Dark Platinum (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 5-2-11
Status: Complete
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Dark Platinum[edit]

Forged from platinum which has undergone a special refining process alloying it with quintessence and the very fabric of space, dark platinum is nearly an artifact-level material which is crafted only by deific hands in the toughest of circumstances. Pitch black with a smooth matte surface, dark platinum is completely indestructible to mortal means. Crafting it is quite difficult requiring forging it in its antithesis in places where reality breaks down. Once created, only the gods can destroy it.

Weapons and armor made from dark platinum are completely immune to damage. It is extremely heavy and dense, doubling the weight of the item and increasing the armor check penalty by 2, decreasing the maximum dex by 1 (minimim 0), and increasing the arcane spell failure by 10%. However it is automatically treated as adamantine in all respects including the damage reduction gained from armor, and it is strongly lawful aligned. Bucklers count as light armor, light and heavy shields as medium armor, and tower shields as heavy armor for the purpose of benefits gained. Damage reduction from armor and shields stack with each other, and any natural (but not magical) DR/- you obtain (such as levels in barbarian). Weapons crafted from dark platinum gain +2 to attack and +2d6 damage against chaotic creatures, and +4 to attack and +4d6 damage against chaotic subtyped outsiders. Chaotic creatures which pick up a dark platinum automatically gain 2 negative levels which cannot be removes as long as the creature holds it. Adding the Axiomatic special enhancement is only a +1 bonus, and it cannot possess the Anarchic special enhancement. Armor made from dark platinum renders the wearer immune to [Chaotic] spells and spells and spell-like abilities from chaotic subtyped outsiders. The armor or shield has no arcane spell failure for spells with the [Lawful] descriptor. If a dark platinum item is turned into an intelligent item, it cannot be chaotic aligned and is almost always lawful aligned.

To craft dark platinum, you need to have at minimum of divine rank 0 and forge it on a strongly chaotic plane, and requires a DC 100 Craft check. Even then, it takes a minimum of 1 week per pound of dark platinum, or the crafting time of the item, whichever is longer. Even divine abilities which would allow you to alter reality or increase crafting time cannot bypass this restriction.

Dark Platinum is invincible and can only be harmed by non-mortal means. Even against deific damage, it has 100 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 50.

Type of Dark Platinum Item Item Cost Modifier
Ammunition +330 gp
Bucklers & Light armor +11,000 gp
Light/Heavy Shields & Medium armor +22,000 gp
Tower Shields & Heavy armor +44,000 gp
Weapon +16,500 gp

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5645 Articles)
AuthorEiji-kun +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryPitch black with a smooth matte surface, dark platinum is completely indestructible to mortal means. +
TitleDark Platinum +