Dungeons and Dragons Wiki:Copy of Inputboxes

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Add New Category

This page contains the add new pages. Getting this looking standardized should be a long term goal. Removing the tables around the monsters would be helpful, if anybody wants to do that. Anyways, for those of you whom are heavy homebrewers, I'd suggest bookmarking this page.

Note: When substituting the name of your article for "MyWhatever", be sure to leave the tag that is in parentheses.

Note: If you are adding an article to this site, and it is not your idea, please get permission from the author.

Author {{{end template}}}
Author Info
Author name1: author_name
Date created: date_created
Status1: status
Uncheck if you are a user: isnotuser

{{{end template}}} subst:3.5e Alternate Class Feature

Alternate Class Feature Description
Name1: name
Summary1: summary
Class1: class
Level(s)1: level
Replaces1: replaces
Benefit1: benefit
  1. Required fields.


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Back to Main Page3.5e HomebrewCharacter OptionsAlternate Class Features Author

Author name: author_name
Date created: date_created
Status: status
Uncheck if you are a user: isnotuser

{{{end template}}}

</noinclude> subst:3.5e Flaw If your flaw has information this form does not offer room for (such as a "DM Note" section); press "Save page" and then edit it without using this form to include it.

Name: Enter the name of your flaw here.

Summary: Enter a short summary of what your flaw does here. This appears on 3.5e Flaws as well as on this page.

Prerequisite: Enter the requirements a character must meet in order to take this flaw here. If none are needed write "None". This appears on 3.5e Flaws as well as on this page.

Effect: Enter the effect this flaw has on the character here.

Benefit: Bonus Feat. {{{end template}}}

free text


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Back to Main Page3.5e HomebrewCharacter OptionsFlaws Author

Author name: author_name
Date created: date_created
Status: status
Uncheck if you are a user: isnotuser

{{{end template}}} </noinclude> subst:3.5e Trait If your trait has information this form does not offer room for (such as a "DM Note" section); press "Save page" and then edit it without using this form to include it.

Name: Enter the name of your trait here.

Summary: Enter a short summary of what your trait does here. This appears on 3.5e Traits as well as on this page.

Benefit: Enter what the character gains by taking this trait here.

Drawback: Enter what the character loses by taking this trait here.

Special: Enter what the character must posses, or the campaign must posses, for the character to take this trait here. If nothing — leave this section black.

Roleplaying Ideas: Enter how the character changes, purely from an in-game perspective, here.

{{{end template}}}


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Back to Main Page3.5e HomebrewCharacter OptionsTraits Author

Author name: author_name
Date created: date_created
Status: status
Uncheck if you are a user: isnotuser

{{{end template}}} </noinclude> subst:4e Quest

Name: Enter the name of your quest here.

Adventurer Level: Enter the level or level-range that players should be to attempt this quest here.
adventurer level

Integration: Enter how to integrate this quest into an existing game here.

Preparation Time: Enter how much preparation time it takes to run this quest here. Enemies with lots of abilities, for example, may take some time to be familiar with their capabilities.
preparation time

Play Time: Enter the estimated (or tested) amount of time this quest should take here.
play time

Introduction: Enter a short introduction of your quest here. This is include the type of quest, e.g. (dungeon crawl, urban, etc.) and the mood of the quest.

History: Enter a brief history of the events surrounding the quest here. This should include the context for the adventure.

Hook: Enter a hook (or several) to engage the players and draw them into the adventure here.

Background: Enter a brief overview and outline of the stages of your quest here.

NPCs: Enter a list of the NPCs featured in your Quest by name and class(es) here. This area should only have links to the NPC, each NPC should have its own page, please refer to 4e NPCs for more information.

Items: Enter a list of any items specific to the quests, especially as plot devices, here. This area should only have links to the item, each item should have its own page, please refer to 4e Equipment for more information.

Stage-One: Enter the name of stage-one of your quest here.
stage-one name
Enter the details of stage-one of your quest here.
stage-one details

Stage-Two: Enter the name of stage-two of your quest here.
stage-two name
Enter the details of stage-two of your quest here.
stage-two details

Stage-Three: Enter the name of stage-three of your quest here.
stage-three name
Enter the details of stage-three of your quest here.
stage-three details

Stage-Four: Enter the name of stage-four of your quest here.
stage-four name
Enter the details of stage-four of your quest here.
stage-four details

If your quest has more or less stages than four, please finish filling out this form, press save, then add or remove the rest manually.

{{{end template}}}

summary or "(4e Encounter)" minor edit watch

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Back to Main Page4e HomebrewQuests

Author {{{end template}}} 4e Ritual {{{end template}}}
Author Info
Author name1: author_name
Date created: date_created
Status1: status
Uncheck if you are a user: isnotuser

{{{end template}}} subst:4e Ritual (Form Input - Top)

Ritual Description
Name1: name
Flavor Text1: flavortext
Ritual Level1: level
Component Cost1: component_cost
Category1: category
Casting Time1: time
Market Price1: market_price
Key Skill1: skill
Duration1: duration

{{{end template}}} subst:4e Ritual (Form Input - Bottom)

Description of Ritual1: description
  1. Required fields.


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Back to Main Page4e HomebrewRitualsTo make a new page for your own quest, simply replace "MyQuest" in the field below. Please leave the " (4e Quest)" indentifier. Then click the button and you'll be taken to an edit page with a template and instructions for adding your creation. If there is already a page with the same name, you'll be taken to the Edit page for the existing quest.

Note: If you are putting something on this site, and it is not your idea, you must have permission from the author to add it to the wiki.

Back to Main Page5x5e
To make a new page for your own feat, simply replace "MyAlternateClassFeature", "MyFeat", "MyFlaw", or "MyTrait" in one of the fields below. Please leave the " (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)", " (3.5e Feat)", " (3.5e Flaw)", or " (3.5e Trait)" indentifier. Then click the appropriate button and you'll be taken to an edit page with a template and instructions for adding your creation. If there is already a page with the same name, you'll be taken to the Edit page. <onlyinclude>

The following buttons will take you to creation pages for scaling feats.


Note: If you are adding an article to this site, and it is not your idea, please get permission from the author.

Back to Main Page3.5e HomebrewCharacter Options

Full Table Preloads

These preloads allow you to specify your numeric progressions, but also require you to edit and prune wikitables.


A psionic class is one that uses psionic powers through power point expenditures.

A martial class is one that gains access to martial maneuvers, as detailed in the Tome of Battle.

A mundane class is a class that does not have any more than one column for class abilities.

New Martial Discipline Preloads
== Clean Preloads ==
To make a new page for your own equipment item, simply replace "MyEquipment" in the field below. Please leave the "(4e Equipment)" identifier for whichever one you choose. Then click the button and you'll be taken to an edit page with a template and instructions for adding your creation. If there is already a page with the same name, you'll be taken to the Edit page for the existing equipment.

Note: If you are putting something on this site, and it is not your idea, please get permission from the author.

Back to Main Page4e HomebrewEquipment
To make a new page for your own quest, simply replace "MyQuest" in the field below. Please leave the " (4e Quest)" indentifier. Then click the button and you'll be taken to an edit page with a template and instructions for adding your creation. If there is already a page with the same name, you'll be taken to the Edit page for the existing quest.

Note: If you are putting something on this site, and it is not your idea, you must have permission from the author to add it to the wiki.

Back to Main Page4e Homebrew
To make a new page, simply enter the name of your spell, power, or domain replacing "MyDomain", "MySpell", "MyPower", etc... in your choice of field below. Please leave the " (5e Spell)", " (5e Power)", etc... identifier. Then click a button and you'll be taken to an edit page with a template and instructions for adding your creation. If there is already a page with the same name, you'll be taken to the Edit page for the existing page.
Se 5e Spell List for official and unofficial spells
See 5e Eldritch Invocation List for official and unofficial invocations.
See 5e Pact Boon for official and unofficial pact boons.

Note: If you are adding an article to this site, and it is not your idea, please get permission from the author.

Back to Main Page5x5eClass Ability ComponentsTo make a new page for your own feat, simply replace "MyAlternateClassFeature", "MyFeat", or "MyBackground" in one of the fields below. Please leave the " (5e Alternate Class Feature)", " (5e Feat)", or " (5e Background)" indentifier. Then click the appropriate button and you'll be taken to an edit page with a template and instructions for adding your creation. If there is already a page with the same name, you'll be taken to the Edit page.

Note: If you are adding an article to this site, and it is not your idea, please get permission from the author.


This preload is very structured and deals with all of the formatting for you. If your background follows the published standards, we recommend using it.

Class Features



Note: If you are adding an article to this site, and it is not your idea, please get permission from the author.

Back to Main Page5x5eCharacter OptionsTo make a new page for your own feat, simply replace "MyClass" or "MySubclass" in one of the fields below with the name of your new article. Please leave the " (5e Class)" or " (5e Subclass)" indentifier. Then click the appropriate button and you'll be taken to an edit page with a template and instructions for adding your creation. If there is already a page with the same name, you'll be taken to the Edit page.

Note: If you are adding an article to this site, and it is not your idea, please get permission from the author.

Class Preloads

These simple preloads include templates for the class table and class feature sections, to standardize formatting and make entry more straightforward.



Prestige Class


Sidekick Class


Subclass Preloads

Subclass for a homebrew class


If your subclass gains a spellcasting progression, you can use the following preload instead. It includes a template to help create and format the casting progression table, so you don't have to deal with wiki table code. <onlyinclude>

Subclass for a published class

Note: If you are adding an article to this site, and it is not your idea, please get permission from the author.

Back to Main Page5x5eClass Back to Main Page5x5eClassTo make a new page for your own feat, simply replace "MyCondition" in the field below with the name of your new article. Please leave the " (5e Condition)" identifier. Then click the appropriate button and you'll be taken to an edit page with a template and instructions for adding your creation. If there is already a page with the same name, you'll be taken to the Edit page.


Note: If you are adding an article to this site, and it is not your idea, please get permission from the author.
When naming your condition please check the SRD5: Condition to see if it already exists.

Template:5e Conditions BreadcrumbTo make a new page for your own feat, simply replace "MyDisease" in the field below with the name of your new article. Please leave the " (5e Disease)" indentifier. Then click the appropriate button and you'll be taken to an edit page with a template and instructions for adding your creation. If there is already a page with the same name, you'll be taken to the Edit page.


Note: If you are adding an article to this site, and it is not your idea, please get permission from the author.
When naming your disease please check the SRD5: Disease to see if it already exists.

Template:5e Diseases BreadcrumbTo make a new page for your own equipment item, simply replace "MyEquipment" in the field below. Please leave the "(5e Equipment)" identifier for whichever one you choose. Then click the button and you'll be taken to an edit page with a template and instructions for adding your creation. If there is already a page with the same name, you'll be taken to the Edit page for the existing equipment.

Nonmagical Items


Magic Items

Note: If you are putting something on this site, and it is not your idea, please get permission from the author.

Back to Main Page5x5eEquipmentTo make a new page for your own feat, simply replace "MyMonster" in the field below with the name of your new article. Please leave the " (5e Monster)" indentifier. Then click the appropriate button and you'll be taken to an edit page with a template and instructions for adding your creation. If there is already a page with the same name, you'll be taken to the Edit page.


Note: If you are adding an article to this site, and it is not your idea, please get permission from the author.
When naming your monster please check the 5e Monster List to see if it already exists.

Helpful Guidelines

The following sections of the SRD may be helpful in the creation of your monster.

Back to Main Page5x5eMonsters==General NPC== This is for a general Non-Player Character, such as soldier, mage, elven rogue, etc.


Named NPC

This section is for NPC's with a specific name and per-defined personality. The named NPC should be able to be incorporated into any 5e campaign.
Please respectful and do not use the names of characters from published fiction or real people.


Note: If you are adding an article to this site, and it is not your idea, please get permission from the author.

Back to Main Page5x5eMonstersNPCsTo make a new page for your own feat, simply replace "MyRace" or "MySubrace" in one of the fields below with the name of your new article. Please leave the " (5e Race)" or " (5e MySubrace)" indentifier. Then click the appropriate button and you'll be taken to an edit page with a template and instructions for adding your creation. If there is already a page with the same name, you'll be taken to the Edit page.


Note: If you are adding an article to this site, and it is not your idea, please get permission from the author.
Before you add a new race for 5th ed. please check the list of official 5e races to avoid duplication.

Back to Main Page5x5eCharacter Options
To make a new page for your own class, simply replace "MyClass" in the field below and please leave the " (Legend Class)" identifier. Then click the button and you'll be taken to an edit page with a template and instructions for adding your creation. If there is already a page with the same name, you'll be taken to the Edit page for the existing article.

Note: If you are adding an article to this site, and it is not your idea, please get permission from the author.

LegendClassesTo make a new page for your own feat, simply replace "MyFeat" in the field below. Please leave the " (Legend Feat)" indentifier, then click the button and you'll be taken to an edit page with a template and instructions for adding your creation. If there is already a page with the same name, you'll be taken to the Edit page.



To make a new page for your own item, simply replace the placeholder text in the appropriate field below. Please leave the "(Legend Items)" page tag identifier after the name of your item. Make sure the name of your item is capitalized and there is a space between the name of the item and the "(Legend Items)" page tag identifier.

One the name of your article is ready, click the "create" button and you'll be taken to an Edit page with a basic template layout to fill in and basic formatting instructions for adding your creation. If there is already a page with the same name, you'll be taken to the Edit page for the existing article.


Note: If you are adding an article to this site, and it is not your idea, please get permission from the author.

LegendItemsTo make a new page for your own class, simply replace "MyTrack" in the field below and please leave the " (Legend Track)" identifier for whichever one you choose. Then click the button and you'll be taken to an edit page with a template and instructions for adding your creation. If there is already a page with the same name, you'll be taken to the Edit page for the existing article.

Note: If you are adding an article to this site, and it is not your idea, please get permission from the author.


To make a new page for your own divine being or group, simply replace "MyDeity" in the field below. Please leave the " (3.5e Deity)" identifier. Then click the button and you'll be taken to an edit page with a template and instructions for adding your creation. If a page already exists that uses the name you submit, you'll be taken to the Edit page for the existing article.

Note: If you are adding an article to this site, and it is not your idea, please get permission from the author.

Back to Main Page3.5e HomebrewDeities
... further results

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