Dilatantoplastic (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 10-10-12
Status: Complete
Editing: Mechanical changes on Talk
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Dilatantoplastic is a synthetic plastic material created in more technologically advanced societies capable of refining petroleum products. Plastic can take several forms, from soft and rubbery to hard and durable. The plastic used for armor and weaponry, however, is actually a composite of various plastic forms and largely consistent of a dilatantic Non-Newtonian fluid which hardens on impact with physical trauma.

Dilatantoplastic is a smooth, typically white plastic with a glossy iPod sheen and unusually smooth. It can be made into plates, into a flexible rubber-like material, or into thin silky fibers all possessed off the same finish. It is chemically inert, immune to acid damage and quarters any cold or electrical damage, though fire deals full damage and sufficiently high heat can melt it. Dilatantoplastics are usually molded into shape rather than hammered into shape as they prove too impact resistant or brittle otherwise.

Any weapon primarily composed of either wood or metal can be made as a dilatantoplastic weapon. Dilatantoplastic weapons are immune to rust and acid damage and do not count as metal, making them the weapon of choice to fight rust monsters and acidic-happy creatures, or to sneak by metal detectors. Dilatantoplastic weapons are very light, and may count as one category smaller when beneficial (two-handed becomes one-handed, one-handed becomes light). If sundered, the materials can be remolded and repaired, and retain its magical enhancements doing so (as long as it is molded into the same weapon, melting down an enhanced greatsword into two shortswords does not net you two enhanced shortswords).

Armor and shields can also be made with dilatantoplastic, ranging from fibers forming fabric armor like leather, to rubbery suits with heavy plastic body plates for heavy armor. Such armor is also immune to rust and acid, and must be custom fit to each person, otherwise they are treated as being non-proficient in a dilatantoplastic suit of armor or shield. Fitting a pre-existing suit of dilatantoplastic armor or shield is a DC 20 Craft (plastics) check and takes 8 hours, but costs no additional money. Dilatantoplastic armor and shields are so form fitting the category of the armor drops by one (from heavy to medium to light), the Max Dex rises by 1, the armor check penalty drops by 2, and arcane spell failure is reduced by 10%. In addition, dilatantoplastic armor is flexible normally but becomes hard as stone when exposed to physical force, and gains damage reduction/slashing based on the armor or shield. Based on what category it was originally, light armor and light shields gain DR 2/slashing, medium armor and heavy shields gain DR 4/slashing, and heavy armor and tower shields gain DR 6/slashing (bucklers gain no benefit).

With both weapons, armor, and shields, dilatantoplastic is very light and cuts the weight of the object in half. Druids count dilatantoplastic as metal armor and thus cannot wear it.

Dilatantoplastic needs special preparation so all weapons and armor made from it are always of masterwork quality; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given below. Thus, dilatantoplastic weapons and ammunition have a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls.

Dilatantoplastics have 8 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 8.

Type of Dilatantoplastic Item Item Cost Modifier
Ammunition +50 gp
Light Armor & Light Shields +5,000 gp
Medium Armor & Heavy Shields +10,000 gp
Heavy Armor & Tower Shields +15,000 gp
Weapon +2,500 gp

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5657 Articles)
AuthorEiji-kun +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryDilatantoplastic is a synthetic plastic ma
Dilatantoplastic is a synthetic plastic material created in more technologically advanced societies capable of refining petroleum products. Plastic can take several forms, from soft and rubbery to hard and durable. The plastic used for armor and weaponry, however, is actually a composite of various plastic forms and largely consistent of a dilatantic Non-Newtonian fluid which hardens on impact with physical trauma.
ch hardens on impact with physical trauma. +
TitleDilatantoplastic +