Thrun-2014 Autonomous Car (3.5e Monster)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 4-20-15
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Thrun-2014 Autonomous Car
Size/Type: Large Construct (Bot, Vehicle)
Hit Dice: 2d10+30 (41 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 90 ft (average; see text)
Armor Class: 13 (+4 natural, -1 size), touch 9, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+7
Attack: -
Full Attack: -
Space/Reach: 10 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Speedy Trample
Special Qualities: Bot Traits, Construct Traits, Crash Designed, Crew, Darkvision 60 ft, DR 3/adamantine, Low-Light Vision, Programming, Resist Cold/Elec/Fire 3, Stability +8, Wheeled Vehicle
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +4
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 11, Con -, Int -, Wis 18, Cha 2
Skills: -
Feats: RunB
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always True Neutral
Advancement: 3+ HD (Large)
Level Adjustment:

This four wheeled vehicle has a smooth glossy exterior, with large windows to see the outside. Though it has a steering wheel, it is largely unnecessary thanks to the disc shaped sensor array on top of the vehicle, allowing it to drive itself.

The Scientia company's business inevitably resulted in a great deal of travel across the vast and complex cityscapes and space stations they owned, developed, or lived within. With travel came traffic, and with traffic, time was wasted waiting in line. There had to be a better way. Of course, as the solution often was for Scientia, the better way was removing the human element from the equation. The creation of autonomous vehicles revolutionized travel, and now many models exist. This particular one, the Thrun, is a four seat compact car shaped not unlike a pillbug with wheels. The aerodynamic shape is topped with a disc-like sensor bar that acts as the eyes of the AI within the vehicle, capable of taking orders and communicating issues in several languages in a casual manner while driving their hosts like a polite valet. With no human at the wheel, and the ability to communicate to others of tis kind via radio waves, the Thrun ensured maximum safety and traffic prevention methods.

Individual Thruns may have names, but by default they're simply addressed as "Thrun". They are about 14 feet long and weigh about 3000 lbs. Their doors are equipped with good locks by default.


Though not designed as weapons, it turns out a high speed brick of steel and plastic is still an effective weapon, at risk of damaging your car. It uses its Speedy Trample to run over targets repeatedly. However, the further away you charge (and thus the more damage you deal), the easier it is to evade.

Crash Designed (Ex): Autonomous cars are designed to crumple their exterior and even engine, as long as the main frame is held intact. A thrun can "survive" up to half its maximum hit points into the negatives, through it is rendered inert and unable to act until repaired. It is not destroyed at 0 hp like most constructs.

If rendered to 0 hp, a silent alarm spell goes off indicating the location of the crash. Passengers inside get extra protection against a blow that brings the Thrun into the negatives by deploying air filled bags. These make the damage from the killing blow into non-lethal damage but make it impossible to exit the vehicle without a 1 round action, or DC 25 Strength check or Escape Artist check. These air bags may be disabled or enabled as a swift action before they activate. After they activate, nothing but repairing all damage on the car will return the airbags to their functional position.

Crew: The autonomous car can drive itself, but can be driven manually as any vehicle, with a DC 5 Knowledge Xeno check to start it up and operate in manual mode. In spite of only being large, it can hold up to four medium creatures with either cover (windows down) or total cover (windows up), though in either form line of sight is retained. If the autonomous car is at less than 50% hp, it cannot provide total cover and can only provide cover. It has a cargo space of 10 cubic feet, or 20 cubic feet if the crew is reduced to a limit of 2.

Programming: The autonomous car possesses the following programs: Calculate, Communication x2, Identify Creature, Identify Object, Reposition, Self-Preservation.

Speedy Trample (Ex): Autonomous cars can run into targets at high speed, not unlike a trample. The autonomous car must move in a straight line. Unlike normal trample, it only deals 1d6 damage for every 35 ft it has traveled, to a maximum of 5d6 at 175 ft. Damage applies to all targets it runs over, and it takes half the damage it deals due to speed to itself (hardness applies). Passengers within take half of the result after hardness, with a DC 15 Reflex save to halve again.

The Reflex DC is 18 (save negates) and is Strength based, but the DC drops by 1 for every die of damage beyond 1d6 before it strikes its first target as long as the target is aware of the approaching car, since the target has a much greater time to prepare to dodge out of the way. Attempting to run over a creature from father than two move actions away gives too much time for creatures to dodge out of the way, and allows the hard-coded safety features to react and slow you down in time.

Unlike normal trample, it can attack creatures its size or larger. However, doing so immediately ends the trample and it will take the full damage due to speed instead of half damage. Effectively, the car has crashed.

Stability (Ex): Autonomous cars have stability as a dwarf, but gain a +8 bonus instead of +4 thanks to their sturdy wheeled base.

Wheeled Vehicles (Ex): Autonomous cars are designed for roads, and don't have the maneuverability of legs. It has an average maneuverability as if it had a fly speed for the purposes of turning radius. If it makes a double move, maneuverability drops to poor. If it moves more than double its speed (such as if running) its maneuverability drops to clumsy.

On smooth road-like surfaces, the overland speed (but not the tactical speed) of the autonomous car doubles, averaging about 102 mph at maximum.


Thrun-2014 Autonomous Cars are build out of a composite of many different metals, plastics, and alloys which must be processed in a factory. In addition its computer core requires special components and programming. The cost of the base material components are worth 540 gp.

Assembling the body requires a DC 17 Craft (technology) check, a DC 17 Knowledge Engineering, or a DC 17 Knowledge Xeno check.

CL 7th; Craft Construct, lesser geas, mount; Price 5,400 gp; Cost 2430 gp + 194 XP.

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AlignmentAlways True Neutral +
AuthorEiji-kun +
Challenge Rating2 +
EnvironmentAny +
Identifier3.5e Monster +
Level Adjustment+
Rated ByBhu + and Psysama +
RatingRating Pending +
SizeLarge +
SubtypeBot + and Vehicle +
TitleThrun-2014 Autonomous Car +
TypeConstruct +