Sol Invictus (3.5e Deity)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 4-15-13
Status: Complete
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Greater Deity
Symbol: A stylized sun
Home Plane: Upper Realms (Empyreus)
Alignment: NG
Portfolio: Hope, light, leadership, and the sun.
Clergy Alignments: Lawful Good, Chaotic Good, True Neutral, Neutral Good
Domains: Good, Glory, Liberation, Nobility, Sun
Favored Weapon: Greatsword

Sol Invictus, the Unconquered Sun, is the god of hope, light, leadership, and the sun. Born of optimism, he opposes Night Terror Inguma. His scion is Saint Beast Shesha, the last of the true dragons.


As Hiranyagarbha, father of the gods, returned to the world he found it dominated by the beings known as dragons. The world was without hope for a savior. To oppose them he created Sol Invictus the Unconquered Sun, who lead mortalkind to victory over the dragons, and Night Terror Inguma, who filled the dragons with fear of the inevitable victory of the gods. These two creatures born of optimism for change against an opposed world, they give hope to the hopeless and terrify corrupt leaders into staying just and kind.

Sol Invictus was the first of Hiranyagarbha's creations, born specifically for the purpose of overthrowing the dragons and establishing a righteous kingdom on earth. In his youth he spent fighting dragons alongside Dragonslayer Sabazios, and in his age he took up the mantle of king of the gods. He kept the gods in order for the longest time until the plot against his life by Baal Adramelech, his brother. From there, he and his fellow gods retreated to the upper realms watching over the material plane in hopes that they would no longer be needed to rule, and ever ready to return if the dark and fallen gods ever returned.

Regardless of the method of creation, he would later lose his allies to the darkness. His opinions on the plot against him have never been spoken aloud, and it is unknown if he feels sorrowful or satisfied with the imprisonment. All that is known is he speaks tersely about it, and with irritation.


Sol Invictus' true form is obscured, but through visions he has always appeared as a an old bearded man with hair of burning flame. With his beard, it gives him the appearance of a lion's mane of fire. The flames burn so bright that mortal eyes who look upon it go blind in short order. He carries his divine greatsword Claíomh Solais, and a mirror shield known as Priwen, which reflects the entire world within it. He may or may not be a giant of a man, for none can look upon him directly.

Sol Invictus is known as the Unconquered Sun, for he has never been defeated in combat, not even once. Though the title of war god belongs to Sabazios, Sol Invictus is said to be a masterful warrior in his own right. Not even Sabazios has defeated him. He speaks with a seriousness and a grave sense of foreboding.

Sol Invictus is typically associated with his favored creature, the lion. The lion evokes imagery of Sol Invictus himself, as well as the bravery, the power, and the title of King of Beasts.


Sol Invictus is patron saint to leaders, and chief god among all. When praying to the gods of good, they usually refer to him as the main savior and hero of the age of the gods. His dogma praises Sol Invictus for his victory, and demands good leadership from those who claim to live under his banner, lest disaster fall upon them. As they say, "The light of the sun illuminates all evil."

His scion is Saint Beast Shesha, the last of the true dragons. He is a imperial Chinese lung of gold scales and ivory teeth. It is said that in the war, one dragon was found to be virtuous among them all. Shesha betrayed the other dragons and joined the gods, allowing the gods to find a weak point in the scales of Nachash Bare'ach, leader of the dragons, and ultimately leading to their defeat. From there, Shesha awaits in the hidden places of the world, acting as a Kingmaker and seeker of heroes of justice. To be visited by Shesha is to be granted a most holy quest which must be done immediately, no matter how difficult. It is the will of the gods themselves.

When not appearing before mortals, it is said Shesha has the ability to travel to and from the upper realms without problem. He resides in a palace in Empyreus, the highest of the cities said to reside in the heart of the sun itself, and the ultimate safe zone for the gods. Here, Sol Invictus rules over his people.

Clergy and Temples[edit]

The temples of Sol Invictus are very tall, as if to reach heaven, and often try to let in a great deal of light through windows and mirrors. Lighting is a big deal and often the temples of Sol Invictus are never left dark, with a torch or magic illuminating every corner. The most holy room in such places, a prayer room common among them for clerics, is blindingly bright at all times and known as the White Chambers.

His clergy dress in white and gold, and use fire often in ceremonies and religious services. Some of the more devout clerics are blind or partially blind, no doubt due to the effects of the White Chambers. However, said devotees often claim they do not see darkness, but eternal bright light in their blindness.


Sol Invictus is a god of the Logos Benius pantheon, on planet Maya.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5669 Articles)
AlignmentNG +
Allowed AlignmentsLawful Good +, Chaotic Good +, True Neutral + and Neutral Good +
AuthorEiji-kun +
DomainGood +, Glory +, Liberation +, Nobility + and Sun +
Favored WeaponGreatsword +
Home PlaneUpper Realms (Empyreus) +
Identifier3.5e Deity +
PantheonLogos Benius +
PortfolioHope, light, leadership, and the sun. +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummarySol Invictus, the Unconquered Sun, is the god of hope, light, leadership, and the sun. Born of optimism, he opposes Night Terror Inguma. His scion is Saint Beast Shesha, the last of the true dragons. +
SymbolA stylized sun +
TitleSol Invictus +
TypeGreater +