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|contributors=ThunderGod Cid
|date_created=December 7th, 2010
=== Information About Graz'zt ===
'''Alternative Names and Titles:''' Adam, Prince of Shadows, Prince of Lovers
'''Symbol:''' A black hand with six fingers
'''Portfolio:''' Sex, shadows, virility, dark masculinity, charm
'''Domains Granted:''' [[SRD:Chaos_Domain|Chaos]], [[Corrupt (3.5e Cleric Domain)|Corrupt]], [[SRD:Evil_Domain|Evil]], [[Seduction (3.5e Cleric Domain)|Seduction]], [[Shadow (3.5e Cleric Domain)|Shadow]]
'''Favoured Weapon:''' Dagger
=== Graz'zt's Statistics Block ===
{{3.5e Monster Classic
|monster=Malcanthet, Worlds' Ruin
|size=Medium |type=Outsider |subtypes=Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar
|hd=23d8+230 |hp=414
|speed=50ft, fly 150ft (perfect)
|ac=50 |touch=31 |flat=41 (+6 armour, +9 Dexterity, +19 natural, +6 deflection)
|bab=+23 |grapple=+35
|at=Melee touch +43 melee ([[#Touch of Dark Ecstasy|touch of dark ecstasy]])
|full_at=Melee touch +43 melee ([[#Touch of Dark Ecstasy|touch of dark ecstasy]])
|space=5ft |reach=5ft
|sa=[[#Alter Reality|Alter reality]], ''dispel good'' (see [[SRD:Dispel Good|spell description]]),  ''dispel law'' (see [[SRD:Dispel Law|spell description]]), ''rapture of rupture'' (see [[Rapture of Rupture (3.5e Spell)|spell description]], [[#Ravage Form|ravage form]], [[#Spell-Like Abilities|spell-like abilities]], [[#Touch of Dark Ecstasy|touch of dark ecstasy]]
|sq=[[SRD:Darkvision|Darkvision]] 60ft, ''cloak of chaos'' (see [[SRD:Cloak of Chaos|spell description]]), [[#Dark Blessing|dark blessing]], [[#Fallen Angel|fallen angel]], [[#Godlike|godlike]], immune to acid, cold, electricity, petrification and poison, ''invisibility'' (see [[SRD:Invisibility|spell description]]), [[#Lord of the Abyss|lord of the Abyss]], [[SRD:Low-Light Vision|low-light vision]], ''nondetection'' (see [[SRD:Nondetection|spell description]]), [[#Protective Aura|protective aura]], regeneration 25 (see the ''Bloodmare Stone''), resistance to fire 25, [[#Sexual Embrace|''sexual embrace'']], spell resistance 35, telepathy 1000ft, [[#Tongues|tongues]], [[#True Mistress of Temptation|true mistress of temptation]], ''unholy aura'' (see [[SRD:Unholy Aura|spell description]]),
|fort=+34 |ref=+33 |will=+35
|str=35 |dex=29 |con=30 |int=32 |wis=33 |cha=32
|skills=Appraise +37, Bluff +38, Concentration +36, Diplomacy +37, Disguise +37, Gather Information +38, Intimidate +38, Knowledge (arcana) +37, Knowledge (history) +37, Knowledge (nature) +37, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +37, Knowledge (religion) +37, Knowledge (the planes) +37, Listen +38, Perform +37, Sense Motive +38, Spellcraft +37, Spot +38, Use Rope +35
|feats=[[SRD:Combat Expertise|Combat Expertise]], [[SRD:Combat Reflexes|Combat Reflexes]], [[SRD:Craft Staff|Craft Staff]], [[SRD:Craft Wondrous Item|Craft Wondrous Item]],[[SRD:Flyby Attack|Flyby Attack]], [[Goad (3.5e Feat)|Goad]], [[Gripping Vise (3.5e Feat)|Gripping Vice]], [[SRD:Improved Initiative|Improved Initiative]]
|env=A [[SRD:Chaotic Evil|chaotic-evil]] aligned plane
|org=Solitary or orgy (Malcanthet plus any number creatures the GM deems suitable)
|treas=''The Bloodmare Stone'', plus any treasure the GM deems acceptable
|align=Always chaotic evil
''A description of Graz'zt goes here.''
Graz'zt's backstory goes here.
=== Combat ===
Malcanthet is a lover, not a fighter - she will attempt to use her magic to convince her enemies to fight each other, or better still, not fight at all. If this is impossible, however, Malcanthet will not hesitate to gently caress the life away from her enemies, or even crush them between her sensuous thighs. Her spell-like abilities also give her a wide range of options for dealing with her enemies - or escape, if needs be.
'''{{Anchor|Alter Reality}} ([[Sp]]):''' Malcanthet has the ability to advance her portfolio. This is considered identical to the [[SRD:Wish|''wish'']] spell, but may only be used to produce effects appropriate to Malcanthet's portfolio or goals. Malcanthet may only use this ability once per minute.
'''{{Anchor|Dark Blessing}} {{Su}}:''' Malcanthet has a resistance bonus on all saves equal to her Charisma modifier (+11 by default).
'''{{Anchor|Fallen Angel}} ([[Ex]]):''' While she no longer calls herself an angel, Malcanthet still shares many of their traits. At the same time, while not being a true demon, Malcanthet has taken on many of their traits. This gives her [[SRD:Darkvision|darkvision]] 60ft, [[SRD:Low-Light Vision|low-light vision]], immunity to acid, cold, electricity, petrification and poison, resistance to fire 25, and telepathy out to 1000ft.
'''{{Anchor|Godlike}}:''' Although Malcanthet is not a true deity, he has many of the powers of such. She can grant spells to clerics, and gives access to the [[SRD:Chaos_Domain|Chaos]], [[Corrupt (3.5e Cleric Domain)|Corrupt]], [[SRD:Evil_Domain|Evil]], [[Seduction (3.5e Cleric Domain)|Seduction]] and [[SRD:Trickery_Domain|Trickery]] domains. Her favoured weapon is the whip-dagger and her portfolio is ruin, bringing down anything good about everything and seduction.
Additionally, Malcanthet is immune to any attack that changes her form, mind-affecting effects, ability damage, ability drain and energy drain, unless such an effect comes from a creature that has a caster level or character level (or CR, for monsters) over 20.
Lastly, Malcanthet can burn off some of her essence to stop magic dead in its tracks. As a free action that can be used outside of her turn, Malcanthet can lose 42 hit points to counter any spell, supernatural ability or spell-like ability in Medium range, as if by [[SRD:Greater Dispel Magic|''greater dispel magic'']] (although it can counter supernatural and spell-like abilities as if they were spells). This ignores temporary hit points, and can be used any number of times. For any ability with an ongoing or permanent duration, this merely suppresses it for 6 rounds.
'''{{Anchor|Lord of the Abyss}} ([[Su]]):''' Malcanthet is an ancient evil, and one of the greatest of her kind. As a result, she receives a +8 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls, a +8 resistance bonus to all saves (although this is superceded by her Dark Blessing ability) and a +6 deflection bonus to AC. Malcanthet also has maximum hit points per hit die.
Additionally, the Abyss itself protects Malcanthet from any attempt to scry on her. Anyone that uses a divination effect on Malcanthet or the area within 1 mile of her must make a DC 32 Will save or become dazed for 1 round, and ending the effect automatically. Additionally, if the save is failed and Malcanthet wishes it, she can use an immediate action to transport herself over to the location of the user of the divination effect, even if it is on a different plane.
Lastly, Malcanthet's very presence is a blight on the surrounding area. She radiates a [[SRD:Desecrate|''desecrate'']] spell effect to a radius of twenty miles, and the innermost mile of this is subject to an [[SRD:Unhallow|''unhallow'']] effect instead, both at caster level 23rd.
'''{{Anchor|Protective Aura}} ([[Su]]):''' Just like other angels, Malcanthet radiates a protective aura, although hers is very different in its nature to that of other angels. This aura provides a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus on all saves to all allies within 40ft of Malcanthet against any abilities from good or lawful creatures. Additionally, it functions as a [[SRD:Magic Circle Against Good|''magic circle against good'']], [[SRD:Magic Circle Against Law|''magic circle against law'']] and a [[SRD:Globe of Invulnerability|''globe of invulnerability'']] out to a radius of 40ft (caster level 23rd). These are not included in Malcanthet's statistics block.
'''{{Anchor|Ravage Form}} ([[Sp]]):''' As a full-round action, Malcanthet may bestow her ravage on a creature eligible to gain a level. That creature gains its first level in the [[Ravaged By Malcanthet (3.5e Racial Paragon Class)|ravaged by Malcanthet racial paragon class]]. If Malcanthet attempts to ravage an unwilling creature, it receives a DC 32 Will save to resist (Cha-based).
If Malcanthet wishes, she can attempt to share the senses of a creature that has at least one level in ravaged by Malcanthet. This works identically to a [[SRD:Scrying|''scrying'']] spell, except it must be centred on the creature in question. The creature doesn't get any say in the matter. Malcanthet may use this ability at will. This has a caster level of 23rd.
Additionally, if any creature with at least one level in ravaged by Malcanthet attempts to affect Malcanthet or the area within 20 miles of her with any ability, Malcanthet may choose to use [[SRD:Dominate Monster|''dominate monster'']] on that creature as a free action that she can use even outside of her turn. The creature receives a DC 32 save as normal. This has a caster level of 23rd, and the DC is Charisma-based.
Malcanthet can also create [[Retriever (3.5e Racial Paragon Class)|retrievers]]. The process is identical to applying her normal ravage, but is subject to the usual restrictions of becoming a retriever.
'''{{Anchor|Sexual Embrace}} {{Ex}}:''' Malcanthet has learned to use her body to hold her opponents (and lovers) in ways that should not be possible. She ignores any immunity to grappling a creature possesses, and causes any size modifiers to grapple checks for her opponents to become inversed (i.e. bonuses become penalties and vice-versa).
'''{{Anchor|Spell-Like Abilities}}:''' At-will - [[SRD:Animate Objects|''animate objects'']], [[SRD:Blasphemy|''blasphemy'']], [[SRD:Chaos Hammer|''chaos hammer'']] (can be used as a swift action), [[SRD:Charm Monster|''charm monster'']], [[SRD:Cloak of Chaos|''cloak of chaos'']], [[SRD:Confusion|''confusion'']] (can be used as a swift action), [[SRD:Create Undead|''create undead'']], [[SRD:Desecrate|''desecrate'']], [[SRD:Disguise Self|''disguise self'']] (can be used as a swift action), [[SRD:Dispel Good|''dispel good'']], [[SRD:Dispel Law|''dispel law'']], [[SRD:Dominate Monster|''dominate monster'']], [[SRD:Dream|''dream'']], [[Elush's Elemental Extraction (3.5e Spell)|''Elush's elemental extraction'']], [[Elush's Epiphyseal Erosion (3.5e Spell)|''Elush's epiphyseal erosion'']], [[Elush's Explosive Exsanguination (3.5e Spell)|''Elush's explosive exsanguination'']], [[Elush's Eye-Blasting Explosion (3.5e Spell)|''Elush's eye-blasting explosion'']] (can be used as a swift action), [[Erzebet's Skull Bomb (3.5e Spell)|''Erzebet's skull bomb'']] (can be used as a swift action), [[SRD:False Vision|''false vision'']] (can be used as a swift action), [[SRD:Greater Dispel Magic|''greater dispel magic'']] (can be used as a free action 3/round), [[SRD:Greater Teleport|''greater teleport'']], [[SRD:Invisibility|''invisibility'']] (can be used as a swift action), [[Ishara's Enticing Directive (3.5e Spell)|''Ishara's enticing directive'']] (affects up to one creature per caster level, can be used as a swift action), [[SRD:Magic Circle Against Good|''magic circle against good'']],  [[SRD:Magic Circle Against Law|''magic circle against law'']], [[SRD:Mass Hold Monster|''mass hold monster'']], [[SRD:Mass Suggestion|''mass suggestion'']], [[SRD:Mislead|''mislead'']], [[SRD:Nondetection|''nondetection'']] (can be used as a swift action), [[SRD:Protection from Good|''protection from good'']],  [[SRD:Protection from Law|''protection from law'']], [[Rapture of Rupture (3.5e Spell)|''rapture of rupture'']], [[SRD:Screen|''screen'']], [[SRD:Shatter|''shatter'']] (can be used as a swift action), [[SRD:Suggestion|''suggestion'']] (can be used as a swift action), [[SRD:Summon Monster IX|''summon monster IX'']] (chaotic or evil creatures only), [[SRD:Symbol of Persuasion|''symbol of persuasion'']], [[SRD:Unholy Aura|''unholy aura'']], [[Turn To The Abyss (3.5e Spell)|''turn to the Abyss'']] (can be used as a swift action), [[SRD:Unholy Blight|''unholy blight'']] (can be used as a swift action), [[SRD:Word of Chaos|''word of chaos'']]; 1/day - [[Apocalypse From The Sky (3.5e Spell)|''apocalypse from the sky'']], [[Demise Unseen (3.5e Spell)|''demise unseen'']], [[SRD:Gate|''gate'']], [[SRD:Mage's Disjunction|''mage's disjunction'']], [[SRD:Polymorph Any Object|''polymorph any object'']], [[SRD:Time Stop|''time stop'']]. Caster level 23rd. Save DCs are Charisma-based (32 by default)
'''{{Anchor|Tongues}} ([[Su]]):''' Malcanthet can speak to any creature, as if under the effects of a [[SRD:Tongues|''tongues'']] spell (caster level 23rd). This ability is always active.
'''{{Anchor|Touch of Dark Ecstasy}} {{Su}}''' Malcanthet's touch is one of the most intensely pleasurable experiences one can feel, but it also steals away the soul. Any touch by Malcanthet, as well as any successful grapple checks, inflict one negative level per Malcanthet's CR (23 by default). Assuming the creature survives, the Fort save to remove these negative levels is Charisma-based (32 by default). Her touch also causes so much pleasure that it requires a DC 32 Will save (Cha-based) from the touched creature, or it becomes dazed with pleasure for 6 rounds. Those who fail this save are also afflicted with a [[SRD:Suggestion|''suggestion'']] that forces them to seek out the touch again, no matter the cost.
Those killed by this ability transform into [[Succubus (3.5e Monster)|succubi]] instead of wights.
Malcanthet may use her touch instead of a normal attack for the purpose of attacks of opportunity.
'''{{Anchor|True Mistress of Temptation}} {{Ex}}:''' Malcanthet can tempt almost anything, even those that would normally be immune. She ignores the following immunities on any creature whose CR or character level is lower than 20: charms, compulsions, fear effects, enchantments and mind-affecting effects. If the immunity comes from a spell, Malcanthet only ignores it if its caster level is below 20th.
=== Malcanthet's Equipment ===
'''The Bloodmare Stone'''
Although Malcanthet rarely wears clothes unless she has to, this blood-red stone, set in silver and suspended by a thick chain, also of silver, is never far from her body, usually hanging just above her breasts. It almost forces the eye to gaze upon it, and within it, souls can be seen to writhe. It is believed that the stone was the place where Malcanthet hid her angelic essence, and that her angelic sword was melted down to make its setting. If this is true, then breaking this amulet could potentially release this essence - although what this could cause is unknown.
The ''Bloodmare Stone'' can be commanded to appear as a suit of any kind of clothing. This is not an illusion - it actually transforms into those clothes. If removed, they rapidly decay to nothingness. The ''Bloodmare Stone'' is always clearly visible as part of such an outfit, although its precise form might change - it might appear as a large decorative jewel on a dress, or a large ring, etc. Commanding the ''Bloodmare Stone'' to become a suit of clothing, to change this clothing, or to return to its normal form all require a swift action.
Additionally, those gazing at Malcanthet feel their eye intensely drawn to the stone, making them distracted and unable to focus. Every time a creature attacks Malcanthet, or uses an ability on her requiring line of sight, it must make a DC 32 Will save (Cha-based) or take a -6 penalty on any rolls and any DCs for any action affecting Malcanthet this round. Success grants immunity to this ability for 24 hours.
Lastly, Malcanthet has regeneration 25 and a +6 armour bonus to AC as long as she wears this stone, as she can draw on the power of her angelic essence. The armour bonus also applies to touch attacks against Malcanthet, and nothing can bypass the regeneration. This makes Malcanthet incredibly difficult to kill, and she must be parted from the stone before she can be truly destroyed.
=== Malcanthet's Worshippers ===
Malcanthet has a relatively broad base of worship, as many seek the gifts of her sexual abilities and the way it can control others. Cults to her tend to be quite secretive, however, as they risk exposure on more fronts than most. Her clerics tend to be women, but the vast majority of ordinary cultists are instead men. They seek to use sex and its power to ruin and destroy as much as possible - relationships, friendships, cities, nations... even worlds if possible. Always seeking to be the power behind the throne, such cults are hard to locate, and even harder to root out, as they draw upon the most fundamental of passions.
In the Abyss, Malcanthet's most numerous servants are [[Succubus (3.5e Monster)|succubi]], whose patron (if not outright creator) she is considered to be. A large number of the monstrous [[Nalfeshnee (3.5e Monster)|nalfeshnees]] also serve her.
{{Liber Demonica Breadcrumb}}<br>
{{3.5e Monsters Breadcrumb}}
[[Category:Liber Demonica]]

Revision as of 04:58, 7 December 2010

Author: MisterSinister (talk)
Contributors: ThunderGod Cid
Date Created: December 7th, 2010
Status: Finished
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Information About Graz'zt

Alternative Names and Titles: Adam, Prince of Shadows, Prince of Lovers

Symbol: A black hand with six fingers

Portfolio: Sex, shadows, virility, dark masculinity, charm

Domains Granted: Chaos, Corrupt, Evil, Seduction, Shadow

Favoured Weapon: Dagger

Graz'zt's Statistics Block

Malcanthet, Worlds' Ruin
Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 23d8+230 (414 hp)
Initiative: +13
Speed: 50ft, fly 150ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 50, touch 31, flat-footed 41 (+6 armour, +9 Dexterity, +19 natural, +6 deflection)
Base Attack/Grapple: +23/+35
Attack: Melee touch +43 melee (touch of dark ecstasy)
Full Attack: Melee touch +43 melee (touch of dark ecstasy)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Alter reality, dispel good (see spell description), dispel law (see spell description), rapture of rupture (see spell description, ravage form, spell-like abilities, touch of dark ecstasy
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft, cloak of chaos (see spell description), dark blessing, fallen angel, godlike, immune to acid, cold, electricity, petrification and poison, invisibility (see spell description), lord of the Abyss, low-light vision, nondetection (see spell description), protective aura, regeneration 25 (see the Bloodmare Stone), resistance to fire 25, sexual embrace, spell resistance 35, telepathy 1000ft, tongues, true mistress of temptation, unholy aura (see spell description),
Saves: Fort +34, Ref +33, Will +35
Abilities: Str 35, Dex 29, Con 30, Int 32, Wis 33, Cha 32
Skills: Appraise +37, Bluff +38, Concentration +36, Diplomacy +37, Disguise +37, Gather Information +38, Intimidate +38, Knowledge (arcana) +37, Knowledge (history) +37, Knowledge (nature) +37, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +37, Knowledge (religion) +37, Knowledge (the planes) +37, Listen +38, Perform +37, Sense Motive +38, Spellcraft +37, Spot +38, Use Rope +35
Feats: Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Craft Staff, Craft Wondrous Item,Flyby Attack, Goad, Gripping Vice, Improved Initiative
Environment: A chaotic-evil aligned plane
Organization: Solitary or orgy (Malcanthet plus any number creatures the GM deems suitable)
Challenge Rating: 23
Treasure: The Bloodmare Stone, plus any treasure the GM deems acceptable
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: -

A description of Graz'zt goes here.

Graz'zt's backstory goes here.


Malcanthet is a lover, not a fighter - she will attempt to use her magic to convince her enemies to fight each other, or better still, not fight at all. If this is impossible, however, Malcanthet will not hesitate to gently caress the life away from her enemies, or even crush them between her sensuous thighs. Her spell-like abilities also give her a wide range of options for dealing with her enemies - or escape, if needs be.

Alter Reality (Sp): Malcanthet has the ability to advance her portfolio. This is considered identical to the wish spell, but may only be used to produce effects appropriate to Malcanthet's portfolio or goals. Malcanthet may only use this ability once per minute.

Dark Blessing (Su): Malcanthet has a resistance bonus on all saves equal to her Charisma modifier (+11 by default).

Fallen Angel (Ex): While she no longer calls herself an angel, Malcanthet still shares many of their traits. At the same time, while not being a true demon, Malcanthet has taken on many of their traits. This gives her darkvision 60ft, low-light vision, immunity to acid, cold, electricity, petrification and poison, resistance to fire 25, and telepathy out to 1000ft.

Godlike: Although Malcanthet is not a true deity, he has many of the powers of such. She can grant spells to clerics, and gives access to the Chaos, Corrupt, Evil, Seduction and Trickery domains. Her favoured weapon is the whip-dagger and her portfolio is ruin, bringing down anything good about everything and seduction.

Additionally, Malcanthet is immune to any attack that changes her form, mind-affecting effects, ability damage, ability drain and energy drain, unless such an effect comes from a creature that has a caster level or character level (or CR, for monsters) over 20.

Lastly, Malcanthet can burn off some of her essence to stop magic dead in its tracks. As a free action that can be used outside of her turn, Malcanthet can lose 42 hit points to counter any spell, supernatural ability or spell-like ability in Medium range, as if by greater dispel magic (although it can counter supernatural and spell-like abilities as if they were spells). This ignores temporary hit points, and can be used any number of times. For any ability with an ongoing or permanent duration, this merely suppresses it for 6 rounds.

Lord of the Abyss (Su): Malcanthet is an ancient evil, and one of the greatest of her kind. As a result, she receives a +8 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls, a +8 resistance bonus to all saves (although this is superceded by her Dark Blessing ability) and a +6 deflection bonus to AC. Malcanthet also has maximum hit points per hit die.

Additionally, the Abyss itself protects Malcanthet from any attempt to scry on her. Anyone that uses a divination effect on Malcanthet or the area within 1 mile of her must make a DC 32 Will save or become dazed for 1 round, and ending the effect automatically. Additionally, if the save is failed and Malcanthet wishes it, she can use an immediate action to transport herself over to the location of the user of the divination effect, even if it is on a different plane.

Lastly, Malcanthet's very presence is a blight on the surrounding area. She radiates a desecrate spell effect to a radius of twenty miles, and the innermost mile of this is subject to an unhallow effect instead, both at caster level 23rd.

Protective Aura (Su): Just like other angels, Malcanthet radiates a protective aura, although hers is very different in its nature to that of other angels. This aura provides a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus on all saves to all allies within 40ft of Malcanthet against any abilities from good or lawful creatures. Additionally, it functions as a magic circle against good, magic circle against law and a globe of invulnerability out to a radius of 40ft (caster level 23rd). These are not included in Malcanthet's statistics block.

Ravage Form (Sp): As a full-round action, Malcanthet may bestow her ravage on a creature eligible to gain a level. That creature gains its first level in the ravaged by Malcanthet racial paragon class. If Malcanthet attempts to ravage an unwilling creature, it receives a DC 32 Will save to resist (Cha-based).

If Malcanthet wishes, she can attempt to share the senses of a creature that has at least one level in ravaged by Malcanthet. This works identically to a scrying spell, except it must be centred on the creature in question. The creature doesn't get any say in the matter. Malcanthet may use this ability at will. This has a caster level of 23rd.

Additionally, if any creature with at least one level in ravaged by Malcanthet attempts to affect Malcanthet or the area within 20 miles of her with any ability, Malcanthet may choose to use dominate monster on that creature as a free action that she can use even outside of her turn. The creature receives a DC 32 save as normal. This has a caster level of 23rd, and the DC is Charisma-based.

Malcanthet can also create retrievers. The process is identical to applying her normal ravage, but is subject to the usual restrictions of becoming a retriever.

Sexual Embrace (Ex): Malcanthet has learned to use her body to hold her opponents (and lovers) in ways that should not be possible. She ignores any immunity to grappling a creature possesses, and causes any size modifiers to grapple checks for her opponents to become inversed (i.e. bonuses become penalties and vice-versa).

Spell-Like Abilities: At-will - animate objects, blasphemy, chaos hammer (can be used as a swift action), charm monster, cloak of chaos, confusion (can be used as a swift action), create undead, desecrate, disguise self (can be used as a swift action), dispel good, dispel law, dominate monster, dream, Elush's elemental extraction, Elush's epiphyseal erosion, Elush's explosive exsanguination, Elush's eye-blasting explosion (can be used as a swift action), Erzebet's skull bomb (can be used as a swift action), false vision (can be used as a swift action), greater dispel magic (can be used as a free action 3/round), greater teleport, invisibility (can be used as a swift action), Ishara's enticing directive (affects up to one creature per caster level, can be used as a swift action), magic circle against good, magic circle against law, mass hold monster, mass suggestion, mislead, nondetection (can be used as a swift action), protection from good, protection from law, rapture of rupture, screen, shatter (can be used as a swift action), suggestion (can be used as a swift action), summon monster IX (chaotic or evil creatures only), symbol of persuasion, unholy aura, turn to the Abyss (can be used as a swift action), unholy blight (can be used as a swift action), word of chaos; 1/day - apocalypse from the sky, demise unseen, gate, mage's disjunction, polymorph any object, time stop. Caster level 23rd. Save DCs are Charisma-based (32 by default)

Tongues (Su): Malcanthet can speak to any creature, as if under the effects of a tongues spell (caster level 23rd). This ability is always active.

Touch of Dark Ecstasy (Su) Malcanthet's touch is one of the most intensely pleasurable experiences one can feel, but it also steals away the soul. Any touch by Malcanthet, as well as any successful grapple checks, inflict one negative level per Malcanthet's CR (23 by default). Assuming the creature survives, the Fort save to remove these negative levels is Charisma-based (32 by default). Her touch also causes so much pleasure that it requires a DC 32 Will save (Cha-based) from the touched creature, or it becomes dazed with pleasure for 6 rounds. Those who fail this save are also afflicted with a suggestion that forces them to seek out the touch again, no matter the cost.

Those killed by this ability transform into succubi instead of wights.

Malcanthet may use her touch instead of a normal attack for the purpose of attacks of opportunity.

True Mistress of Temptation (Ex): Malcanthet can tempt almost anything, even those that would normally be immune. She ignores the following immunities on any creature whose CR or character level is lower than 20: charms, compulsions, fear effects, enchantments and mind-affecting effects. If the immunity comes from a spell, Malcanthet only ignores it if its caster level is below 20th.

Malcanthet's Equipment

The Bloodmare Stone

Although Malcanthet rarely wears clothes unless she has to, this blood-red stone, set in silver and suspended by a thick chain, also of silver, is never far from her body, usually hanging just above her breasts. It almost forces the eye to gaze upon it, and within it, souls can be seen to writhe. It is believed that the stone was the place where Malcanthet hid her angelic essence, and that her angelic sword was melted down to make its setting. If this is true, then breaking this amulet could potentially release this essence - although what this could cause is unknown.

The Bloodmare Stone can be commanded to appear as a suit of any kind of clothing. This is not an illusion - it actually transforms into those clothes. If removed, they rapidly decay to nothingness. The Bloodmare Stone is always clearly visible as part of such an outfit, although its precise form might change - it might appear as a large decorative jewel on a dress, or a large ring, etc. Commanding the Bloodmare Stone to become a suit of clothing, to change this clothing, or to return to its normal form all require a swift action.

Additionally, those gazing at Malcanthet feel their eye intensely drawn to the stone, making them distracted and unable to focus. Every time a creature attacks Malcanthet, or uses an ability on her requiring line of sight, it must make a DC 32 Will save (Cha-based) or take a -6 penalty on any rolls and any DCs for any action affecting Malcanthet this round. Success grants immunity to this ability for 24 hours.

Lastly, Malcanthet has regeneration 25 and a +6 armour bonus to AC as long as she wears this stone, as she can draw on the power of her angelic essence. The armour bonus also applies to touch attacks against Malcanthet, and nothing can bypass the regeneration. This makes Malcanthet incredibly difficult to kill, and she must be parted from the stone before she can be truly destroyed.

Malcanthet's Worshippers

Malcanthet has a relatively broad base of worship, as many seek the gifts of her sexual abilities and the way it can control others. Cults to her tend to be quite secretive, however, as they risk exposure on more fronts than most. Her clerics tend to be women, but the vast majority of ordinary cultists are instead men. They seek to use sex and its power to ruin and destroy as much as possible - relationships, friendships, cities, nations... even worlds if possible. Always seeking to be the power behind the throne, such cults are hard to locate, and even harder to root out, as they draw upon the most fundamental of passions.

In the Abyss, Malcanthet's most numerous servants are succubi, whose patron (if not outright creator) she is considered to be. A large number of the monstrous nalfeshnees also serve her.

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