Page history
9 February 2017
29 October 2012
→Class Features: add the spells from Koumei's disgaeaverse
add a thematic homebrew spell to spell list
19 September 2012
21 February 2012
7 February 2012
29 November 2011
14 June 2011
21 October 2010
9 October 2010
23 August 2010
23 June 2010
I think it's also safe to say "in the Game" won't see light of day
I don't think we need balance analysis anymore
27 March 2010
10 March 2010
→Class Features
→Making a White Mage
Magic Hands based (optionally) off Dex; Brilliance giving auto-Reach on healing at level 1
22 January 2010
Wooooo caption.
Added photo; revert if undesirable. Likewise I leave captioning and re-sizing, if desirable, to you.
21 January 2010
Adding in purely-utility version of plane shift
Making some changes discussed with Surgo via IM
18 January 2010
→Class Features
→Making a White Mage
→Class Features
Modifying spell list to not include power offense, altering some abilities to cut down on laser powers.
7 January 2010
wtf, how did that get there
→Class Features
Fixing incorrect spell links
Feat/Metamagic Links
forgot to remove proprietary spell name
Finished up spell linking
out-of-page links, references (part 2)
Balance point better reflects the current state of the class, author didn't have a problem with changing it
status change
out-of-page links, references (part 1)
in-page links, pluses
the things that were incomplete were completed
4 January 2010
→Making a White Mage
Fixing Flashes of Light, changing Swift Brilliance so it actually does something.
Fixed italicization of Reraise, added Brilliance (Heighten) to class table (was already in text)