Soulbind Hellfire Devil (3.5e Invocation)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 11-18-14
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Soulbind Hellfire Devil
Warlock Greater; 5th

When you use this invocation you summon a phantasmal burning red devil which floats just behind you in your square. The creature is technically a projection, though it can be dismissed or banished as if it were a separate outsider creature. However you can just re-summon them next round. Unlike most invocations, you can only have one soulbind invocation active at one time. Using another one causes the first to vanish.

While soulbound to the hellfire devil you radiate evil as if an evil outsider, and count as lawful evil (as well as a member of your original alignment), both for good and ill. While soulbound to this invocation you gain access to the following abilities.

Destroy Hope (Sp): As a standard action you can crush your opponent's spirits. You can duplicate the effects of crushing despair, DC 15 + Cha modifier. A successful save renders a creature immune for 1 minute.

Hellfire Aura (Su): You are surrounded in burning hellfire flames, which deal 1d6 points of hellfire damage to any creature within 5 ft at the start of your turn. Hellfire damage ignores fire resistance and immunity.

Hellfire Lash (Su): As a swift action you may summon a lash of burning hellfire, which acts as a whip which you are proficient with, and doesn't have limitations on what you can and cannot damage. Feats and abilities which apply to the whip apply to the hellfire lash. The lash deals 1d8 hellfire damage plus your Strength modifier, and is automatically under the effects of greater magic weapon. The lash lasts as long as your soulbind invocation does, or until you drop the lash.

Infernal Wounding (Ex): Attacks made while using the soulbind hellfire devil are difficult to heal. To heal damage caused by you requires a DC 15 Heal check (a standard action) or a caster level check equal to your caster level + 11. Failure causes the damage not to be healed.

See In Darkness (Ex): You can see through any darkness, even magical darkness, with no penalties.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5645 Articles)
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorEiji-kun +
Identifier3.5e Invocation +
LevelWarlock Greater +
RatingUnrated +
SummarySummon a phantom devil spirit which aids you in battle. +
TitleSoulbind Hellfire Devil +