Elf (disambiguation)
From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
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5th edition[edit]
111 articles.
- Aerdrie Faenya
- Alagarthas
- Alathrien Druanna
- Alobal Lorfiril
- Angharradh
- Araleth Letheranil
- Auriga Sirkinos (Elevated member of the Mages of Usamigaras)
- Bayleaf (Elf Bard NPC)
- Cala'diel (5e Campaign Setting)/Stats/TranceEver
- Corellon Larethian
- Darahl Tilvenar
- Deep Sashelas
- Drow (Drow Overview)
- Drow Arachnomancer (Shapechanging drow warlock)
- Drow Arachnomancer MToF
- Drow Elf (Common Drow)
- Drow Elite Warrior (Elite soldier of the Drow)
- Drow Favored Consort (Wizard consort of a Matron Mother)
- Drow Gunslinger
- Drow House Captain (Leader of a House militia)
- Drow Inquisitor (Drow cleric that keeps order between houses)
- Drow Mage (Drow Wizard)
- Drow Matron Mother (Drow head of a noble house)
- Drow Priestess of Lolth (Drow Cleric)
- Drow Shadowblade (Drow covert enforcers)
- Eclavdra (Drow Cleric)
- Eilistraee
- Eladrin
- Autumn Eladrin (These eladrin take on the colors of fall; rusts, oranges, browns, etc. They reflect a time of peace.)
- Eladrin Lineage (Eladrin Lineage)
- Spring Eladrin (These eladrin take on the colors of spring; greens, blues and yellows. They reflect a time of joy.)
- Eladrin Subrace (These are elves from the Feywild)
- Summer Eladrin (These eladrin take on the colors of Summer; greens, reds, and yellows etc. They reflect a time of heat and wrath.)
- Winter Eladrin (These eladrin take on the colors of Winters; pale blues, grays, white etc. They reflect a time of sorrow.)
- Elanys (common wood elf)
- Elebrin Liothiel
- Elf
- Astral Elf Race (Elves from the Astral Plane)
- Astral Elf
- Astral Elf Aristocrat (Astral elf minor noble)
- Astral Elf Commander (Astral elf commander of warriors and a spelljamming ships)
- Astral Elf Honor Guard (Astral elf bodyguard)
- Astral Elf Star Priest (Astral elf priest of the Elven Pantheon)
- Astral Elf Warrior (Astral elf soldier)
- Dark Elf (Drow as playable subrace)
- Drow Template
- Eladrin Template
- High Elf Common (common wood elf)
- High Elf Template
- Lythari (Elves that shapechange into a wolf.)
- Palid Elf Template
- Elf (Fey descended humanoids)
- Sea Elf Common (Common sea elf)
- Sea Elf
- Sea Elf Template
- Shadar-kai Template
- Elf Template
- Wood Elf (These elves who have chosen to live in wooded lands.)
- Wood Elf Common (common wood elf)
- Wood Elf Template
- Elven Accuracy
- Erevan Ilesere
- Gadhelyn
- Ghaunadaur
- High Elf Guard (High Elf Guard)
- Hanali Celanil
- High Elf (High Elves are natural wizards.)
- Keptolo
- Kiaransalee
- Kirith Sotheril
- Labelas Enoreth
- Malyk
- Melira Taralen
- Fenmarel Mestarine
- Mister Light (Shadar-kai co-owner of the Witchlight Carnival.)
- Mister Witch (Shadar-kai co-owner of the Witchlight Carnival.)
- Mythrien Sarath
- Naralis Analor
- Oceanus (Oceanus is a common sea elf from The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh (5e).)
- Palid Elf
- Pallid Elf
- Rashlen
- Rellavar Deanuvien
- Revenant Blade (Bonuses when using a Double-Bladed Scimitar)
- Rillifane Rallathil
- Sarula Iliene
- Double-Bladed Scimitar
- Sea Elf Subrace (Elves that made their home in the sea after leaving the Feywild.)
- Selenelion Twin (High Elf twins)
- Selvetarm
- Shadar-kai Common (common shadar-kai)
- Shadar-kai
- Gloom Weaver (Shadar-kai warlock)
- Shadar-kai Lineage (Elves of the Shadowfell lienage)
- Shadow Dancer (Shadar-kai ninja)
- Soul Monger (This Shadar-kai drains energy from its victims)
- Shadar-kai Subrace (Elves from the Shadowfell.)
- Shevarash
- Sloane (common wood elf)
- Solonor Thelandira
- T'Killi Elves (Elves of the wilderness and desert.)
- Tarsellis Meunniduin
- Terrados Elves ()
- Tethrin Veralde
- Valissia Arrowen
- Vandria Gilmadrith
- Vhaeraun
- Ye'Cind
- Zandilar
- Zinzerena
3.5 edition[edit]
- SRD:Elf (creature)
- SRD:Elves, High (Race)