Effects of Summoner's White Magic in FF GamesEdit
Cure HP
Slowly regain HP
Remove status effects
Reduce damage from magical attacks
Reduce damage from physical attacks
Speed buff
Cause silence
Dispel magic
Reflect magic
Make target smaller
Darkness hinders accuracy of attacks
Physical buffs
Holy damage
Blink miss chance buff
Slow enemy
Divination to figure out weaknesses
Word of recall
Protect from various elemental damages
Damage or take away targets casting ability
Put target to sleep
Stop target (time)
Current Summoner SpellsEdit
0th-Level Summoner Spells (Orisons)Edit
- Arcane Mark: Inscribes a personal rune (visible or invisible).
- Create Water: Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water.
- Cure Minor Wounds: Cures 1 point of damage.
- Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
- Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or object.
- Guidance: +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.
- Inflict Minor Wounds: Touch attack, 1 point of damage.
- Light: Object shines like a torch.
- Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object.
- Message: Whispered conversation at distance.
- Purify Food and Drink: Purifies 1 cu. ft./level of food or water.
- Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks.
- Resistance: Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
- Virtue: Subject gains 1 temporary hp.
1st-Level Summoner SpellsEdit
- Bane: Enemies take –1 on attack rolls and saves against fear.
- Comprehend Languages: You understand all spoken and written languages.
- Cure Light Wounds: Cures 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5).
- Detect Chaos: Reveals creatures, spells, or objects of selected alignment.
- Detect Evil: Reveals creatures, spells, or objects of selected alignment.
- Detect Good: Reveals creatures, spells, or objects of selected alignment.
- Detect Law: Reveals creatures, spells, or objects of selected alignment.
- Doom: One subject takes –2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.
- Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments.
- Entropic Shield: Ranged attacks against you have 20% miss chance.
- Inflict Light Wounds: Touch deals 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5).
- Mount: Summons riding horse for 2 hours/level.
- Protection from Chaos: +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders.
- Protection from Evil: +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders.
- Protection from Good: +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders.
- Protection from Law: +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders.
- Remove Fear: Suppresses fear or gives +4 on saves against fear for one subject + one per four levels.
- Sanctuary: Opponents can’t attack you, and you can’t attack.
- Shield: Invisible disc gives +4 to AC, blocks magic missiles for 1 min/level.
- Summon Monster I: Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
- Summon Nature's Ally I: Calls creature to fight for you.
- Unseen Servant: Invisible force obeys your commands.
2nd-Level Summoner SpellsEdit
- Aid: +1 on attack rolls and saves against fear, 1d8 temporary hp +1/level (max +10).
- Bear's Endurance: Subject gains +4 to Con for 1 min./level.
- Blur: Attacks miss subject 20% of the time.
- Bull's Strength: Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level.
- Calm Emotions: Calms creatures, negating emotion effects.
- Cure Moderate Wounds: Cures 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10).
- Darkness: 20-ft. radius of supernatural shadow.
- Delay Poison: Stops poison from harming subject for 1 hour/level.
- Eagle's Splendor: Subject gains +4 to Cha for 1 min./level.
- Hold Person: Paralyzes one humanoid for 1 round/level.
- Inflict Moderate Wounds: Touch attack, 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10).
- Owl's Wisdom: Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 min./level.
- Protection from Arrows: Subject immune to most ranged attacks.
- Remove Paralysis: Frees one or more creatures from paralysis or slow effect.
- Resist Energy: Ignores 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type.
- Restoration, Lesser: Dispels magical ability penalty or repairs 1d4 ability damage.
- See Invisibility: Reveals invisible creatures or objects.
- Shield Other F: You take half of subject’s damage.
- Silence: Negates sound in 20-ft. radius.
- Sound Burst: Deals 1d8 sonic damage to subjects; may stun them.
- Status: Monitors condition, position of allies.
- Summon Monster II: Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
- Summon Nature's Ally II: Calls creature to fight for you.
- Summon Swarm: Summons swarm of bats, rats, or spiders.
3rd-Level Summoner SpellsEdit
- Bestow Curse: –6 to an ability score; –4 on attack rolls, saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing each action.
- Blindness/Deafness: Makes subject blinded or deafened.
- Create Food and Water: Feeds three humans (or one horse)/level.
- Cure Serious Wounds: Cures 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15).
- Dispel Magic: Cancels spells and magical effects.
- Displacement: Attacks miss subject 50%.
- Haste: One creature/level moves faster, +1 on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves.
- Heroism: Gives +2 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks.
- Inflict Serious Wounds: Touch attack, 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15).
- Invisibility Purge: Dispels invisibility within 5 ft./level.
- Magic Circle against Chaos: As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level.
- Magic Circle against Evil: As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level.
- Magic Circle against Good: As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level.
- Magic Circle against Law: As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level.
- Phantom Steed: Magic horse appears for 1 hour/level.
- Protection from Energy: Absorb 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy.
- Remove Blindness/Deafness: Cures normal or magical conditions.
- Remove Curse: Frees object or person from curse.
- Remove Disease: Cures all diseases affecting subject.
- Slow: One subject/level takes only one action/round, –1 to AC, reflex saves, and attack rolls.
- Summon Monster III: Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
- Summon Nature's Ally III: Calls creature to fight for you.
- Tiny Hut: Creates shelter for ten creatures.
4th-Level Summoner SpellsEdit
- Confusion: Subjects behave oddly for 1 round/level.
- Cure Critical Wounds: Cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +20).
- Crushing Despair: Subjects take –2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.
- Death Ward: Grants immunity to death spells and negative energy effects.
- Dimensional Anchor: Bars extradimensional movement.
- Dismissal: Forces a creature to return to native plane.
- Freedom of Movement: Subject moves normally despite impediments.
- Inflict Critical Wounds: Touch attack, 4d8 damage +1/level (max +20).
- Neutralize Poison: Immunizes subject against poison, detoxifies venom in or on subject.
- Planar Ally, Lesser X: Exchange services with a 6 HD extraplanar creature.
- Restoration M: Restores level and ability score drains.
- Secure Shelter: Creates sturdy cottage.
- Spell Immunity: Subject is immune to one spell per four levels.
- Summon Monster IV: Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
- Summon Nature's Ally IV: Calls creature to fight for you.
- Tongues: Speak any language.
5th-Level Summoner SpellsEdit
- Break Enchantment: Frees subjects from enchantments, alterations, curses, and petrification.
- Cure Light Wounds, Mass: Cures 1d8 damage +1/level for many creatures.
- Dispel Chaos: +4 bonus against attacks.
- Dispel Evil: +4 bonus against attacks.
- Dispel Good: +4 bonus against attacks.
- Dispel Law: +4 bonus against attacks.
- Insect Plague: Locust swarms attack creatures.
- Mage's Faithful Hound: Phantom dog can guard, attack.
- Inflict Light Wounds, Mass: Deals 1d8 damage +1/level to many creatures.
- Plane Shift F: As many as eight subjects travel to another plane.
- Raise Dead M: Restores life to subject who died as long as one day/level ago.
- Righteous Might: Your size increases, and you gain combat bonuses.
- Spell Resistance: Subject gains SR 12 + level.
- Summon Monster V: Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
- Summon Nature's Ally V: Calls creature to fight for you.
- True Seeing M: Lets you see all things as they really are.
6th-Level Summoner SpellsEdit
- Banishment: Banishes 2 HD/level of extraplanar creatures.
- Bear's Endurance, Mass: As bear’s endurance, affects one subject/ level.
- Bull's Strength, Mass: As bull’s strength, affects one subject/level.
- Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass: Cures 2d8 damage +1/level for many creatures.
- Dispel Magic, Greater: As dispel magic, but up to +20 on check.
- Eagle's Splendor, Mass: As eagle’s splendor, affects one subject/level.
- Forbiddance M: Blocks planar travel, damages creatures of different alignment.
- Harm: Deals 10 points/level damage to target.
- Heal: Cures 10 points/level of damage, all diseases and mental conditions.
- Heroes' Feast: Food for one creature/level cures and grants combat bonuses
- Inflict Moderate Wounds, Mass: Deals 2d8 damage +1/level to many creatures.
- Owl's Wisdom, Mass: As owl’s wisdom, affects one subject/level.
- Planar Ally X: As lesser planar ally, but up to 12 HD.
- Summon Monster VI: Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
- Summon Nature's Ally VI: Calls creature to fight for you.
- Word of Recall: Teleports you back to designated place.
7th-Level Summoner SpellsEdit
- Cure Serious Wounds, Mass: Cures 3d8 damage +1/level for many creatures.
- Dictum: Kills, paralyzes, slows, or deafens nonlawful subjects.
- Ethereal Jaunt: You become ethereal for 1 round/level.
- Holy Word: Kills, paralyzes, blinds, or deafens nongood subjects.
- Instant SummonsM: Prepared object appears in your hand.
- Inflict Serious Wounds, Mass: Deals 3d8 damage +1/level to many creatures.
- Refuge M: Alters item to transport its possessor to you.
- Regenerate: Subject’s severed limbs grow back, cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +35).
- Restoration, Greater X: As restoration, plus restores all levels and ability scores.
- Resurrection M: Fully restore dead subject.
- Summon Monster VII: Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
- Summon Nature's Ally VII: Calls creature to fight for you.
8th-Level Summoner SpellsEdit
- Antimagic Field: Negates magic within 10 ft.
- Creeping Doom: Swarms of centipedes attack at your command.
- Cure Critical Wounds, Mass: Cures 4d8 damage +1/level for many creatures.
- Dimensional Lock: Teleportation and interplanar travel blocked for one day/level.
- Holy Aura F: +4 to AC, +4 resistance, and SR 25 against evil spells.
- Inflict Critical Wounds, Mass: Deals 4d8 damage +1/level to many creatures.
- Planar Ally, Greater X: As lesser planar ally, but up to 18 HD.
- Shield of Law F: +4 to AC, +4 resistance, and SR 25 against chaotic spells.
- Spell Immunity, Greater: As spell immunity, but up to 8th-level spells.
- Summon Monster VIII: Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
- Summon Nature's Ally VIII: Calls creature to fight for you.
9th-Level Summoner SpellsEdit
- Astral Projection M: Projects you and companions onto Astral Plane.
- Elemental Swarm: Summons multiple elementals.
- Etherealness: Travel to Ethereal Plane with companions.
- Gate X: Connects two planes for travel or summoning.
- Heal, Mass: As heal, but with several subjects.
- Summon Monster IX: Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
- Summon Nature's Ally IX: Calls creature to fight for you.
- True Resurrection M: As resurrection, plus remains aren’t needed.