Divine Fire Mastery (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 11-8-12
Status: Complete
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Divine Fire Mastery [Salient Ability] I am the lord of the fire and flames. Get out of the frying pan!Prerequisites: Divine Rank 1, Minor Fire Domain portfolioBenefit: The deity gains a competence bonus on attack rolls, damage, and Armor Class equal to half its divine rank (minimum 1) if both the deity and its foe are on on fire, in fire, or using fire (such as by spells or weapons). When dealing fire damage in any way, the deity ignores fire resistance and fire immunity only halves the damage. In addition, every hit forces the target creature to make a Reflex save DC 10 + 1/2 HD + the deity's highest mental ability modifier or have the target catch on fire. However, no matter how many attacks strike a target they only need to make the saving throw once a round. The creature takes 4d6 fire damage each round (again, bypassing resistance) until put out with a standard action or by being submerged in water or another flame-stopping effect.

The deity becomes immune to fire. If the deity was already immune to fire, they instead absorb fire damage as healing instead. When on fire, the deity can automatically know the location of any corporeal creature within 10 feet per divine rank even through smoke and fog, as long as there is line of effect between his fire by sensing the thermal differences disturbance in the target creature and his surroundings. Only creatures which match the thermal background perfectly cannot be seen. Special: Suitable for deities of Fire and Volcano.

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Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorEiji-kun +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteDivine Rank 1 + and Minor Fire Domain portfolio +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryGain bonuses in combat when you are and your opponent are on fire! +
TitleDivine Fire Mastery +
TypeSalient Ability +