Generic Fatman Pilot (3.5e NPC)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 8-26-15
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Generic Fatman Pilot

CR 9

Male Human Machinist Fighter 4 (Piloting Fatman MS-08 Power Armor
LN Large Construct
Init/Senses +4/Darkvision, Low-Light Vision; Listen +8, Spot +8
Languages Common
AC 26 (+13 armor, +4 dex, -1 size) or 18 (+4 armor, +4 dex), touch 13 or 14, flat-footed 22 or 14
(+2 dodge vs ranged, +4 shield when tower shield is deployed)
hp 102 and 34 (12d10+36 or 4d10+8 HD); DR 10/adamantine
Immune Ability damage, ability drain, critical hits, death effects, disease, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigue, mind-affecting effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, stunning, necromancy effects, and Fortitude saves (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless)
SR/Resist 22/Cold/Fire 10
Fort/Ref/Will +7/+8/+4
Speed 30 ft; 60 ft wheeled (average)
Melee Hardlight Longsword +16 melee (1d6+8, 20/x2)
Ranged Heat Pistol +12 ranged touch (1d6 fire, 20/x2)
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.
Base Atk/Grp +9/+21
Atk Options Construct Hunter (+2 attack/+2d6 damage vs constructs)
Special Actions Rocket Pod
Combat Gear Battle Rifle, Hardlight Longsword, Heat Pistol, Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
Abilities Str 27, Dex 19, Con - (or 14), Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
SQ Auto Assist, Closed System, Death Throes, Durable Construction, Hardpoints, Reinforced Plating +3, Tech Lore +6, Trapfinding, Use Mechanical Device +6
Feats Device KnowledgeB, HandymanB, Ranged Dodge, Marksman, Rapid Shot, Attack on the Run, Universal Expert (Craft)B, Mundane Crafter (Craft Construct)B, Skill Focus (Program)B
Skills Acrobatics +11, Craft (any) +11/+13 vs complex machines, Disable Device +9, Heal +8, Intimidate +6/+10 in Fatman, Knowledge (engineering) +7, Perception +8, Program +10, Survival +8
Possessions combat gear plus 35gp, Combat Spade, Field Equipment Pack, Gray Ioun Stone, Packmule Vest, Tower Shield
Auto Assist The Fatman's computer systems are designed to assist the pilot during operation. As a free action once per round, the suit itself automatically aids another the pilot on whatever task they attempt, granting a +2 bonus. In addition, it allows them proficiency in all weapons and shields, even exotic ones. If the pilot is already proficient, they gain a +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls. Lastly, the pilot may use their own Dexterity or Wisdom scores for the purpose of ranged attack and damage rolls (when applicable), or the Fatman's scores, whichever are better.
Closed System As long as the suit is completely enclosed, line of effect to the pilot is broken (and vice versa). Those wearing the suit experience an 80% arcane spell failure, as there is not much room to move. Still, they can buff themselves and the Fatman they are wearing if they are able to cast. They can communicate with those on the outside via speakers, and radio.

The Fatman keeps the pilot in an enclosed system, providing the pilot with the benefits of endure elements and fresh air. It can refresh the air in the cockpit for up to 8 hours before needing to access external air sources, or 24 hours if no stressful actions are taken by the pilot.

Death Throes As a standard action the Fatman can be set up to self destruct into a fireball (DC 19), destroying the suit utterly, with a delay of up to 5 minutes. The death throes effect also takes place as a non-action if the suit is destroyed (but see Durable Construction). A pilot in an exploding Fatman can attempt to escape the suit with a DC 19 Reflex save, allowing them to move up to their move speed out of their suit and take half damage. The save DC is Constitution based.
Durable Construction The Fatman is a very durable beast. Though it is rendered inert at 0 hp and below, it is not destroyed until it reaches -10 minus its HD in damage (so -22 with the example Fatman). Inert Fatman units can still be repaired and brought back online. A Knowledge Xeno or Program check is required to bring the suit back into working order once it rises to positive hit points.
Reinforced Plating The Fatman's military grade armor plating gives it many advantages. The Fatman's +3 reinforced plating bonus acts as a substitute Constitution modifier with respect to its hit points per HD, its Constitution-based special attack save DCs and its Fortitude saves.
Rocket Pod The Fatman can obtain a rocket pod which fires non-tracking explosives. Treat it as if the Fatman had fireball at will as an extraordinary ability, DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Dexterity or Wisdom modifier. However, it only has enough ammunition to fire 5 times before being empty.
Tech Lore A 2nd level machinist fighter gain an ability identical to a Bard's bardic lore except it only apply to technology, construct and devices, having 5 ranks in Knowledge: Engineering gives a +2 synergy bonus to her roll.
Use Mechanical Device A 2nd level machinist fighter is a natural with machines, gaining "Use Mechanical Device", a unique skill that allows the roboticist to identify and operate machines whose function is unknown to her. It is similar to a Use Magic Device check, but is her class level + her Int modifier, and having 5 ranks in Knowledge: Engineering gives a +2 synergy bonus to her roll.

As a general rule, DC 10 is for simple, unknown devices such as a gun, a simple vehicle, or determining what exposed gears and wires connect to. DC 20 is for complex devices, such as trying to drive a car, operating a machine with three or more complex functions, determining where gears or wires go with only indirect or partial evidence, or understanding what a complex machine does (but not how it does it). DC 30 is for really complicated devices, alien technologies, machines with non-visible parts (such as many microscopic electronics), or extremely multifunctional items.

Checks to see if she knows what it is off the bat take no longer than a Knowledge check, but checks to figure out what something does generally take 1 minute of study. Checks can be rushed to 1 round by increasing the DC by +10.

Houserules: Pathfinder skills and feat progression. Pathfinder human is used. Mundane ammo is not tracked unless it costs more than 1 gp a piece.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5657 Articles)
AuthorEiji-kun +
Challenge Rating9 +
Identifier3.5e NPC +
NameGeneric Fatman Pilot +
RaceHuman +
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeLarge +
SummaryA generic Fatman pilot, as a typical ranged specialized Human Machinist Fighter 4. +
TitleGeneric Fatman Pilot +
TypeConstruct +