Blood Magister (3.5e Feat)

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Author: MisterSinister (talk)
Date Created: August 16th, 2011
Status: Finished
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Blood Magister [ToP Skill] You know of blood, and derive great power from it. Benefits: This is a skill feat intended for use with the Tome of Prowess. It scales with your ranks in Healing.

  • 4 ranks: You gain the ability to detect blood. This functions identically to the detect poison spell, except it is a supernatural ability, has range equal to your sight, can be used at-will, and detects blood rather than poison.
  • 9 ranks: You radiate an aura that causes blood to flow faster or slower. The aura has a radius of 25 feet plus 5 feet per 2 ranks in Healing, and is considered an emanation that moves with you. All creatures in the area (including yourself) are subject to one of two effects, chosen by you when they first enter the aura as a free action usable outside your turn. You can choose for a creature to bleed faster, in which case, while they are in the aura and have anything less than maximum hit points (nonlethal damage doesn't count), at the end of each of their turns, they bleed for additional damage equal to your ranks in Healing divided by three (rounding up). Alternatively, you can choose for a creature to bleed slower, giving it fast healing equal to your ranks in Healing divided by three. Creatures on more than 50% of their hit points cannot benefit from this fast healing. All effects end as soon as a creature leaves the aura, and you can change which effect applies to a creature as a free action useable outside of your turn.
  • 14 ranks: You can call blood to yourself, fatally injuring a creature in the process. This requires a full-round action, can be used once per minute, and has a range of 100 feet plus 10 feet per rank in Healing. The creature must have blood to be called in this manner. The creature is killed unless it succeeds on a Fort save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Charisma modifier), and even if it passes, it loses twice your ranks in Healing in hit points. The manner of death is truly gory, as the creature's blood is pulled towards you in a rush of droplets through the air. This is a supernatural ability.
  • 19 ranks: You can restore life to a creature using your blood. By spending 1 minute, and voluntarily taking 4 points of Constitution ability burn, you can restore a creature to life, as if by resurrection. This ability's caster level is equal to your ranks in Healing -3. This is a spell-like ability. You cannot use this ability if you are not in your own body, or if you have changed form. The ability burn from this ability persists across forms, even if it normally wouldn't.

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AuthorMisterSinister +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteNone +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryYou know of blood, and derive great power from it. +
TitleBlood Magister +
ToP SkillHealing +
TypeToP Skill +