Sapblood (3.5e Subtype)

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Author: the bluez in the dungeon (talk)
Date Created: 20/07/2022
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Sapblood Subtype[edit]

Sapblood creatures have plant like features: from bark-like skin, foliage, photosynthesis, sap, or similar, instead of blood. They may produce spores, seeds or present other traits typical of plants and fungi.


The sapblood subtype may be given to Plant creatures, and it replaces its type traits with sapblood's traits. A sapblood creature possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry).

  • Unlike other plants, sapblood creatures do not have low-light vision (unless specified).
  • Unlike other plants, a sapblood creature is not immune to mind-affecting spells and abilities, but they gain a +2 bonus against such effects.
  • Unlike other plants, they are not immune to poison, sleep effects, polymorph, and stunning, but they gain a +4 bonus against poisons and stunning effects. They are still immune to paralysis.
  • They are susceptible to magic and effects that affect Plant creatures, like repel wood, but not to effects that affect plant objects (like warp wood). They may also be weak to effects that affect fungi-like creatures, if their entry mentions it.
  • Sapblood creatures are proficient with their natural weapons, if they have any, whatever armor or weapon appears on their entry and with whatever weapon, armor and shield their classes give them proficiency with.
  • They need to breathe, eat, drink and sleep, but see the Photosynthesis (Ex) trait for details.
  • Light Fortification (Ex): When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on a sapblood creature, there is a 25% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally.
  • Photosynthesis (Ex): Sapblood creatures may eat and drink (and so benefit from consumables such as potions), but they can forgo heterotrophic nutrition by remaining in the sunlight (and, if their physiology allows them, rooting) for, at least, the same time other creatures need to rest (usually 8 hours per day). This allows them to avoid needing sleep and food, but they still need to drink water. Casters still need to rest to regain spell slots.

Sapblood Subtype Creatures[edit]

The following creatures have the sapblood subtype:

Table: Sapblood Creatures
Name Description
Dandyleon A race of feline, flowery creatures which are glamourous as much as dangerous.
Lacrimon Spicy plant lizard people with an intimidating frill, often found in jungles.
Mapleling Small humanoids, kindred to feys, with the ability to produce a syrup-like substance and with an affinity with maple trees.
Marijan Marijans are a race of partly-hemp humanoids, with long, braided hair and a cultural tendency to use psychoactive substances.
Nekroom Corpses reanimated by fungal spores to a new, almost undead, life.
R'aga A race of frog-like plants, with an affinity for water and sticky, poisonous tongues.
Rapanip Humanoid turnips with the ability to make unholy monsters flee.

Sapblood Subtype Races[edit]

The following races have the sapblood subtype:

Creature Entry CR Type and Subtypes Size
Dandyleon Plant [Sapblood] Medium, Light
Lacrimon Plant [Sapblood] Medium
Mapleling Plant [Sapblood] Small
Marijan Plant [Sapblood] Medium
Nekroom Plant [Sapblood] Medium
R'aga Plant [Sapblood] Medium, Light
Rapanip Plant [Sapblood] Small

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the bluez in the dungeon's Homebrew (792 Articles)
the bluez in the dungeonv
Authorthe bluez in the dungeon +
Identifier3.5e Subtype +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummarySapblood creatures exist at the crossing point between plant and animal, gaining some but not all the features of plants. +
TitleSapblood +