Psychic Support Measure (3.5e Power)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 10-30-19
Status: 光復香港,時代革命
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Psychic Support Measure
Telepathy [Light, Mind-Affecting]
Level: Telepath 4
Display: Visual
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Area: 20 ft radius centered on manifester
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: None or Will negates; see text
Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: 7

The psion was lost in blinding light as her allies fought with increased vigor and fury.

The psychic support measure (PSM) is a field of psychic warfare that scrambles the minds of opponents while aiding the minds of allies in their task. It is not a subtle power, as the psion appears to light up in a great sphere of light that illuminates out to 80 ft, and dim illumination out to 160 ft. For anyone within 20 ft not immune to mind-affecting effects, the light appears blinding and mental static disrupts with their ability to fight. Opponents take a -2 penalty on attack, damage, ability checks, skill checks, DCs, and saving throws while in the area of effect. Allies gain a +2 insight bonus to the same abilities. In addition the bright light obscures attacks against the psion themselves granting them a 20% miss chance against sighted creatures. This latter effect applies even if they are otherwise immune to the mind-affecting effects.

As a move action, the manifester can target a creature currently in their field and force a Will save. On a failed save the target is marked, and will continue to have penalties applied to them as if they were in the field, even if they leave. In addition their presence is illuminated to all allies within the range of the effect, allowing creatures to ignore concealment of the target or to see them through walls and other obstructions. This is a mind-affecting effect, and ends when the power duration runs out.

Augment: For every 2 power points you spend, you can increase the radius by +5 ft and the save DC increases by +1.

For 2 power points, you can make the duration Concentration + 1 round/level (D).

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5669 Articles)
Article BalanceUnquantifiable +
AuthorEiji-kun +
DescriptorLight + and Mind-Affecting +
DisciplineTelepathy +
Identifier3.5e Power +
LevelTelepath 4 +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryLight up brightly with psionic light that helps allies, debuffs opponents, and illuminates the surroundings. +
TitlePsychic Support Measure +