Eldritch Eruption (3.5e Invocation)

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Author: Luigifan18 (talk)
Date Created: December 12, 2017
Status: Mostly complete
(still need to determine ki cost
and if the invocation should be stronger
when cast by a Saiyan Warrior)
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Eldritch Eruption
Art Flow User Greater; 6th
Pyromaniac Greater; 6th
Saiyan Warrior Greater; 6th
Sand Mage Greater; 6th
Warlock Greater; 6th
Wind Mage Greater; 6th

This invocation functions just like earth power, except that instead of being raw earth magic, the eruption of energy instead takes on the properties of your basic spell-like ability (including its descriptor, which it has instead of the [Earth] descriptor).

For an Art Flow User, this invocation takes on the properties of a paint shot. Creatures caught in the area must make a Fortitude save or else be poisoned as though you had hit them with a paint shot. Unlike the Reflex save, creatures do not take bonuses or penalties to the Fortitude save based on whether or not they are on the ground, but a creature that takes no damage from the invocation (namely, by having evasion or being high up enough to be treated as though it had evasion) will not be poisoned either (and thus has no need to make a Fortitude save). Creatures with the [Water] or [Cold] subtype, as well as creatures with the [Paint] subtype (and other Art Flow Users) are less susceptible to this invocation when it is cast by an Art Flow User; see the description of paint shot for more information. This invocation gains the [Paint] descriptor when cast by an Art Flow User.

For a pyromaniac, this invocation takes on the properties of a fire bolt. All of the damage it deals becomes fire damage. This invocation gains the [Fire] descriptor when cast by a pyromaniac.

For a Saiyan Warrior, this invocation takes on the properties of a ki volley. It does not function substantially differently from earth power, except that it lacks a descriptor and costs ki points to cast (will need to reread Saiyan Warrior page and invocations to decide how many).

For a sand mage, this invocation takes on the properties of a sand blast. Its damage dice are reduced by one step (to d4s by default), but it does not require any damage roll; it automatically deals maximum damage per die. However, because it is actually hundreds of individually insignificant attacks, damage reduction and hardness not only work against the invocation, they are actually treated as though their value was doubled (for example, DR 3 would be treated as DR 6). The damage is treated as all magic, half slashing, and half bludgeoning for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Furthermore, the AC of each creature caught in the effect is subtracted from the damage that creature takes. This invocation gains (or, more accurately, retains) the [Earth] descriptor when cast by a sand mage.

For a warlock, this invocation takes on the properties of an eldritch blast. It does not function substantially differently from earth power, except that it lacks a descriptor. (While the power of a warlock's eldritch blast is defined by class level rather than caster level, that is not true of this invocation; its damage is calculated as earth power's.)

For a wind mage, this invocation takes on the properties of a wind bullet. Its damage dice are reduced by one step (to d4s by default), but the eruption becomes an updraft, and any creature that fails its Reflex save is lifted up to the top of the cylinder and dumped unceremoniously to the ground once it dissipates, taking the appropriate fall damage. Any creature that succeeds on its Reflex save is instead pushed out to the edge of the cylinder. This invocation gains the [Air] descriptor when cast by a wind mage.

This invocation is not a shape, so it cannot actually be used to augment an eldritch blast or analogous ability.

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Luigifan18's Homebrew (383 Articles)
Article BalanceModerate +
AuthorLuigifan18 +
DescriptorFire +, Earth +, Air + and Paint +
Identifier3.5e Invocation +
LevelArt Flow User Greater +, Pyromaniac Greater +, Saiyan Warrior Greater +, Sand Mage Greater +, Warlock Greater + and Wind Mage Greater +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryYou cast earth power, except it has the properties of your basic invocating projectile. +
TitleEldritch Eruption +