Reborn Hero (3.5e Template)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 9-20-14
Status: Complete
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Reborn Hero[edit]

You have all heard the story. The tale of the young boy awakening to a legend foretold, the chosen one who shall face a legendary king of darkness and smite them with the help of a princess and his magical friends. These stories of the "chosen one" are commonplace, but they are not always mere myth. In strange times a spirit that dies continues to survive the cycle of reincarnation, death, and rebirth. These reborn heroes continue their past exploits with the combined might of their original personality and the personality and/or skills of the previous heroes. Those with this template are heroes (and villains) of ancient past reborn in new form, often to replay the events of their past yet again.

Creating a Reborn Hero[edit]

This is technically an inherited template which can be applied to any living creature, but it usually doesn't manifest until the reborn hero goes out into the world. Thus it may be applied "after the fact" as their powers awaken.

Special Attacks[edit]

Smite (Su): Choose one alignment (chaotic, evil, good, or law). The reborn hero gains smite (alignment) as a paladin equal to their level.

Special Qualities[edit]

Luck of Heroes (Ex): The reborn hero gains a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, AC, and saving throws. This stacks with the Luck of HeroesPGtF feat.

Lore (Ex): The reborn hero gains the effect of bardic lore as a bard of their level, a result of ancient memories being accessed and recalled. When they gain this template they become dimly aware of their previous reincarnations and their history and gain a +8 bonus on checks made to divulge their own history.

Resistance to Failure (Ex): The reborn hero gains a +4 bonus against death effects, as their soul resists the pull of death.

The Legend Never Dies (Ex): If the reborn hero dies and is not brought to life, they will be subject to reincarnate after a year and a day. They effectively appear in another creature with this template applied. Few things can stop this, other than stopping the reborn hero from actually dying, such as via petrification, or the intervention of a deity. If defeated by another reborn hero whose destiny is to defeat them (see pre-determined destiny), they do not reincarnate until 100 years and a day.

Pre-Determined Destiny (Ex): The reborn hero gains the Destiny ability of the wandering hero, though he is not free to change it. On gaining this template, they have a single destiny (typically something epic such as defeating a major and persistent evil, often another reborn hero of evil ilk). If they fulfill the destiny, they will lose this ability but increase the luck of heroes bonus by an additional +2 for the remainder of their lifespan.


Reborn heroes gain +2 to two of any of their ability scores of their choice.


The reborn hero may use all of his skills untrained, and considered all skills to be class skills.

The reborn hero gains a +4 bonus on any two skills of their choice.


The reborn hero gains one bonus feat.

Challenge Rating[edit]



Any, though it may be different from their original alignment.


As base creature.

Level Adjustment[edit]


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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5630 Articles)
AuthorEiji-kun +
CR1 +
Identifier3.5e Template +
Level Adjustment1 +
Rated ByLeziad +
RatingRating Pending +
SummaryThose with this template are heroes (and villains) of ancient past reborn in new form, often to replay the events of their past yet again. +
TitleReborn Hero +