Champion (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: the bluez in the dungeon (talk)
Date Created: 11/02/2021
Status: Complete
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This is a spell-less variant for the Paladin In The Dungeon

Class: paladin

Prerequisites: You may not take any levels in the standard Paladin In The Dungeon class if you use this alternate class feature.

Level: 1

Replaces: Paladin's Spell Progression, Battle Blessing.

Benefit: You gain the ability to use maneuvers. You gain only one discipline, from which you can choose them: Champion's Might.

A champion is a martial adept class, and treated as a martial adept for the purpose of determining initiator level.

You begin with the knowledge of two martial maneuvers and one stance, with the progression shown on the table below.

A champion must fulfill all prerequisites for whatever maneuver it wishes to learn before taking it.

A champion's maneuvers (and stances) count as extraordinary abilities unless otherwise noted. Maneuvers are not subject to spell resistance or antimagic fields (unless the maneuver is supernatural), and do not provoke attacks of opportunity.

In addition, when a champion reaches 2nd level, and every other even level after, it can exchange one maneuver for another. The new maneuver does not need to have the same level as the old maneuver, but it must observe the restriction on the highest-level maneuver it knows, and it must meet all other prerequisites before selecting the new maneuver.

Starting at 1st level, a champion is able to ready 1 of its maneuvers. In order to ready them, it must spend 5 minutes in prayer. A champion can change its maneuvers during the day if it wishes, but it must spend 5 minutes in prayer again in order to do so.

When an encounter begins, the champion has all of its maneuvers, unexpended. These maneuvers can be initiated once per encounter, and it does not regain them until the end of the encounter unless it refreshes them, which requires a move action, and recovers 1 maneuver up to its limit of readied maneuvers. Instead of this method, it may use a swift action to make a Knowledge (religion) skill check with DC equal to 10 + maneuver level + its Charisma modifier. If it succeeds it regains one maneuver expanded, chosen before making the skill check, but this maneuver must be used before its next round or will be wasted.

At 1st level, a champion can select a 1st level stance from one of the available disciplines. At 4th, 9th and 15th level, it can select additional stances. Like with maneuvers, it must meet all prerequisites when selecting a new stance. These stances are available at all times, and it can initiate or change the stance it is currently using as a swift action. Stances count as extraordinary abilities (unless stated otherwise).

In addition, when a champion reaches 2nd level, and every other even level after, it can exchange one stance for another. The new stance does not need to have the same level as the old stance, but it must observe the restriction on the highest-level stance it knows, and it must meet all other prerequisites before selecting the new stance.

At level 7th you gain Devoted Bulwark[1] as a bonus feat. If you already have it you gain the Faith Unswerving[2] feat instead.

If you already have it choose any feat that has the smite feature or martial maneuvers as a prerequisite. Treat maneuvers from the Champion's Might discipline as maneuvers from Devoted Spirit.

Special: If your paladin doesn't have the smite feature you may gain maneuvers from the Devoted Spirit.

Champion's Maneuvers Progression

Table: Champion's Maneuvers Progression

Level Maneuvers Known Maneuvers Readied Stances Known
1st 2 1 1
2nd 3 1 1
3rd 3 2 1
4th 4 2 2
5th 4 3 2
6th 5 3 2
7th 5 4 2
8th 6 4 2
9th 6 5 3
10th 7 5 3
11th 7 6 3
12th 8 6 3
13th 8 7 3
14th 9 7 3
15th 9 8 4
16th 10 8 4
17th 10 9 4
18th 11 9 4
19th 11 10 4
20th 12 10 4

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Authorthe bluez in the dungeon +
Classpaladin +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryThis is a spell-less variant for the Paladin In The Dungeon +
TitleChampion +