Sorrowswamp Mage (3.5e NPC)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 5-5-15
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Sorrowswamp Mage

CR 8

F Human Sorcerer 8
NE Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init/Senses +9/Listen +9, Spot +9
Languages Common
AC 26 (+5 armor, +1 deflect, +5 dex, +2 natural, +3 shield), touch 21, flat-footed 21
hp 96 (8d6+48 HD)
Fort/Ref/Will +7/+9/+9
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +2 Cursed Sacrifical Dagger +11 melee (1d4+7, 19-20/x2)
Ranged +2 Light Crossbow +11 ranged (1d8, 19-20/x2)
Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.
Base Atk/Grp +4/+4
Special Actions Spells
Combat Gear Dagger, Light Crossbow, Drowsilk Light Scatterscale with Githcraft Dastana, Githcraft Buckler
Abilities Str 11, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 26
SQ -
Feats Codex Weapon Finesse, Variant Body Assemblage, Extreme Training, Access Divine Power (Misfortune), Access Divine Spells (Misfortune), Spell Focus (enchantment), Greater Spell Focus (enchantment), Improved Initiative
Skills Perception +9, Spellcraft +11, Stealth +13
Possessions combat gear plus 275 gp, Purple Worm Poison (on crossbow, DC 24), Runestaff of Displacement (Displacement 2/day), Ring of Protection +1

A sorcerer which lives in the sorrowswamps, it aids the dread magical location in consuming the bodies and souls of those foolish enough to enter it's haunted realm.


Cantrip: Sorcerers learn a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, as noted on Table: Sorcerer Spells Known under “Spells Known.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they do not consume any slots and may be used again.

Bloodline: Fey Bloodline.

Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell of the compulsion subschool, increase the spell's DC by +2.

Bloodline Power (Laughing Sobbing Touch) (Sp): At 1st level, you can cause a creature to burst out laughing crying for 1 round as a melee touch attack. A laughing crying creature can only take a move action but can defend itself normally. Once a creature has been affected by laughing crying touch, it is immune to its effects for 24 hours. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier (11/day). This is a mind-affecting effect.

Bloodline Power (Woodland Strike) (Ex): At 3rd level, you can move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at your normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. Thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion, however, still affect you.

Extreme Training (Body Language Mastery): During your training your masters taught you extensively on reading body language. As a free action during your turn you can target one creatures within your line of sight to be subject to this ability, you receive a +2 dodge bonus to AC against this creature, additionally you read the creature's body language perfectly; before taking an action a creature must declare the action to you, after the action is declared that creature is forced to go through with it and cannot take actions of it own until the declared action is resolved (including immediate actions) (by example if a creature is about to attack you with a melee weapon it must declare it, after the declaration you use an immediate action to move away using a martial maneuver or spell, since you are out of range the creature is unable to attack you and the action is wasted).

Extreme Training (Body Therephy): You body is full of scars and marks from the intense body training you received. You gain an two additional hit points per hit dice and you gain one third of your level in as enhancement bonus to your natural armor (if you do not have a natural armor you count as having a natural armor of +0).

Misfortune Domain Power: Your appeasement of bad luck allows you to apply it against your enemies. If a creature rolls a natural 20, you may transform the result into a natural 1 instead as an immediate action. You may perform this feat of against a creature within 60 feet. This ability counts as a luck reroll and is compatible with Luck feats and the Luck domain ability. You gain 1 luck reroll per day.

Spells: The sorrowswamp mage casts spells as a 8th level sorcerer. The save DCs are Charisma based.

Typical Sorcerer Spells Known (Unlimited/8+2/8+2/7+2/5+2; save DC 18 + spell level; +2 DC for compulsion, +2 DC for enchantment)

0—dancing lights, detect magic, ghost sound, mage hand, message, open/close, sponge, touch of fatigue; 1st—alter gravity, blossom of razors, doom, dyfen's violent flashbackDC +2, entangle, possessed handDC +2, ray of enfeeblement, wei yu's water arrows; 2nd—aura of doom, blindness/deafness, frost breathSpC, hideous laughter crying+4, traver's tongue serpent, vile strike; 3rd—deep slumber+4, dispel magic, sleet storm, ray of exhaustion, unluckSpc; 4th—black tentacles, confusionDC +4, crushing despair+4 DC.

The sorrowswamp mage is typically buffed with aura of doom and displacement (from it's runestaff) when expecting battle.

Flaw: Sadness.

Houserules: She uses the pathfinder human, pathfinder sorcerer, pathfinder skills and feat progression, and scaling benefits. They also gain 1 flaw and one bonus feat. It's scaling benefits for 8th level is +2 weapons/armor/shield, +4 Dex&Cha/+2 Con&Wis/+1 Str&Int abilities, and +3 resist. She also gets maximum hit points per HD.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5656 Articles)
AuthorEiji-kun +
Challenge Rating8 +
Identifier3.5e NPC +
NameSorrowswamp Mage +
RaceHuman +
RatingUnrated +
SizeMedium +
SummaryA fear based sorcerer who can terrify opponents to death. +
TitleSorrowswamp Mage +
TypeHumanoid (Human) +