Battle Robot (3.5e Prestige Class)
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A modification of Eiji-kun's Mechwarrior for those who want to play an robot instead of a mech pilot.
Battle Robot[edit]
A modification of Eiji-kun's Mechwarrior for those who want to play an robot instead of a mech pilot.
Becoming a Battle Robot[edit]
Feats: | Masterwork Body. |
Special: | Must have at least 3 hit dice and have the Construct type (or have the Augmented Construct subtype). |
Class Features[edit]
All of the following are class features of the Battle Robot.
Armored Body (Ex): Your body provide an armor bonus of 4, if you possess inherent (such as a warforged's carapace) you may instead increase the armor bonus granted by it by 2 (whichever is better). Additionally battle robot has the ability to enhance it body as if it possessed the appropriate item creation feats. It may also apply a material to it body such as mithral or adamantine by spending the appropriate amount in materials (as a light armor of your size, if it make it body a special material it applies to any inherent armor it possess and it unarmed attack.
The Armor Bonus granted by Armored Body increase by +1 at 3rd level and 6th level and by +2 at 9th level.
Internal Weaponry (Ex): A battle robot can with 8 hours of work make a weapon part of their body, bestowing the Warforged Component, she can add it to any non-siege weapons, including two-handed weapon and weapon with item template. A battle robot may only have a number of internal weapon at anytime equal or lower than her Hit Dice.
Resist Damage (Ex): The battle robot possess a reinforced chassis that helps absorb blows. the battle robot gain damage resistance equal to their class level. Damage resistance applies to all sources of damage, not merely physical damage, and applies before DR or energy resistances.
Robotic Augment: At each and every level, battle robot gain a robotic augment to add to themselves granting them various special abilities. They can switch out which robotic augmentations they have over the course of 24 hours of work for each augment, and can never have more augments than their class level. Some augmentations may require pre-requistes to use correctly. Augments may be selected multiple times, which is beneficial for augments with limited daily supplies. The saving throw for any robotic augment is 10 + 1/2 HD + your highest mental ability score modifier, and scale off character level.
Analytical Engine (Su): You gain the ability to detect magic at will. You can study an object for 1 minute to duplicate identify or object reading. Once per day, you can duplicate the effects of divination over the course of 1 minute.
Ballistics Gun (Ex): You can make a ranged touch attack as a standard action out to 60 ft, dealing 1d6 points of magic piercing damage per HD. You have a number of shots equal to your HD per day.
Cloaking Device (Su): You can go invisible at will, up to 1 minute per HD per day. The duration need not be consecutive, but is used in a minimum of 1 minute increments. Once you reach 3rd level, you can duplicate greater invisibility, lasting 1 round for every 1 minute of your normal invisibility ability.
Dragonfire Cannon (Su): You can make a 30 ft cone of explosive energy (acid, cold, electricity, or fire, chosen each time you use the ability), dealing 1d6 points per level of the appropriate energy damage with a Reflex save for half. You can use it a number of times equal to half your HD per day. At 5th level, you can make a 60 ft cone which consumes two uses of your daily ability.
Emergency Health Kit (Su): If you ever drop below 0 hp you are given a burst of healing alchemical substances which restores 5 hp per HD. It also removes all negative status effects removed by the heal spell. This may save you from death, and works 1/day. If the emergency healing kit has not been used for the day, all healing effects are maximized against you.
Energy Beam (Su): You can make a 120 ft line of glowing energy (acid, cold, electricity, or fire, chosen each time you use the ability), dealing 1d6 points per level of the appropriate energy damage with a Reflex save for half. You can use it a number of times equal to half your HD per day. At 5th level, you can make a 240 ft line and 15 ft wide which consumes two uses of your daily ability.
Flight Unit (Ex): You benefit from the effects of rocket boots with no F.U.E.L. consumption (though you can still consume F.U.E.L. for the boosting benefits). When you reach the 3rd level of this class, you gain a fly speed of 60 ft (good). At 7th level of this class, your fly speed becomes 90 ft.
Floating Bit, Sentry (Ex): You gain a floating bit, a device like an iuon stone which floats around you. This one acts as a sentry, granting you an extra attack of opportunity, and adding your class level as a insight bonus against attacks of opportunity you provoke.
Floating Bit, Turret (Ex): You gain a floating bit, a device like an iuon stone which floats around you. This one acts as a turrent, making a single ranged touch attack to any creature in 60 ft as a free action once per round. It deals 1d6 force damage as it shoots something similar to a magic missile.
Force Barrier (Su): You gain temp hp equal to your HD and are immune to critical hits as long as your shield's temp hp exists. While the shield is up, you benefit from a deflection bonus equal to half your class level (minimum +1). If the shield is depleted, it returns after 1 round at the end of your next turn.
MADAR (Su): You gain blindsense out to 30 ft. As a move action you can send out a pulse, gaining blindsight to 30 ft and blindsense to 60 ft for 1 round. You cannot detect anything within an antimagic field.
Mind Guard (Ex): You can roll twice and take the best result on your Will saves.
Missile Launcher (Ex): You can fire a missile as a standard action, launching an explosive out to Long range (400 ft + 100 ft/level). The missile explodes in a 20 ft radius burst, dealing 1d6 points of fire damage per level with a Reflex save for half. You can use it a number of times equal to half your HD per day. If you select this augment at least twice you gain the Missile Barrage option, allowing you to fire any number of missile, however, multiple missile's damage overlap; they do not stack. Thus, it's useless to aim it all at one creature except to force it to make multiple saves.
Recovery System (Su): You gain Lay on Hands of a paladin of your level, using your Int score in place of your Cha. You can recover your own hit points as a swift action, or a standard action for others.
Starburst Launcher (Ex): This powerful attack is difficult to set up as the attack is very obvious and slow. You fire a large missile into the air, and it comes down after 1d2 rounds. It attacks a huge area, a 80 ft radius cylinder 50 ft high which dealings 1d10 points of piercing damage and 1d10 fire damage per level with a Reflex save for half. Creatures over 50 ft above the ground are unaffected, and you must have a ceiling of at least 200 ft high to use this ability. You can use this a number of times equal to half your class level. You must be at least 5th level in the class to select.
System Enhancer (Su): As a standard action you can grant yourself a +4 enhancement bonus to any one ability score of your choice, the benefit lasting for 24 hours. At 5th level, you can improve two ability scores at once, and at 10th level you can improve three ability scores at once.
Twitch Reflexes (Ex): You can roll twice and take the best result on your Reflex saves.
Vision Enhancement (Su): You gain Darkvision 60 ft (or increase current Darkvision by 60 ft), and are under a constant see invisibility effect.
Warp Generator (Su): You can duplicate the effects of dimension door a number of times per day equal to half your HD. At 5th level, you can use the ability to duplicate teleport (self only), which uses your uses of dimension door. At 10th level you gain gate (travel version only), but it consumes two uses of your dimension door ability.
Vector Cannon (Su): This powerful attack is difficult to set up as the attack is very obvious and slow. You plant yourself into the ground and charge up (-20 to Hide and Move Silently checks). The duration you spend charging determines the power of the subsequent attack. After 1 round, you fire a 100 ft line that deals 2d6 points of force damage per level, with a Reflex save for half. If you wait for 2 rounds, you fire a 500 ft line that deals 3d6 points of force damage per level, and targets who fail their save are blinded for 1 round. If you wait three rounds, you fire a 1000 ft line 15 ft wide that deals 4d6 per level, and creatures are blinded for 1 round and knocked prone (no save). If you move for any reason while charging, or if you fail a Concentration check against damage, you lose the charge and must start over. Once you have fired successfully, you have a 1 minute cooldown before it can be used again. You must be at least 5th level in the class to select.
W-Buster: A battle robot gain the W-Buster feat even if it does not meet the prerequisites, additionally it bonus applies to all of her offensive Robotic Augments (if the augment is not an attack any enhancement bonus applies to the DC instead of the attack roll).
Combat Focus: A 2nd level battle robot chooses to focus on a particular niche of combat, gaining benefits at 2nd, 5th, and 8th level. Choose one of the abilities shown below, once chosen the benefit cannot be altered.
Droid Marksman (Ex): You gain Sharpshooter as a bonus feat. At 5th level you increase the range of all your ranged weapon by 50%, at 8th level you add 1.5x your Dexterity bonus to ranged attack.
Flying Machine of Death(Ex): You gain the Flight unit augment, it does not count against your limit of robotic augment. At 5th level your fly speed either become 120 ft. or twice your base land speed, whichever is higher. At 8th level you gain the Wings of Thunder stance even if you do not meet the prerequisites.
Forcefield Projector (Su): You gain the Force Barrier augment, it does not count against your limit of robotic augment. When you take the total defense action a powerful forcefield is projected around you, tripling the amount of hit point granted by Force Barrier and doubling your Resist damage. At 5th level the amount of temporary hit point granted by your Force Barrier it increase to twice your Hit Dice and a 8th level to thrice your hit dice.
Robotic Smasher (Ex): You gain the unarmed strike ability of a monk of a level equal to your BAB. At 5th level you gain Power Attack as a bonus feat (or Heavy power Attack if you already have Power Attack) and at 8th level you gain Overwhelming Blow as a bonus feat.
Extra Ammunition (Ex): At 3rd level the battle robot gain an extra uses of all of it Robotic Augments with limited use as it had 4 additional hit dice. At 6th level she gain extra uses as if she had 8 additional hit dice instead.
Spellborg Trait: At 4th and 7th level the battle robot gain a spellborg trait.
Power Overload (Su): At 9th level a battle robot can replicate the effect of ascended form, she can only use it for a number of round per day equal to her character level and it use need not to be consecutive. However the require amount of power is very taxing on the battle robot, dealing damage equal to her HD for as long each round she use this ability.
Battle Platform: A 10th level battle robot become more of a mobile weapon platform than a simple war machine, she can now store a single siege weapon as one of it Internal Weapon. Additionally any of her internal weaponry (including the siege weapon) have an unlimited amount of mundane ammunition, as long as said ammunition cost below 500 gp.
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Leziadv [Expand] |
Eiji-kunv [Expand] |
Article Balance | High + |
Author | Leziad + and Eiji-kun + |
Base Attack Bonus Progression | Good + |
Class Ability | Other + |
Class Ability Progression | Other + |
Fortitude Save Progression | Good + |
Identifier | 3.5e Prestige Class + |
Length | 10 + |
Minimum Level | 3 + |
Rating | Undiscussed + |
Reflex Save Progression | Poor + |
Skill | Appraise +, Balance +, Climb +, Craft +, Disable Device +, Hide +, Jump +, Knowledge +, Move Silently +, Open Lock +, Profession +, Search +, Spellcraft +, Spot +, Swim +, Tumble + and Use Magic Device + |
Skill Points | 4 + |
Summary | A modification of Eiji-kun's Mechwarrior for those who want to play an robot instead of a mech pilot. + |
Title | Battle Robot + |
Will Save Progression | Poor + |