Spiritfolk (3.5e Subtype)

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Author: the bluez in the dungeon (talk)
Date Created: 23/10/2022
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Spiritfolk Subtype[edit]

Spiritfolks are usually humanoid in appearance but have some magical qualities that distinguish them from others.


The spiritfolk subtype may be given to Humanoid or Fey creatures, and it replaces its type traits with spiritfolk's traits. A spiritfolk creature possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry).

  • Low-light vision.
  • No racial weapon proficiency.
  • If of the Fey type, they have no immunity against effects that affect humanoids only, but they gain a +4 bonus against it. As Humanoid with the Spiritfolk subtype, they aren't immune to effects that affects only feys, but gain a +4 bonus against them (they count as feys for the purpose of requirements).

Spiritfolk Subtype Creatures[edit]

The following creatures have the spiritfolk subtype:

Table: Spiritfolk Creatures
Name Description
Agni The descendants of those mortals that bred with races with affinity with fire and magic.
Brumorno A race of mortal feys with the power to summon or disperse fog.
Gatomato Gatomati are small cat-like creatures, who possess magical properties of fairies.
Grogger They are dwarf-like creatures, of small stature and great thirst for alcohol.
Gyotzi Humanoid dumplings of small size but heavy body.
Nababb'ib Genies of the Material Plane, muddled from centuries of living outside the elemental planes.
Rafujiin Spirits of the winds of war that have assumed a corporeal, humanoid form.
Selenite Inhabitants of the moon, descended from ancient colonizers.

Spiritfolk Subtype Races[edit]

The following races have the spiritfolk subtype:

[hide] Creature Entry CR Type and Subtypes Size
Agni Humanoid [Spiritfolk] Medium
Brumorno Humanoid [Spiritfolk] Medium
Gatomato Fey [Spiritfolk] Small
Grogger Fey [Spiritfolk] Small
Gyotzi Fey [Spiritfolk] Small
Nababb'ib Humanoid [Spiritfolk] Medium
Rafujiin Humanoid [Spiritfolk] Medium
Selenite Humanoid [Spiritfolk] Medium

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Authorthe bluez in the dungeon +
Identifier3.5e Subtype +
RatingUnrated +
SummarySpiritfolks are feys that are quite less magical than all the others, or humanoids that have fey-like traits. +
TitleSpiritfolk +