PIERCING! PIERCING! PIERCING! There was no danger in sight, what could possible go wr- suddenly, the pit trap opened. Oh, it was that.
You look into the near future, trawling possible futures for the most likely type of damage you will be taking in the next round. Quiet when you are not in immediate danger, when facing an imminent threat it begins to alert you (even if you are unaware of the nature of the threat). It does not predict a certain future, or the only type of damage you will take, only the most likely kind of damage and the largest damage threat. In a round where opponents intent to stab you for minor damage, and hit you with a powerful fireball, you will likely hear threats of fire damage on the horizon. Your actions or luck may subsequently change the future, such as them being unable to hit your AC or evading damage with Evasion.
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