About meEdit
I am me, gamer extraordinar, table topper primary but from time to time also out LARPing, but im also married to a wonderfull woman and have two sons and a little daughter so from time to time I make a Hudini and disapear for a while when RL calls me... but Ill be back
Note: English is not my starting language nor a bonus one so feel free to right any grama flaws
In my headEdit
Dark insight spellsEdit
Yellow signEdit
Becaus Hastur Hastur and Madness
Yellow fogEdit
Solid fog with madness
Mundane veilEdit
Instantios and remeves one dark insight instead of gaining madness, is removed when dark insight hits 0
Dark SummonEdit
As summon but instansious and dark insight% for the creature gaining the far realm template and being free willed.
the 5 Alligned words featsEdit
FEATS: Words of Creation, Dark Speech and 3 more for chaotic, lawfull and neutral allignment also reworked so they can be used by all classes. Now just have to repair and ballance the two offical vs my 3 homebrewed.
My thirdborn world not forgetting Apiron and Jastare Writing it all down
Small GodEdit
PRC: For druids who fokus on a single thing and find the divine spark withind.
My workEdit
(74 Articles)
- A Druid's Guide to Redwood Forests' Most Beautiful Places (A leather book about Redwood written by a local druid.)
- Advanced Artificer 101 (A book teaching basic weapon and armor enchanting.)
- Awakening Soul (As the soul awakens the understanding of the world and its laws grand indsight and power with it)
- Basic Artificer 101 (A book teaching basic item enchanting.)
- Book Of Books (Is about all books how you can read them, find them and what bonuses the give you)
- Caster's Headache (You slowly gain Spellstrained levels and lose magic power.)
- Common Flu (You becomes sickened.)
- Darksphere (A closed off demiplane that, seemingly at random, calls people and monsters to battle to the death within.)
- Death Grimoire of Rahmen I (Book 1 of 5 in Rahmens Complete set of Death grimoires)
- Death Grimoire of Rahmen II (Book 2 of 5 in Rahmens Complete set of Death grimoires)
- Death Grimoire of Rahmen III (Book 3 of 5 in Rahmens Complete set of Death grimoires)
- Death Grimoire of Rahmen IV (Book 4 of 5 in Rahmens Complete set of Death grimoires)
- Death Grimoire of Rahmen V (Book 5 of 5 in Rahmens Complete set of Death grimoires)
- Demon gifted (Your body have been touched by demons and is not quite the same)
- Demon's Blessing (Demon disease that mutates you over time)
- Ether Knight (A ancient khen-zai fighting style that combines the Etherblade with arcane magic.)
- Ether Tablets (Ancient Ether Tablets made by the khen-zai and left when they abandoned the tradition of the ether knight.)
- Etherblade
- Executioner (Sneak attack with a greatsword like blade and leave a bloody mess)
- Executioner’s Blade
- Fairy and Troll (a mass printet story about Abdon the fairy and Gruilda the troll.)
- Faith, Superstition and Belief: The Book About Gods (A work about most of the big religions and a few of the lesser known.)
- Fool’s Speech (Gives targets a shared language that sounds like nonsense to others.)
- Frog Chant, Wildmage Variant (You have learned or been cursed with the power of frog chant)
- High Draconic, Wildmage Variant (You have mastered a few of the ancient dragon words of power.)
- Hornung’s Chaos Shield (Protects you from wild surges.)
- Hornung’s Surge Selector (Tries to control surge to avoid a total disaster.)
- Intuitive Reader (When you read a book, you understand it deep down.)
- Jal'vor's Guide to the Bloodwars (A journal with descriptions and drawings of devils and demons.)
- Learned Reader (You have lived inside of a book most of your youth and now you reap the reward.)
- Madness Charge (use Madness to kill your enemies.)
- Manual of Bodily Health, BoB (How to get in better shape with Phil the Faun.)
- Manual of Gainful Exercise, BoB (Training the dwarfen way.)
- Manual of Quickness in Action, BoB (How to be more like a elf with Salogel the Elf.)
- Manual of the Lurking Shadow (A secret manuscript describing the first lessons on the way to becoming a ninja.)
- Master Wild Mage (Wildmage who rewel in the power of chance,)
- Minor Dark Summon (Summon Creatures faster by removing the safeguards.)
- Monsterslayer (In the mist of creation the mortal races were often food for monsters, so it was not long before a mortal picked up a stick, sharpened it and started killing monsters to carve a safe place for civilication to exsist.)
- Moon Madness (Makes you belive you are a Were-creature)
- Nahal’s Reckless Dweomer (Caster tries to use raw magic to cast other spells he knows but risks a wild surge.)
- Nahal’s Vortex (Creates a sphere of wild magic that the caster can move and damage with. However, each time it damages, it risks turning into a wild surge.)
- Nahal’s Wildfire (Caster tries to use raw magic to cast other spell but risk wild surge)
- Nahal’s Wildstrike (Causes the target to suffer wild surges if they cast spells.)
- Nahal’s Wildzone (Creates a temporary wild magic zone.)
- Psion Loremaster (For Manifesters instead of Casters)
- Psion Loremaster (Loremasters with psionic roots instead of arcane/divine)
- Random MTG Plane (Generates a random plane from MTG cosmology.)
- Random Mutation (Generates Random Mutations for whatever reason you need a random mutation.)
- Random Planescape Plane (Generates a random plane from the Planescape cosmology.)
- Secret Identity (You have built up a secret Identity, to help keep your loved ones safe.)
- ... further results
Wildstuffv | ||
Basis | Wild Magic, Wild Magic Areas +Da Great Surge Table | |
Wild Feats | Wild Mage, Wild Blood, Wild Born, Wild Mage Artist | |
Wild Prestige Classes | Master Wild Mage, Wild Magic Paragon | |
Wild Spells | Nahal’s Reckless Dweomer, Hornung’s Chaos Shield, Fool’s Speech, Wild Fate, Nahal’s Vortex, Nahal’s Wildstrike, Hornung’s Surge Selector, Nahal’s Wildzone, Nahal’s Wildfire | |
Wild Other | Wild plague |
the ListEdit
- Weapon Proficiencies That Work (3.5e Variant Rule)
- Dying is Serious (3.5e Variant Rule)
- E20 (3.5e Variant Rule)
- Cosmic Damage Type (3.5e Variant Rule)
Totaly in use
Other StuffEdit
soon to come