Champion's Wealdblade (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Contributors: Eiji-kun,
Date Created: 9th February 2020
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Champion's Wealdblade
Price: None
Body Slot: Held
Caster Level: 21st
Aura: Overwhelming Abjuration
Activation: Free Action
Weight: 4,5 lbs (sword form) and 11 lbs (shield form)

The blade of a forgotten champion, who ultimately failed her quest to slay a great beast despite her best efforts. The Champion's Wealblade seem to be a damaged black mithral sword. The black blade of the sword is only mildly reflective and its guard and pommels have dark blue details. In the hand of an unworthy wielder, the Champion's Wealdblade is simply a broken black mithral greatsword .

In the hand of its rightful owner, the Champion's Wealdblade is restored to its repaired state. A potential wielder can become the rightful owner through a quest this function cannot be replicated by Use Magic Device. As a free action, the rightful owner of the Champion's Wealdblade can transform it between its two forms, one of a sword and one of a shield. The Champion's Wealblade in it sword form always benefit from greater magic weapon while the shield form benefit from magic vestment, both with a caster level equal to the wielder's character level.

The first and default form is that of a black mithral powerful greatsword possess a 18-20 critical modifier and possess the bane special quality which applies to lycanthropes, evil-aligned magical beast and evil-aligned fey instead of a single creature type. The sword counts as adamantine, cold iron and silver for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction and regeneration and it ignores hardness when striking an object. It is bestowed with great slaying power, when the wielder makes an attack as a standard action or as a charge, she may attack five consecutive squares within her reach, a creature occupying multiple squares is only struck once.

The second form of the Champion's Wealdblade is that of a black mithral invulnerable heavy shield. While in shield form, the bearer cannot be flanked and is immune to critical hits. Finally, if the bearer of the shield take the total defense action she fall under the effect of a protection from arrows spell with a caster level of 20th level, this effect lasts until the start of her next turn. The DR granted by the shield's protection from arrows effect may only be bypassed by a magical attack whose effective bonus is equal or higher than the shield's enhancement bonus.

If the Champion's Wealdblade is planted into a surface in sword form, the rightful owner may have it act as an Immovable Rod as a free action. This effect persists until the sword is transformed into its shield form.

Destruction: After slaying the rightful owner of the Champion's Wealdblade, the blade must be broken within 1 minute. If done properly it will revert to its shield form with a single crack. An Oblivion Arrow must be fired at the cracked shield, destroying both the shield and the arrow.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4524 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
Body SlotHeld +
CostNone +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA blade which was carried and wielded by a forgotten champion. It can turn from a deadly blade to a protective shield. +
TitleChampion's Wealdblade +
TypeMajor +