Gallant Rider (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 25th July 2022
Status: Complete
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Gallant Rider

A knight in shining armor, the gallant rider brings down her foes with sublime martial techniques. The gallant rider uses the mobility of her mount and the moxie of her stare to make an impact on the battlefield.

Class: Cavalier

Level: 1st-20th

Replaces: Challenge, Tactician, Greater Tactician, Master Tactician

Benefit: A gallant rider base Fortitude and Will save bonus from the cavalier class is equal to 2 + 1/2 her cavalier level, and her base Reflex save bonuses are equal to 1/3 her cavalier level. A gallant rider gain the following class features:

Maneuvers: A gallant rider is able to initiate maneuvers, having the same maneuver known, maneuver readied and stance known as a warblade. She chooses her maneuvers from the eloquent speech and white raven disciples as well as two disciplines chosen when she first gains levels in cavaliers. A gallant rider recovers all of her maneuver as a standard action.

This ability replaces challenge.

Martial Challenge (Ex): When a gallant rider initiate a strike against a foe, she gain her order's challenge bonus against that foe for 1 round, including for the strike attack. If the gallant rider violate her edict she loses this ability for 24 hours.

Mounted Maneuver Expertise (Ex): Starting at 1st level, a gallant rider and his trusty steed are so in tune with each other that they can work as one when performing maneuvers. Whenever a gallant rider is mounted and uses a maneuver with a movement component (such as making a charge attack, or taking an extra move action), the gallant rider can have his mount take the appropriate movement in his place. If the maneuver allows the gallant rider to make a charge attack, both him and his mount are considered to be charging.

Additionally, a gallant rider may applies all effect of her cavalier class features (including order abilities) which affect mounted charge, to maneuver she initiates while charging.

Gallant Talent: At 1st level, 4th level and every 3 levels thereafter, a gallant rider gains a vigilante social talent. For the purpose of vigilante social talents, a gallant rider does not have a vigilante identity and is always considered to be in her social identity.

This ability replaces tactician, greater tactician and master tactician.

Path of War Changes: if using Path of War the following changes are suggested:

  • The gallant rider use maneuver known, maneuver readied, stance known and max maneuver level as the Table: Archetype Maneuver Progression.
  • The gallant rider's initiation modifier is Charisma.
  • The gallant rider has access to Golden Lion, Piercing Thunder, Scarlet Throne and two of their choice.
  • A gallant rider may recover her maneuvers as a full-round action, regaining a number of maneuvers equal to her initiation modifier and gain her Order's challenge bonus against all foes until the end of her next turn. Alternatively a gallant rider may recover a single maneuver as a standard action made to focus.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4524 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
ClassCavalier +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA knight in shining armor, the gallant rider brings down her foes with sublime martial techniques. The gallant rider uses the mobility of her mount and the moxie of her stare to make an impact on the battlefield. +
TitleGallant Rider +