial cover from the shield (+4 AC and +2 Reflex) while still being able to attack with your polearm. While in this stance you can only move 5 feet a round. If you move more than 5 feet for any reason, you lose the benefit of this stance. Normal: You can't use a two-handed weapon and shield at the same time.

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