3.5e Psychic Spells
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This page contains the homebrew class spell list for the Psychic class from Pathfinder.
[hide]Psychic Spells
0th-Level Psychic Spells
Air Dry: Wet clothes are such a drag. Dry clothes are where it's at.
Egg Timer: Creates a small ball of light that slowly empties until disappearing.
1st-Level Psychic Spells
Cautious Reposition: Cautiously reposition yourself out of (or into) a more dangerous position.
Dampen Impact: Gain DR 10/magic and reduce impact damage by 10 per caster level.
Hurl Debris: You pick up and throw thrash and rocks telekinetically. It can be undercast.
Palm Reading: You divine the future of the target by reading its palm.
Telekinetic Lift: You use telekinesis to enhance your movement and lift yourself into the air.
Thought Seed: You insert a thought in the mind of the target, who may believe it her own.
War Wizard's Parry: A more effective, but also more limited variant on the shield spell.
2nd-Level Psychic Spells
Gravitational Distortion: You cause a gravitational distortion which bend incoming ranged attacks and line and is dangerous to go through.
Psybleed: This spell causes bleed damage which worsen as the caster concentrates. Can be undercast.
Telegraphed Firecracker: Shoot a slow moving ball of energy at someone that explodes, potentially blinding them briefly.
3rd-Level Psychic Spells
Accelerate Time: A more powerful version of haste, but limited to a single creature.
Kinetic Mine: You create a orb of kinetic force, which explode dramatically.
Null Barrier: You create a vortex which turn non-physical damage into a magical barrier.
Reveal Doom: You overload your target's mind with harmful forbidden knowledge.
Verdant Bolt: Shoot arrows of light that harm, bind, and inconvenience a foe.
Vibrokinetic Tremor: Cause a powerful vibration in the ground, dealing bludgeoning and sonic damage and knock your affected creatures prone.
Vision of the Future: You gain an incomplete vision of future events.
4th-Level Psychic Spells
Destructive Disruption: Dispel magic doesn't make things explode. This does. Obviously the superior option.
Phoenix Flight: Create a bird of flame that flies through swathes of foes. Its gooey center is an explosion.
Telekinetic Redirection: You redirect incoming attacks with telekinesis.
5th-Level Psychic Spells
Brain Overload: You fill the target’s brain with useless information, preventing them from acting and inflicting intelligence drain.
Brainwash Wave: You send a wave of mental energy, which turns enemies into allies.
Quantum Clone: You create a duplicate of yourself, which shares your abilities and resources.
Starstorm: You call down a meteor to obliterate your enemies.
Supersonic Flight: You fly through the air at extreme speed, covering miles in a short span of time.
Temporal Hold: You stop a target in time, causing it freeze mid movement and it perception of time to halt.
Unending Flame Twister: A tornado of fire that gains power as it consumes.
6th-Level Psychic Spells
Aura Pressure: You radiate an aura which make it difficult for creatures weaker than you from approaching, and might debilitate those much weaker.
Enlightened Fist: You deliver a ki-enhanced attack per caster level.
Psychokinetic Beam: You fire a beam of psychic energy, which gravely damages enemies.
Restore Past: Send an area to how it was in the past.
7th-Level Psychic Spells
Cerebral Invasion: You extract information directly from a target's brain, but damaging them if you don't allow them to lie to you.
Hypersphere: You fold space into a sphere, creating a prison of infinite space which can violently explode if disrupted.
8th-Level Psychic Spells
Devitron Beam: A terrible spell which warps reality and tears opponents apart.
Lobotomize: You turn a creature in a mindless husk of themselves.
Microcosmic Singularity: You create a singularity that drags nearby creatures and damages then collapses violently when the caster ceases concentration.
Telekinetic Flight: You gain the ability to fly at incredible speed with only mental effort.
Temporal Wormhole: You summon your future self, and both act at once for 1 round.
9th-Level Psychic Spells
Cyclonic Blast: A fire a blast of air which damage opponents and reposition them.
Omnicide Beam: A spell designed to exterminate a large number of creatures.
Phantasmal Existence: The caster becomes an illusion, allowing her to shrug off most damage.
Project Image, Greater: As project image but with infinite range and greater duration.
Spirit Fission: An esoteric spell which allows the caster to separate two creatures fused as one, possession or separate a body from its soul.
Adding New Spells[edit]
To add a spell to this list, make certain that the article belongs to Category:3.5e, Category:User, and Category:Spell. The spell must also have "Corrupt Avenger #" in its level entry. It may take up to 24 hours after these steps are completed for your spell to be listed on this page. If you have any issues, please contact an admin.
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