3.5e Mundane Tools and Skill Kits
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Class Tools and Skill Kits
Name | Cost | Summary |
Aiming Laser | 240 gp | Attached to projectile weapons, it improves aim at long range but makes you obvious. |
Ballpoint Pen | 8 gp | A curious mechanical pen which has a fixed supply of ink, and is easily replaced. |
Cane | 5 gp | This fancy wooden cane will make sure your bum leg won't make you fall over. |
Coffin | 20 gp (wood), 40 gp (stone), 60 gp (iron) | It's the last thing you'll ever need. |
Crossbow Assist Tool | An assist tool to reload crossbows faster | |
Detonator | 200 gp | A remote detonator can be used to detonate traps and explosives up to a mile away. |
Dilatantoplastic Tube | 1 sp | Dilatantoplastic tubing is pre-cut modular pipes which can be used in various applications thanks to their low cost, chemical resistance and ease of jointing. |
Dinosaur Training Manual | 120 gp | Raise dinosaurs better with this handy guide. |
Drop Forged Tools | 250 gp | large, sturdy tools meant to work on bigger projects, usable as weapons in a pinch |
Durzite Boots | 120 gp | These boots function as masterwork skill tools for both Balance and Climb. |
Durzite Cloak | 140 gp | This cloak functions as winter clothing and as masterwork skill tools for both Sleight of Hand (for concealing objects) and Hide. |
Eternal Icebox | 300 gp | This icebox keeps things cold and food fresh. |
Fidget Spinner | 50 gp | This spinning toy is used to focus one’s mind. |
Flash Gun | 150 gp | An unconventional non-lethal modern weapon, this is a powerful flashlight that can blind, sicken, dazzle, and more. |
Gas Mask | 100 gp | Protection against non-magical fumes. |
Golem Heart | 50 gp | A small mechanical device of obscure purpose, it is required for non-construct users of the Golem Heart discipline, acting as a focus for their blade magic. |
Hatchet | 6 gp | A small axe mainly used for chopping wood. |
Healing Kit | Varies | Healing kits are specially prepared equipment for the purpose of general medical treatment in the field, usually in the shape of a well bound leather container or satchel. |
Hookshot | 675 gp | A self-retracting grappling hook, it is fired like a crossbow. |
Joke Kit | 300 gp | A collection of joke equipment. |
Machete | 6 gp | |
Magnetic Grapple | 1000 gp | A technological oddity, it appears to be a heavy crossbow to which some manner of grapple and rope is attached. |
Malaquian Slip Suit | 120 gp | This form-fitting suit wears comfortably when wet and functions as masterwork skill tools for both Escape Artist and Swim. |
Masterwork Ability Tools | 200 gp | A set of six items used to help increase your ability checks and ability skill checks. |
Medi-Gel | Varies | The resulting substance can restore limited function to an injured limb or bodypart and allow a person to continue functioning at full capacity. |
Mithral Water Clock | 101000 gp | A true show of wealth, this device is lavish to an extreme. |
Monocular | 500 gp | A small spyglass that lets you see things that are far away. |
Padded Tabi | 120 gp | A masterwork tool for both move silently and tumble which is worn on the feet and can be enhanced. |
Paperclip | - | It's a paperclip. It clips paper. |
Portable Alchemist's Lab | 750 gp | Take an alchemy laboratory with you while traveling. |
Punch Card | 10 gp | This sturdy sheet covered in holes contains preprogrammed instructions for digital machines of all kinds. |
Punch Card Reader | A small slotted machine that reads punch cards. | |
Raskovnik | A mythical plant that can open any lock, but is notoriously difficult to find. | |
Repair Kit | Varies | Repair kits are toolkits assembled for the specific use of repairing constructs, and machinery without needing to have a large lab or machine shop at one's disposal. |
Screwdriver | 1 gp | It's a screwdriver. The tool, not the drink. |
Staff Chamber | 400 gp | A staff chamber is an complex construct, allowing magic staves to be inserted into large weapons. |
Sunglasses | 60 gp | Eye-coverings that reduce the perceived brightness of one's surroundings. |
Swim Flippers | 90 gp | These flippers fit on the feet and provide a superior swimming experience. |
Tactical Marbles | 15 gp | Lay these marbles to knock down foes |
Tattoo Kit | 50 gp | This kit includes a jar of concentrated ink paste, a needle with an ink well and a small wooden mallet. |
Toxic Mine | 300 gp | This small mine is a quick trap that can poison unsuspecting opponents. |
Umbrella | 7 gp | Keep out of the rain with a lovely umbrella. |
War Paint | 5 gp | War paint is any kind of paint that can be used to make the wearer more frightening. |
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