Courier (3.5e NPC Class)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 4-10-13
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I've been looking for you. Got something I'm supposed to deliver- your hands only. Let's see here...
—Gene Eric Enpecy, Human Courier, The Elder Scrolls

Abilities: A courier must be swift, polite, and knowledgeable of his destination. Having a high Charisma ensures good service, Intelligence for the all important skill points, and Dexterity for surviving hazards. And a strong Wisdom helps with tracking too. Couriers are not expected to engage in combat, but a decent Strength may be needed for transporting large packages. And everyone needs Constitution.

Races: Anyone can be a courier, but fast races and races known for traveling (such as humans) are common.

Alignment: Any, though most are lawful.

Starting Age: As rogue.

Table: The Courier

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +2 +2 +2 Acrobatic Movement, Fast Movement +10, Track
2nd +1 +3 +3 +3 Evasion, Information Gathering, Run
3rd +1 +3 +3 +3 Endurance, Fast Movement +20
4th +2 +4 +4 +4 Packmule, No Time To Eat
5th +2 +4 +4 +4 Fast Movement +30
6th +3 +5 +5 +5 Don't Shoot the Messenger, Locate Person
7th +3 +5 +5 +5 Fast Movement +40, No Time To Rest
8th +4 +6 +6 +6 Greater Endurance
9th +4 +6 +6 +6 Fast Movement +50
10th +5 +7 +7 +7 Improved Evasion, No Time To Catch Breath
11th +5 +7 +7 +7 Fast Movement +60, Improved Packmule, Master Linguist
12th +6 +8 +8 +8 Freedom of Movement, Shadow Walk
13th +6 +8 +8 +8 Fast Movement +70
14th +7 +9 +9 +9 Superior Endurance
15th +7 +9 +9 +9 Fast Movement +80, Greater Packmule
16th +8 +10 +10 +10 Blurred Marathon
17th +8 +10 +10 +10 Fast Movement +90
18th +9 +11 +11 +11 Fast Shadow Walk
19th +9 +11 +11 +11 Fast Movement +100, Perfect Packmule
20th +10 +12 +12 +12 The Mail Never Fails

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Appraise (Int), Autohypnosis (Wis), Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (geography) (local) (nature) (nobility) (the planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (None), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha).

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the courier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The courier is proficient in all simple weapons and light armor, but not shields.

Acrobatic Movement (Ex): The roads are not always even and flat, sometimes you need to cross tricky environments. The courier adds his class level to Balance, Climb, Swim, and Tumble checks.

Fast Movement (Ex): A courier needs to deliver the mail on time, and they won't do that standing still. They gain a +10 increase to all their movement modes, plus an additional +10 every odd level (3rd, 5th, etc).

Track: The courier gains Track as a bonus feat.

Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level or higher if a courier makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if a courier is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless courier does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Information Gathering (Ex): A 2nd level courier is good at finding out whom he needs to find. He gains his class level to Gather Information checks made to discover the whereabouts and appearance of someone he is tracking, and they may do it in 1 hour instead of 1d4+1 hours. If they exceed the DC needed to find their last known location by 10 or more, they have enough information to identify the target as if they were a familiar face.

Run: A 2nd level courier gains Run as a bonus feat.

Endurance: A 3rd level courier gains Endurance as a bonus feat.

Packmule (Ex): At 4th level, a courier is used to carrying heavy packages to and fro. His carrying capacity is doubled.

No Time To Eat (Ex): At 4th level a courier has trained his body to do without food and drink. They no longer need to eat or drink to survive.

Don't Shoot the Messenger (Su): Sometimes a courier's job is bringing bad news to mean people. A 6th level courier is always under the effect of sanctuary with a DC of 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha modifier. A creature which breaks the effect remains immune for 24 hours.

Locate Person (Sp): At 6th level, a courier can duplicate locate creature at will as a spell-like ability.

No Time To Rest (Ex): Sleeping on the job? There is no time, get moving! At 7th level a courier no longer needs to sleep, and is immune to sleep effects.

Greater Endurance (Ex): At 8th level the bonuses granted by the Endurance feat improve to +8. The courier never becomes tired from movement, and becomes immune to fatigue, and exhaustion effects make the courier fatigued instead. Finally, they are always under the effect of endure elements.

Improved Evasion (Ex): At 10th level, a courier’s evasion ability improves. He still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks, but henceforth he takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless courier does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.

Improved Packmule (Ex): A 11th level courier's packmule ability improves. They may now carry up to 5 times their normal carrying capacity.

Master Linguist (Su): A courier must speak to many people across many strange lands. At 11th level, a courier is under a constant tongues effect.

Freedom of Movement (Su): A 12th level courier can't stop for any reason. They are under a constant freedom of movement effect.

Shadow Walk (Sp): At 12th level, a courier can duplicate shadow walk (self only) at will as a spell-like ability, but only when unobserved.

Superior Endurance (Ex): At 14th level the bonuses granted by the Endurance feat improve to +12, and they no longer fail Fortitude saves on a natural 1. The courier is full of energy and becomes immune to exhaustion. They also do not take any damage from planar effects (such as the burning heat of the Plane of Fire, or the death by awesome on the Positive Energy Plane), though they can still be harmed by non-environmental effects such as a fireball spell. This includes being unharmed by the environment on the Material Plane, such as lava in a volcano or fall damage.

Greater Packmule (Ex): A 15th level courier's packmule ability improves. They may now carry up to 10 times their normal carrying capacity.

Blurred Marathon (Ex): A courier must always be on the move, even if the blood war is raging around him. At 16th level a courier gains a 50% miss chance whenever they take a double move action. This is just a result of speed, and is not bypassed by true seeing.

Fast Shadow Walk: At 18th level, whenever a courier uses shadow walk, they travel at x10 speed and plane shifting only takes 1d4 minutes instead of 1d4 hours.

Perfect Packmule (Ex): A 19th level courier's packmule ability improves. A courier is never encumbered, making his light load go all the way up to his heavy load.

The Mail Never Fails (Su): They said they would deliver, and they will come hell or high water. At 20th level, if a courier ever dies or is otherwise imprisoned in the middle of delivering a package, their body and items vanish from the world. They respawn as a ghost at the location of their intended delivery 1d10 hours later, with their packages (which become corporeal again on delivery). The ghostly courier is compelled to complete all their deliveries, often expressing heartfelt apologies for any delays in service, before fading away once all packages are delivered. No mortal force can stop this process, not even attempts at imprisoning or trapping the body or soul.

If the arrested delivery was a result of imprisonment of some sort and not death (by becoming a statue, or being baleful polymorphed permanently, or likewise) the courier is not actually dead and may be restored as normal once his ghost-self fades. Those that died in the middle of duty will be sorely missed, and likely promptly resurrected by whatever company employs them. They are not keen on losing valuable employees after all.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5657 Articles)
Allowed AlignmentsLawful Good +, Lawful Neutral +, Lawful Evil +, Neutral Good +, Neutral +, Neutral Evil +, Chaotic Good +, Chaotic Neutral + and Chaotic Evil +
Article BalanceModerate +
AuthorEiji-kun +
Base Attack Bonus ProgressionPoor +
Class AbilityOther +
Class Ability ProgressionOther +
Fortitude Save ProgressionGood +
Identifier3.5e NPC Class +
Length20 +
RatingUnrated +
Reflex Save ProgressionGood +
SkillAppraise +, Autohypnosis +, Balance +, Climb +, Concentration +, Decipher Script +, Diplomacy +, Escape Artist +, Gather Information +, Hide +, Jump +, Knowledge +, Listen +, Move Silently +, Open Lock +, Profession +, Ride +, Search +, Sense Motive +, Speak Language +, Spot +, Survival +, Swim +, Tumble + and Use Magic Device +
Skill Points6 +
SummaryA courier will get your package to its destination, even through snow, sleet, hail, or interplanar threat from beyond time and space. +
TitleCourier +
Will Save ProgressionGood +