Vanguard Technician (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 23rd October 2023
Status: Complete
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Vanguard Technician

A vanguard technician is a machine expert that isn’t afraid of being on the frontline. Some of them are hackers and saboteurs, fighting oppressive governments. Others might be actual professionals with some combat training, willing to put themselves in harm's way for their beliefs. A vanguard technician lacks the ability to delivers deadly blows, instead relying on skills to prevails.

Class: Rogue

Level: 1st-20th

Replaces: Sneak Attack, Evasion, Debilitating Injury (Unchained Only), Master Strike

Benefit: A vanguard technician gain the following class features:

Class Skill: A vanguard technician adds all Intelligence-based skills to her list of class skills.

Weapon Proficiency: A vanguard technician is proficient with either firearms or with repeating crossbows (light or heavy), chosen at first level.

Machine Familiarity (Ex): A vanguard technician rolls twice on Craft, Disable Device and Knowledge (Engineering) checks made of a device that she is familiar with, such as one that she had made, regularly maintained or repaired at least once. Alternatively instead of rolling twice, the vanguard technician may take 10 even in situation where she is stressed. Furthermore a vanguard technician can repair such device with the broken condition much faster, restoring 1 hit points per 10 minutes spent repairing it with a Craft check.

Technical Study (Ex): At 1st level a vanguard technician chooses two Intelligence-based skills (including skills made to be based around Intelligence via feat, class features or trait), she adds half of her rogue level as a bonus on the chosen skill checks and complete the chosen skill checks twice as fast as normal (if any). At 5th level she chooses another skill to receive that bonus and receive the Signature Skill feat for each of the chosen skills. At 9th level and each 4 levels thereafter she chooses an additional skill to receive those bonuses.

This ability replaces sneak attack and rogue's edge.

Incredible Cool (Ex): A 2nd level vanguard technician adds her Intelligence as an insight bonus on her initiative checks and her Will saving throws. Additionally she gains the ability to take 10 on any skills that she selected with technical study even in a stressful or threatening situation.

This ability replaces evasion.

Technician Talent (Ex): A vanguard technician may not select any talent which requires sneak attack, but gain a selection of new talents that she may select:

Cunning Skill (Ex): The vanguard technician chooses a single skill, and uses her Intelligence modifier instead of the normal modifier for that skill.
Drone Ace: The technician gain the Drone Controller and Drone Expert as bonus feats.
Hacking Expert (Ex): The vanguard technician always count as aided for the purpose of making a program check and halves the penalty for hacking into machine without authorization. Additionally in order to determine the time to alter programming, she automatically reduce programming time by one step.

This ability alters rogue talent.

Studied Combat (Ex): A vanguard technician gains studied combat as an investigator, except that she may deliver it through ranged weapon within 30', that it is usable at-will and lasts until she selects a new target.

This ability replaces debilitating injury.

Technical Mastery (Ex): A 20th level vanguard technician chooses any three skills to add to her technical study class feature (these do not need to be Intelligence-based skills) and gain a +4 bonus on all skills that are not covered by technical study.

This ability replaces master strike.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4527 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
ClassRogue +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA vanguard technician is a machine expert
A vanguard technician is a machine expert that isn’t afraid of being on the frontline. Some of them are hackers and saboteurs, fighting oppressive governments. Others might be actual professionals with some combat training, willing to put themselves in harm's way for their beliefs. A vanguard technician lacks the ability to delivers deadly blows, instead relying on skills to prevails.
ws, instead relying on skills to prevails. +
TitleVanguard Technician +