Spirit Rager (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: the bluez in the dungeon (talk)
Date Created: 5/5/2021
Status: Complete
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Spirit Rager

A barbarian that doesn't fall in a frenzied bloodlust, instead it allows spirits (of ancestors, animals, nature or other supernatural sources) to occupy its body, gaining ethereal powers and a lucid, mystic lunacy.

Class: Barbarian In The Dungeon

Prerequisites: Wisdom 13, a character that takes this alternate class feature may not take the standard barbarian class.

Level: 1

Replaces: Hit Die, Class Skills, Rage and its improvements, Uncanny Dodge and Improved Uncanny Dodge, Savage Nature, Hazard Sense, Invigorating Passion, Damage Reduction, Unshakable, Indomitable Will, Tonic Passion and Tireless Rage.

Benefit: The spirit rager's HD is d10 instead of d12.

Its class skills are as follows: Balance, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (religion), Knowledge (the planes), Listen, Sense Motive, Spot and Survival.

It gains Sylvan or one of the elemental languages (Aquan, Auran, Ignan or Terran) as a bonus language. It can write in this language, regardless of illiteracy.

  • Spirit Rage: At first level it gains Spirit Rage. This feature works exactly like the Rage feature of a barbarian, except as it follows: while in Spirit Rage it gains a +4 to Strength and to Wisdom (instead of Constitution), +4 morale bonus to Will saves (instead of +2) and +2 deviation bonus to AC (instead of the -2 to AC). It may make skills check that require focus or act with concentration, given that this concentration lasts no more than one round. At the end of the effect the is sickened instead of fatigued. Duration and daily uses are unchanged. This feature counts as Rage for any requirements.
  • Indomitable Will: At second level it gains Indomitable Will as a barbarian, instead of Uncanny Dodge.
  • Spirit Wisdom: At third level it gains Spirit Wisdom instead of Savage Nature: it grants the spirit rager a bonus to Concentration, Knowledge (nature, religion, the planes) and Survival equal to +2. These bonuses increase by one each four successive levels of spirit rager.
  • Mystic Shield: At third level it also gains the Mystic Shield feature instead of Hazard Sense. This feature grants a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflexes and a +1 to Fortitude saves against any magical effect (spells, spell-like or supernatural abilities). These bonuses increase by one each three successive levels, up to a +5 at 15th level. The spirit rager loses the dodge bonus if it's immobilized.
  • Spirit Body: At 4th level it gains Spirit Body: this feature allows the spirit rager to consider any weapon it wields or its unarmed or natural attacks as having the ghost touch property, as long as it wields it. This effect is active only during Spirit Rage. At level 8th, a spirit rager under Spirit Rage has concealment that gives it a 30% chance of eluding any attack. This chance increases by 10% at level 13th and at level 17th. This feature is similar to the blur or displacement spells and it's negated by ghost touch.
  • Ethereal Sight: By level 5th a spirit rager may use a swift action to normally see invisible and etheral creatures. It gains also darkvision out of 60 feet (18 meters) and a +2 to Search and Spot checks. This effect lasts one minute per Wisdom modifier and may be split in multiple uses daily. This replaces Improved Uncanny Dodge.
  • Greater Spirit Rage: At level 6th it gains Greater Spirit Rage: its Spirit Rage bonuses increase to +6 to Strength and Wisdom, +4 to Will saves and +3 deflection to AC.
  • Damage Reduction: By level 7th it gains Damage Reduction 2/cold iron. It increases by one at 10th, 13th, 16th and 19th level.
  • Slippery Mind: At level 9th it gains the Slippery Mind feature as a rogue. It allows it to try again, a round later, a failed Will save against an enchantment effect. This replaces Unshakable.
  • Free Spirit: At level 14th a spirit rager gains the Free Spirit feature, which makes it immune to any enchantment effect.
  • Mighty Spirit Rage: At level 20th it gains Mighty Spirit Rage: its bonuses in Spirit Rage increase to +8 for Strength and Wisdom, +8 to Will saves and +4 deflection to AC.

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the bluez in the dungeon's Homebrew (771 Articles)
the bluez in the dungeonv
Authorthe bluez in the dungeon +
ClassBarbarian In The Dungeon +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA barbarian that doesn't fall in a frenzied bloodlust, instead it allows spirits (of ancestors, animals, nature or other supernatural sources) to occupy its body, gaining ethereal powers and a lucid, mystic lunacy. +
TitleSpirit Rager +