Variant Elemental Flammenwerfer (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 8-13-16
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Variant Elemental Flammenwerfer

This is my.... cyrowerfer? Wait a moment...

Class: Flammenwerfer

Level: 1st-20th

Replaces: Fire damage in general, Pyro Trick, Reforge, Smoke Reading, See in Smoke, Improved Reforge, Solid Flame, Firewalk, Ashes to Ashes, Melt Blast, Burn Duration, Pyro Perinarch, Flammenmensch.

Benefit: See below.

Pyro Trick: The following pyro tricks have been altered to their respective element.

Corrosive Spray* (Acid): Your corrosive chemicals weaken materials. Creatures struck by your flammenwerfer gun must make a Fortitude save (save DC as the flammenwerfer gun) or reduce any hardness or damage reduction by 5 points for 1 round (except for DR/magic and DR/alignment), save negates. If you have 8 class levels or more, they instead lose all their damage reduction or hardness for 1 round. Even on a failed save, they still lose up to 5 points of damage reduction or hardness for 1 round. The same restrictions apply. This replaces Bright Fire.

Icy Grip* (Cold): Your cryogenic gases are bitterly cold. Creatures struck by your flammenwerfer gun must make a Reflex save (save DC as the flammenwerfer gun) or halve all movement speeds for 1 round, save negates. If you have 8 class levels or more, they are instead immobilized (speeds set to 0 ft) for 1 round. Even on a failed save, they take a halve their movement speeds for 1 round. This replaces Bright Fire.

Numbing Pulse* (Electricity): Your lightning is shocking. Creatures struck by your flammenwerfer gun must make a Fortitude save (save DC as the flammenwerfer gun) or take a -2 penalty on AC for 1 round, save negates. If you have 8 class levels or more, they are instead rendered flatfooted from their numbed body for 1 round. Even on a failed save, they take a -2 penalty on AC for 1 round. This replaces Bright Fire.

Sonic * (Sonic): Your vibrations are excessively loud. Creatures struck by your flammenwerfer gun must make a Fortitude save (save DC as the flammenwerfer gun) or be deafened for 1 round, save negates. If you have 8 class levels or more, they are instead staggered for 1 round and deafened for 1 minute. Even on a failed save, they are still deafened for 1 round. This replaces Bright Fire.

Clinging Corrosion (Acid)*: Your attacks cling to the enemy. If they fail the save against your flammenwerfer gun damage, they are stuck with corrosive goo and take 1d6 points of acid damage each round until they wipe it off as a standard action, they are submerged in water, or something else occurs which would clean off dirt and debris. Multiple instances of being covered in goo do not stack. Replaces Lingering Flames.

Biting Chill (Cold)*: Your attacks render your body sensitive to pain. If they fail the save against your flammenwerfer gun damage, they are chilled to the bone and take 1d6 points of untyped recoil damage any time they make an attack (that is, anything which would break an invisibility spell). This is a pain effect and has no effect on creatures immune to pain such as most constructs and undead. This effect lasts until they warm themselves up by taking at least 1 point of fire damage per HD you possess, they come under the effect of endure elements (which reduces the duration to 1 round), or something else occurs which would warm them up. Multiple instances of chilling to the bone do not stack. Replaces Lingering Flames.

Magnetic Curse (Electricity)*: Your attacks magnetize struck opponents. If they fail the save against your flammenwerfer gun damage, they become magnetized. Metal weapons and electricity effects against the target get a +2 circumstance bonus to attack and DCs, and the target must succeed on a DC 15 Strength check to remove any metal object from their grip (this also gives them a +4 bonus to reduce disarm attempts for metal objects). This lasts until they discharge themselves on the ground as a standard action dealing 1d6 points of electric damage to themselves, they use an effect which deals electrical damage against someone, or something else occurs which would demagnetize them. Multiple instances of being magnetized do not stack. Replaces Lingering Flames.

Unbalancing Vibration (Sonic)*: Your attacks vibrate opponents. If they fail the save against your flammenwerfer gun damage, they take a -4 penalty to Balance checks and any check Stability applies to, and have a 20% chance of falling prone any time they move more than 10 ft. THis lasts until they steady themselves as a standard action, they enter a silence field, or something else occurs which would restore their sense of balance. Multiple instances of being vibrated do not stack. Replaces Lingering Flames.

Reforge {Ex}: Electric based flammerwerfers retain normal Reforged, using electrical heating instead of fire. Other variant elements cannot melt objects, but they can instead do the following.

Patina (Acid) {Ex}: Weapons you wield are immune to damage from acid or chemical sources, and immune to rust. Its protective patina reduces any damage against the weapon by 5 points before hardness is applied. Replaces Reforge.

Super Solid (Cold) {Ex}: Weapons you wield are immune to fire and cannot melt or change form (including turning to ash from disintegrate), and have their hardness increased by 5 points. If they are reduced to 0 hp they remain in one piece in broken condition, literally held together by ice. The ice melts if it leaves your hands for more than 24 hours. Replaces Reforge.

Vibro Weapon (Sonic) {Ex}: Weapons you wield ignore up to 5 points of hardness, and its damage is never reduced before hardness. Replaces Reforge.

Smoke Reading {Su}: The effect of smoke reading is unchanged, except for the medium in which the divination is made. Acid reads it in the dissolving of an object within another (Corrosion Reading). Cold sees it in the freezing of a liquid into a solid (Crystalizing Reading). Electricity reads it in the dance of iron fillings in the presence of magnetic fields (Ferro Reading). And sonic divines from the vibration of loud noise on a granular surface like sand (Acoustic Reading).

See In Smoke {Su}: The effect of See in Smoke is unchanged, as acid deals with plumes of gaseous chemicals, cold deals with condensation, electricity handles rolling storm clouds, and sonic manages anything in the air in general. This doesn't limit them, it works on all clouds regardless.

Improved Reforge {Ex}: The following alterations occur for Acid, Cold, and Sonic flammenwerfers respectively.

Improved Patina (Acid): Weapons you wield are immune to all energy damage, and always bypass any DR/material.

Improved Super Solid (Cold): Weapons you wield increase their hardness by 10 instead of 5, and it continues to function normally even at 0 hp effectively making it unbreakable as long as it is in your hands.

Improved Vibro Weapon (Sonic): Weapons you wield now ignore up to 10 points of hardness, and can use shatter as the spell at will on any valid surface it touches.

Solid Flame {Ex}: The effect of solid flame is unchanged, other than the element created. Acid users create solid blocks of crystal which are acidic to touch. Cold creates ice which doesn't melt. Electricity creates ferroliquids solidified into the form of objects. And sonic creates "solid air" which is light and transparent save for a vibrating outline. Other than appearance, its function remains the same.

Firewalk {Sp}: The effect of firewalk is unchanged, other than the plane it accesses and the place of entry. Acid enters through the Plane of Earth and must travel via puddles or piles of caustic material. Cold enters through the Plane of Water, and must travel through sufficiently large sheets of ice. Electricity travels through the Plane of Air and can use any cloud bank or anywhere undergoing a thunderstorm. Sonic also travels the Plane of Air, and travels through any place undergoing sufficiently loud noise at least as loud as a roaring lion (or sixteen or more humans).

Ashes to Ashes {Ex}: The effect of ashes to ashes is unchanged, other than the form the creature takes on death. Acid melts into a puddle, while cold transforms the targets into statues of ice to melt naturally. Electricity causes the subject to explode violently, as does sonic.

Melt Blast {Sp}: Melt Blast is retained for those who deal acid and electrical damage (the former being a chemical, rather than a thermal, change), dealing the damage type appropriate. For the others they gain the following.

Wall of Icicles (Cold): Rather than affect rock, cold users can just create beautiful but sharp walls of ice that duplicates wall of thorns.

Shatterdust (Sonic): The rock explodes into a cloud of particulate dust, dealing 10d4 points of sonic damage for those caught in the blast (DC 15 + Wis modifier for half) and leaving a fog cloud effect in the area. Breathing is impossible in the cloud, suffocating any within. The cloud is also explosive, detonating in a fireball (with the same save DC as this ability) if dealt more than 5 points of fire damage. This instantly disperses the cloud.

Burn Duration {Su}: The effect of burn duration is unchanged, other than the visual and audio display as spell energy is converted elsewhere. Acid seems to give off puffs of gas as it melts the spell away. Cold freezes it in the form of snowfall around the subject. Electricity releases harmless but flashy electrical discharges. And sonic gives off a constant pulse of noise.

Pyro Perinarch {Su}: The effect of pyro perinarch is unchanged, other than the plane it is based on. Acid uses the Plane of Earth or Paraelemental Plane of Ooze (your choice on creation). Cold uses the Plane of Water or the Paraelemental Plane of Ice (your choice on creation). And both electricity and sonic use the Plane of Air or the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Lightning (your choice on creation).

Flammenmensch: Rather than gain the Fire subtype and immunity to fire and cold, variant elements receive the following changes. Acid gains the Earth subtype and immunity to acid and spells with the Earth subtype. Cold gains the Cold subtype and immunity to cold and fire. And both electricity and sonic gains the Air subtype and immunity to both electric and sonic damage.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5659 Articles)
AuthorEiji-kun +
ClassFlammenwerfer +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryThis is my.... cyrowerfer? Wait a moment... +
TitleVariant Elemental Flammenwerfer +