Organic Repast (3.5e Martial Discipline)
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One of the most overlooked aspects of combat is the fact that most warriors are mortal creatures — that is, they are organic beings, creatures of flesh. The flesh has many limitations, which can hold it back in battle — and more importantly, can be exploited by a skilled warrior. Practitioners of the Organic Repast discipline take this one step further, and tailor their techniques to maximize the disadvantages of the mortal form — poison and disease are common tools. Yet the Organic Repast also celebrates the beauty and resilience of life — its dynamic balance, resilience, and many paradoxes. Soft yet sturdy, flexible yet structured, solid yet hollow — a living being is a marvel to be celebrated. Reshar was disgusted by this discipline's tendency to utilize poison and disease, feeling that the use of these ravaging forces undermined the purity of combat. But the Organic Repast sees things differently. Poison and disease are weapons, just like a sword or an axe — much more subtle and slower to work, but perhaps even more powerful. And like any other weapon, a skilled warrior must be able to defend himself against them — and to use them to their fullest potential.
[hide]Game Mechanics of the Organic Repast
Available To: Any
Discipline Skill: Heal (Wis) - Disrupting biological systems and repairing biological systems are two sides of the same coin.
Discipline Weapons: Whip, quarterstaff, dagger, fey dagger, assassin needles, jalzab, medicine stick, warwhip, tri-dagger, club, sap - These weapons are similar in design to many creatures' natural weapons.
Saves: 10 + maneuver level + initiator's Con modifier
Legacy Weapon: Pseudopod (orgacraft jalzab)
Maneuver Granting Item: Flesh Gloves
Discipline Feat: Flensing Strike
Tactical Feat: The Power of Flesh
Special: Many of the maneuvers of this discipline can provide additional benefits for xenotheric creatures. A creature without a bio-energy pool can still use them — xenotheric creatures merely get cool extras.
Any creature that knows a maneuver from this discipline is never at risk of accidentally poisoning itself when applying poison to any weapon. This is true even if the creature is not xenotheric.
As a swift action, a xenotheric creature can spend 1 bio-energy charge to refresh a single maneuver from this discipline. This is in addition to any other maneuver recovery mechanism the creature may possess by virtue of class or racial features. (If it is a crusader, the refreshed maneuver is not immediately granted.)
Maneuvers of the Organic Repast Discipline[edit]
- To see the full, expanded description of every maneuver, click here.
Note that the Organic Repast discipline effectively shares several of its maneuvers with the Desert Wind discipline. In general, most Desert Wind maneuvers that can be used to deal fire damage can be used by the Organic Repast discipline to deal acid damage instead (with a digestion theme).
1st-Level Maneuvers
- Enzyme Claw: Boost [Acid] — Coat your weapon in digestive enzymes.
- Fortify Light Wounds: Boost [X-Discipline] — Fix up a small wound.
- Immunopromotion: Stance — Gain a +4 bonus to Fortitude saves against all diseases and poisons, including supernatural ones.
- Instant Antibodies: Counter — Immediately defend yourself against a toxin or pathogen.
- Quick Poison: Boost — Apply a poison to your weapon, even in the heat of battle, as a swift action.
2nd-Level Maneuvers
- Body Speed: Rush — Use your Constitution score as your movement speed.
- Enzyme Core: Boost [Acid] — Transform your weapon into a solid mass of digestive enzymes.
- Fortify Moderate Wounds: Boost, Counter [X-Discipline] — Fix up a small wound.
- Slowdeath Strike: Strike — Imbue a weapon with slow death.
3rd-Level Maneuvers
- Biotic Maintenance: Stance — Gain fast healing equal to your initiator level.
- Fortify Serious Wounds: Boost, Counter [X-Discipline] — Fix up a significant wound.
- Immunity Surge: Counter — Immediately defend yourself against a toxin or pathogen.
- Molecular Bomb: Strike [Acid] — Infuse a creature with digestive enzymes, which immediately burst forth to splatter all over everything in the vicinity.
- Mystical Plague: Strike [X-Discipline Evil] — Generate a magic-inhibiting infection, then inject it into the target.
- Shadow Infection: Strike [X-Discipline Darkness] — Infect a target with shadowfade sickness.
4th-Level Maneuvers
- Bio-Consume: Strike — Consume a foe's bio-energy and add it to your own.
- Digestive Charge: Strike [Acid] — Leap at a target with such accuracy that you might as well be flying, and spray them with digestive juices with a single well-placed strike.
- Fortify Critical Wounds: Boost, Counter [X-Discipline] — Fix up a large wound.
- Paralyze Limbs: Strike [X-Discipline] — Attack, immobilize.
5th-Level Maneuvers
- Fortify Grievous Wounds: Boost, Counter [X-Discipline] — Fix up a severe wound.
- Passive Immunity: Counter — Temporarily boost your immune system with extra antibodies to fend off stuff that tries to hurt you from the inside.
6th-Level Maneuvers
- Biotic Resilience: Counter — Gain a sort of pseudo-regeneration that enables you to convert most forms of damage to nonlethal damage.
- Digestive Ring: Strike, Rush [Acid] — Surround foes with powerful digestive acid.
- Fortify Bodily Ailments: Boost, Counter [X-Discipline] — Repair various negative modifiers to your own body.
- Jitterbug: Boost [X-Discipline Time] — Convert 1 move action into 2 swift actions or 1 standard action.
7th-Level Maneuvers
- Assassin Acupuncturist: Stance [X-Discipline] — Use Assassin Needles with legendary proficiency.
- Fortify Bodily Harm: Boost — Heal ability penalties, ability damage, and negative levels done to yourself.
- Martial Blitz: Strike, Boost [X-Discipline] — Expend another maneuver, and make one attack per level of the expended maneuver.
- Organ Smasher: Strike [X-Discipline] — Emulating a wild animal finishing off its prey, you attempt to strike your foe so hard and so precisely that it cripples a vital component of their body.
- Shutdown Squeeze: Strike [X-Discipline] — Squeeze a creature to unconsciousness by injecting them with Shutdown Serum.
- Synostokiai: Boost [X-Discipline] — Expend a maneuver to regain hp based on the other maneuver's strength.
8th-Level Maneuvers
- Destroy Immunity: Strike — Make your target's next Fortitude save fail automatically.
- Mystical Blight: Strike [X-Discipline Evil Fire] — Generate a highly virulent magic-inhibiting infection, then inject it into the target.
9th-Level Maneuvers
- Biotic Regrowth: Stance — You gain regeneration equal to your initiator level.
- Venom Crush: Strike — Envenomate your target, leaving him with a minute to live.
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Luigifan18v [Expand] |
Author | Luigifan18 + |
Class | Any + |
Identifier | 3.5e Martial Discipline + |
Rated By | Enigma + |
Rating | Rating Pending + |
Skill | Heal + |
Summary | One of the most overlooked aspects of comb … One of the most overlooked aspects of combat is the fact that most warriors are mortal creatures — that is, they are organic beings, creatures of flesh. The flesh has many limitations, which can hold it back in battle — and more importantly, can be exploited by a skilled warrior. Practitioners of the Organic Repast discipline take this one step further, and tailor their techniques to maximize the disadvantages of the mortal form — poison and disease are common tools. Yet the Organic Repast also celebrates the beauty and resilience of life — its dynamic balance, resilience, and many paradoxes. Soft yet sturdy, flexible yet structured, solid yet hollow — a living being is a marvel to be celebrated. living being is a marvel to be celebrated. + |
Title | Organic Repast + |
Weapon | Whip +, quarterstaff +, dagger +, fey dagger +, assassin needles +, jalzab +, medicine stick +, warwhip +, tri-dagger +, club + and sap + |