The Unknown Man (3.5e Vestige)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 4-4-24
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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The Unknown Man[edit]

“He lives in the walls, the dark chocolatier, bearing a great mirror and visage of fear. From where he came, nobody can tell. But he will turn your joy to a vision of hell.”

The Unknown is a cryptic specter of revenge, bearing a gray expressionless mask and a full sized mirror from which it reflects a person’s true character.

Level: 4th

Binding DC: 21

Special Requirement: Must draw its summon sigil on any wall sufficiently large to cover a medium creature.


There was a story of a strange man named William McDuff who was said to have sold his soul to the devil for the promise of riches. His wish was granted, and he soon became the owner of a global chocolate producing empire while being known as an eccentric and mysterious entrepreneur. Per his fiendish contract, he would have to bring child sacrifices from time to time to continue his empire. His story is a dark one, but this is not a tale of McDuff. This is a tale of the consequences of his actions.

Likely as a result of his child sacrifices, a mysterious entity began to form in the walls of the chocolate factory. He had no name, so he began to be known as The Unknown. Taking a false face, he tried to oppose the works of McDuff, but only knew evil and chocolate and so he took those traits unto himself. He was a rival chocolatier who would subtly deliver goods of his own brand via McDuff’s factories, and attempt to slay incoming child sacrifices before the ritual could properly be completed, to deny McDuff’s efforts and perhaps in a twisted sense to spare the victims a worse fate. He also carried a great mirror which could reflect one’s evils back and reveal the truth, in order to repel McDuff himself who was powerless to face the true monster he had become.

Eventually McDuff’s tale would end, and with it The Unknown was unbound from its factory presence. Yet somehow, his candy products could still be found on shelves…


The symbol you have drawn on the wall causes the wall to become reflective like a mirror. As you look at your visage, it slowly distorts and then the mirror moves as a mysterious cloaked figure with a gray expressionless mask steps out from behind, wielding the mirror as a shield. He says nothing, but upon making a contract he offers 3 jellybeans and a small cup of lemonade (which vanishes upon the end of the binding with him). The meaning of this mysterious trade is not yet known.


The binder’s face is equipped with a gray expressionless mask with only the eyes visible, and their hair becomes unkempt and frizzy.


The Unknown provokes mistrust in any person giving out gifts or services without a clear exchange in return. They also do not trust any consumable that they are not certain of its source, believing others have tampered with the food or drink, and will not willingly consume it unless they can verify its safety.

Granted Abilities[edit]

Dark Reflection[edit]

As a swift action you may summon or dismiss a special mirror that functions as a tower shield (and you gain tower shield proficiency). The mirror reflects as one would expect for a mirror, but by presenting it as standard action you can cause the mirror to reflect the truth of the world. For 1 round, anyone looking in the mirror (other than yourself) can observe the reflection as if under the effect of true seeing. Alternatively you can stick the mirror to a wall as a move action, and as long as you are within 60 ft you can activate the true seeing effect and view it yourself.

Evil creatures who observe the mirror view themselves as sick mockeries of themselves, a reflection of their sins. Those within 60 ft who can see themselves must make a Will save or be shaken for 1 minute. A successful save renders them immune to this effect for 24 hours.

Death by Chocolate[edit]

You can create a number of chocolate candies equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) as a swift action. These may be used as a projectile identical to magic stone, except you may choose to deal non-lethal damage at no penalty if you choose and it deals extra damage against evil aligned beings instead of undead. Creating a new batch of chocolate causes previous chocolate to vanish.

You can also feed these to people, and subjects can obtain a full meal worth from a single candy. You can make these candies tainted, consuming any poison you have on hand and turning it into an ingested poison in the form of chocolate. Poison-bearing chocolates persist and do not count towards your limit, even if you create more chocolate candy.

He Lives in the Walls[edit]

You gain meld into stone at will, except it can be performed on any solid surface and only needs to accommodate your body in two dimensions down to a depth of 6 inches as you are compressed into a nearly two dimensional presence. This otherwise functions as the spell. You can only exit walls on the side you have entered. You may use this once every 5 rounds.

Mask of Fear[edit]

However noble your goals, your presence is full of malice and doom. You may use ‘’fear’’ as a supernatural ability at will on any round you intentionally come out of hiding (including appearing out of the walls). You must be showing your sign for this to function.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5639 Articles)
AuthorEiji-kun +
Binding DC21 +
Identifier3.5e Vestige +
Level4th +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryHe lives in the walls, the dark chocolatier, bearing a great mirror and visage of fear. From where he came, nobody can tell. But he will turn your joy to a vision of hell. +
TitleThe Unknown Man +