Hivemaster (3.5e Feat Type)

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[Hivemaster] Feats[edit]

Hivemaster feats update and expand the Aspect of the Vermin class feature of a Hivemaster.  

Hivemaster Feats

Feat Summary Prerequisites Balance Point
Aspect of the Acherontia Atropos You have taken on the traits of the most bee-like of the death's-head moths, and the moths and bees that crawl across every facet of your skin, have begun to coexist, as you grow to be like them. Aspect of the Vermin class feature, Aspect of the Queen Bee, Aspect of the Death's-Head Hawkmoth Very High
Aspect of the Ant Ants are tremendously strong for their size, and their single-minded determination is almost machine-like. Aspect of the Vermin class feature High
Aspect of the Aphid You have bonded with the hordes of tiny pests that coat every inch of your body, and learned to use them to your advantage. Aspect of the Vermin class feature High
Aspect of the Assassin Bug Take on the aspects of one of the most demented bugs on the planet Aspect of the Vermin class feature None Assigned
Aspect of the Beetle Burrowers by nature, the massive beetle can still prove a dangerous opponent with its powerful horn and acidic defense mechanism. Aspect of the Vermin class feature High
Aspect of the Caterpillar While it has other potent defenses, the caterpillar is perhaps best known for its ability to wrap itself into a protective, shell-like coccoon. Aspect of the Vermin class feature Very High
Aspect of the Centipede A hundred legs and potentially massive size make the centipede a force to be reckoned with. Aspect of the Vermin class feature High
Aspect of the Cicada Time to make some noise and shed some skin Aspect of the Vermin class feature Low
Aspect of the Cockroach Cockroaches are persistent little bastards, extremely resilient and hard to kill (they can even survive for days after their head is cut off). Aspect of the Vermin class feature High
Aspect of the Death's-Head Hawkmoth You have tied yourself closely with the darker, more quiet side of the insect kingdom, and have turned into something unnerving to even stand near. Aspect of the Vermin class feature High
Aspect of the Dragonfly Masters of the air, they are proof power can come in small packages. Aspect of the Vermin class feature None Assigned
Aspect of the Firefly The firefly is one of the few creatures in the world that can produce its own light through chemical reactions taking place in its body. Aspect of the Vermin class feature High
Aspect of the Gerridae Known coloquially as water striders or water darters, gerridae use their long limbs to walk on liquid and move quickly from place to place. Aspect of the Vermin class feature High
Aspect of the Glowworm It has become apparent that the caterpillars that cluster themselves on your body and even under your skin, and the fireflies that dance around you in a hypnotic swarm, are one in the same, the caterpillars merely insects known as 'glowworms'. Aspect of the Vermin class feature, Aspect of the Caterpillar, Aspect of the Firefly Very High
Aspect of the Honeydew Ant The ants that roam freely across your infested body have learned to herd the aphids that accompany them, and thusly guide them to granting you even more strength. Aspect of the Vermin class feature, Aspect of the Aphid, Aspect of the Ant Very High
Aspect of the Locust You have taken on the traits of the locust, and you and your minions will devour everything in sight, given the chance. Aspect of the Vermin class feature Very High
Aspect of the Mantis The mantis is the consummate predator, a master of remaining perfectly still and blending in with its surroundings. Aspect of the Vermin class feature High
Aspect of the Mosquito Mosquitoes are well-known carriers of disease and death, not to mention the fact that they're annoying as hell when they bite. Aspect of the Vermin class feature High
Aspect of the Pillbug Although not a true vermin, the pillbug is known for its thick exoskeleton and signature curled pose, all of which help you to devastate enemies. Aspect of the Vermin class feature High
Aspect of the Predator Wasp The interaction between the wasps that grip your skin day and night, and the spiders that crawl repulsively across you, has led to each kingdom growing more and more violent, till they are both kingdoms of perfect killing machines. Aspect of the Vermin class feature, Aspect of the Tarantula Wasp, Aspect of the Spider Very High
Aspect of the Queen Bee The queen is the mother of all bees in her hive, and her flock will defend her with suicidal fervor. Aspect of the Vermin class feature Very High
Aspect of the Scorpion Scorpions are carriers of some of the most potent venoms in the world, delivered through a long tail ending in a cruel-looking stinger. Aspect of the Vermin class feature High
Aspect of the Spider With their deadly combination of webs and poisons, spiders are deadly and patient hunters. Aspect of the Vermin class feature High
Aspect of the Stinkbug When disturbed, the stinkbug releases a malodorous gas that debilitates would-be predators. With your supernaturally strengthened anatomy, you can use it to become the hunter instead of the hunted. Aspect of the Vermin class feature Very High
Aspect of the Tarantula Wasp Renowned by researchers for its unique reproductive methodology, the tarantula wasp implants its eggs into the corpses of its prey. Aspect of the Vermin class feature High
Aspect of the Titan Beetle The titan beetle is the largest insect in the world; with your power, you have attained its destructive size and strength for yourself. Aspect of the Vermin class feature Very High
Aspect of the Vermin Your vermin potential is unlocked. Wild Empathy, or ability to speak with vermin. Very High

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SummaryHivemaster feats update and expand the Aspect of the Vermin class feature of a Hivemaster. +