Improved Flyby Attack (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Spanambula (talk)
Date Created: 5 June 2015
Status: complete
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This is homebrew, you might be looking for the SRD version: Improved Flyby Attack.

Improved Flyby Attack [Monstrous] As the Giant Eagle dove towards them, they expected the one claw, but the second claw attack took them by complete surprise.Prerequisites: fly speed, flyby attack, 9HDBenefit: When flying, a creature may move up to it's normal fly speed as a move action. At any point during the move the creature may make a full attack as a standard action, then complete it's move action. Additionally, the creature has a 50% chance to not provoke an attack of opportunity by moving out of a square threatened by a creature it attacked with the improved flyby attack. Once a creature has made an improved flyby attack, it cannot do so again for 1 round, though it may make a normal flyby attack. Normal: You can only make a single attack during your move with Flyby Attack.

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Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorSpanambula +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
Prerequisitefly speed +, flyby attack + and 9HD +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryMake a full attack along any part of your move while flying. +
TitleImproved Flyby Attack +
TypeMonstrous +