Golem Heart (3.5e Martial Discipline)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 3-19-11
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Created by warforged during the wars they were built to serve in, this maneuver was later adopted for use by organic races as well as the constructs who originally created them. One of the many signs that the warforged produce were more than mere machine, the creation of a martial discipline proved more than simple optimization in battle, but the artistic and arcane creation of its originator, a warforged only known as Prometheus-01. Designed on the thought of using the binding magics to create constructs and golems in the midst of battle to enhance the body and destroy other magical items and constructs, the discipline is ideal for warforged to use. For organic creatures lacking the mechanical systems integrated, a modification was made by using a focus item, much like a holy symbol. This item, called a Golem Heart, is typically hung as an amulet or placed as a decorative bit on a piece of armor or weapon. It costs 50 gp, and while magically crafted it is extraordinary in its function. The Golem Heart takes up no body slot, and is required for non-constructs to use the supernatural aspects of this discipline. The Golem Heart takes on many appearances, from orbs to jewels to simulacrums of human hearts, but its innards are always alive with eternally spinning gears and pistons for purposes unknown. Constructs do not require a Golem Heart as a focus.

While heavily in the supernatural, the Golem Heart discipline is suitable for all martial classes, including Warblades which many warforged warriors often took levels in. The weapons associated with the Golem Heart discipline are the Armor Spikes, BattlefistECS, Natural Weapons, Shield Bash (with or without spikes), and all Swords (Short, Long, Great, and otherwise). The skill associated with Golem Heart is Knowledge Arcana (Int).

Martial classes may replace one of their known disciplines with the Golem Heart discipline.

Game Mechanics of the Golem Heart

Available To: Any

Discipline Skill: Knowledge (Arcana) (Int) - By knowing how the flow of magic works and interacts with inorganic matter, life can be granted to the lifeless and the constructed can be deconstructed.

Discipline Weapons: Armor Spikes, BattlefistECS, Natural Weapons, Shield Bash (with or without spikes), and all Swords (Short, Long, Great, and otherwise). - As the most common weapons carried by constructs, it is only natural that they fight with spikes, slams, shields, and blades. 

Saves: 10 + Maneuver Level + Str 

Legacy Weapon: Prince of Blades 

Maneuver Granting Item: Mask of Emet 

Discipline Feat: Golem Heart Bond 

Tactical Feat: Upgrade Construction 

Special: Non-constructs must carry a 50gp focus called a Golem Heart to use certain maneuvers from this discipline.

Maneuvers of the Golem Heart Discipline[edit]

To see the full, expanded description of every maneuver, click here.

1st-Level Maneuvers

  • Body of Stone: Boost — Gain DR 5/adamantine for 1 round.
  • Endure Destruction: Counter — Survive a blow with at least 1 hp remaining.
  • Heavy Body: Stance — Become too heavy to move around easily and carry more weight.
  • Iron Fist: Strike — Make a slam attack as a swift action.
  • Overheat Weapon: Strike — Your attacks deal minor fire damage that grows as you strike.
  • Skin of the Construct: Stance — Form body armor around you, or change your existing armor to something else, based on your ranks in Knowledge Arcana.
  • Suppress Biology: Counter — Gain a +4 bonus on saves against a multitude of conditions.

2nd-Level Maneuvers

  • Aim for the Core: Boost — Identify a construct or corporeal undead's weak points with a Knowledge Arcana check, and become able to critical them.
  • Dust Devil Blade: Boost — Animate your weapon into a dancing weapon for 1 round.
  • Glasscut Breaker: Strike — Deal extra damage against constructs and corporeal undead, and sunder items.
  • Manual Operation: Counter — Act when you otherwise could not, at least for one round.
  • Mass of Stone: Counter — Resist the effects of creatures attempting to move or grapple you by acting much larger and heavier than you are.
  • Steady Strike: Boost [Lawful] — Take 10 on your next attack.

3rd-Level Maneuvers

  • Arcane Bastion: Counter — Gain spell resistance 15 + your initiator level against one spell.
  • Binding of the Earth Spirit: Strike [Earth] — Petrify an opponent temporarly.
  • Crafter's Touch: Rush — Repair 2 points of damage per level to a construct or object.
  • Product of Science: Stance — Attach warforged components and weapons to yourself, and prevent yourself from becoming disarmed. Treat your weapon as a natural weapon.

4th-Level Maneuvers

  • Body of Iron: Boost — Gain DR 10/adamantine for 1 round.
  • Solid Throughout: Counter — Negate critical hits or sneak attacks against you for 1 round.
  • Sulutio Materia: Strike — Strip away damage reduction and hardness of a material by setting up destructive harmonics.
  • Whirlwind Storm Blade: Boost — Animate your weapon into a dancing energy weapon for 3 rounds.

5th-Level Maneuvers

  • Arms of the Guardian: Boost — Summon a pair of mighty golem arms to pummel your enemies into paste.
  • Berserk Soul: Boost — Gain massive combat bonuses, but lose track of friend and foe as you rage.
  • Mass Impact: Counter — Punch someone trying to move or charge you so hard they fly backwards and fall prone.
  • Quartzcut Breaker: Strike — Deal extra damage against constructs and corporeal undead, and sunder items. You can repair magical items sundered without losing their properties.

6th-Level Maneuvers

7th-Level Maneuvers

8th-Level Maneuvers

  • Diamondcut Breaker: Strike — Deal extra damage against constructs and corporeal undead, and sunder items. Sundered magic items can be repaired with no additional cost.
  • Emet Vita: Strike — Employ animate objects to help in combat.
  • Lord of Blades: Counter — Release spikes in response to being grappled or swallowed, which stick to the enemy and cause constant damage.
  • Removed from the Weave: Stance — Become completely immune to magic, like a golem.

9th-Level Maneuvers

  • Crafter's Opus: Boost — Repair 5 points of damage per level to a construct or object, and grant hardness for 1 round.
  • Domination of the Earth Spirit: Strike [Earth] — Petrify the opponent and immediately turn them into an animated object ally.
  • Release the Spirit: Counter — Animate your body if you die, then explode to take them with you.

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AuthorEiji-kun +
ClassAny +
Identifier3.5e Martial Discipline +
RatingUndiscussed +
SkillKnowledge +
SummaryCreated by warforged during the wars they were built to serve in, this maneuver was later adopted for use by organic races as well as the constructs who originally created them. +
TitleGolem Heart +
WeaponArmor Spikes +, BattlefistECS +, Natural Weapons +, Shield Bash (with or without spikes) +, and all Swords (Short +, Long +, Great + and and otherwise). +