User:Zhenra-Khal/Z's Warlock (5e Class)/Warlock Spells
From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Changing the way Warlock subclass bonus spells work - By granting them to the Warlock without counting against their spells known, rather than just adding them to your spell list - Allowed for some greater variety in the spells available to a Warlock, without cramping subclass design.
[hide]Warlock Spells[edit]
Below is the list of spells each Warlock may choose from.
- Acid Splash
- Blade Ward
- Booming Blade
- Chill Touch
- Create Bonfire
- Dancing Lights
- Friends
- Green-Flame Blade
- Infestation
- Lightning Lure
- Mage Hand
- Magic Stone
- Message
- Mind Sliver
- Minor Illusion
- Poison Spray
- Prestidigitation
- Shocking Grasp
- Sword Burst
- Thaumaturgy
- Thunderclap
- Toll the Dead
- True Strike
Homebrew Cantrips[edit]
- Arc Loop
- Blackthorn Arrow
- Chilling Blade
- Corrosive Grasp
- Crystal Blade
- Emberflash Arrow
- Fangblight Arrow
- Flashing Blade
- Hammer
- Hand of Blight
- Impaling Conjuration
- Irk
- Jinx
- Kinetic Blade
- Kiss of Vanti
- Quickening Blade
- Shadow
- Shafts of Radiance
- Toxic Blade
- Twisting Blade
- Withering Blade
- Woodwisp Arrow
1st Level[edit]
- Armor of Agathys
- Arms of Hadar
- Cause Fear
- Charm Person
- Comprehend Languages
- Detect Evil and Good
- Detect Magic
- Detect Poison and Disease
- Disguise Self
- Distort Value
- Expeditious Retreat
- False Life
- Feather Fall
- Hellish Rebuke
- Identify
- Illusory Script
- Inflict Wounds
- Mage Armor
- Protection from Evil and Good
- Ray of Sickness
- Searing Smite
- Silent Image
- Sleep
- Snare
- Speak with Animals
- Unseen Servant
- Wrathful Smite
Homebrew 1st Level[edit]
2nd Level[edit]
- Alter Self
- Augury
- Beast Sense
- Blindness/Deafness
- Borrowed Knowledge
- Cloud of Daggers
- Crown of Madness
- Darkness
- Darkvision
- Earthbind
- Enhance Ability
- Enthrall
- Find Traps
- Flock of Familiars
- Gentle Repose
- Hold Person
- Invisibility
- Kinetic Jaunt
- Levitate
- Locate Animals or Plants
- Locate Object
- Magic Weapon
- Mind Spike
- Mirror Image
- Misty Step
- Nathair's Mischeif
- Phantasmal Force
- Protection from Poison
- Ray of Enfeeblement
- See Invisibility
- Shadow Blade
- Shatter
- Silence
- Spider Climb
- Suggestion
- Vortex Warp
- Wither and Bloom
Homebrew 2nd Level[edit]
- Divisive Challenge
- Dreadtheft
- Freezing Strike
- Infernal Spheres
- Lunging Maw
- Vampiric Smite
- Venomous Strike
- Warping Strike
3rd Level[edit]
- Bestow Curse
- Catnap
- Clairvoyance
- Conjure Animals
- Counterspell
- Dispel Magic
- Enemies Abound
- Fear
- Feign Death
- Fly
- Gaseous Form
- Hunger of Hadar
- Hypnotic Pattern
- Incite Greed
- Intellect Fortress
- Life Transference
- Magic Circle
- Major Image
- Nondetection
- Phantom Steed
- Protection from Energy
- Remove Curse
- Slow
- Speak with Dead
- Spirit Shroud
- Summon Fey
- Summon Lesser Demons
- Summon Shadowspawn
- Summon Undead
- Thunder Step
- Tongues
- Tiny Servant
- Vampiric Touch
- Water Breathing
Homebrew 3rd Level[edit]
4th Level[edit]
- Arcane Eye
- Banishment
- Blight
- Charm Monster
- Compulsion
- Confusion
- Conjure Minor Elementals
- Conjure Woodland Beings
- Death Ward
- Dimension Door
- Divination
- Elemental Bane
- Evard's Black Tentacles
- Freedom of Movement
- Galder's Speedy Courier
- Greater Invisibility
- Hallucinatory Terrain
- Leomund's Secret Chest
- Locate Creature
- Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound
- Phantasmal Killer
- Raulothim's Psychic Lance
- Shadow of Moil
- Sickening Radiance
- Staggering Smite
- Summon Aberration
- Summon Elemental
- Summon Greater Demon
Homebrew 4th Level[edit]
5th Level[edit]
- Animate Objects
- Banishing Smite
- Cloudkill
- Commune
- Contact Other Plane
- Contagion
- Danse Macabre
- Destructive Wave
- Dream
- Enervation
- Far Step
- Geas
- Hold Monster
- Infernal Calling
- Insect Plague
- Legend Lore
- Mislead
- Modify Memory
- Negative Energy Flood
- Passwall
- Planar Binding
- Rary's Telepathic Bond
- Scrying
- Seeming
- Skill Empowerment
- Synaptic Static
- Telekinesis
- Teleportation Circle
- Wall of Light
6th Level[edit]
- Arcane Gate
- Circle of Death
- Conjure Fey
- Create Homunculus
- Create Undead
- Disintigrate
- Eyebite
- Flesh to Stone
- Forbiddance
- Investiture of Flame
- Investiture of Ice
- Investiture of Stone
- Investiture of Wind
- Magic Jar
- Mass Suggestion
- Mental Prison
- Planar Ally
- Programmed Illusion
- Scatter
- Soul Cage
- Summon Fiend
- Tasha's Otherworldly Guise
- True Seeing
- Wall of Thorns
7th Level[edit]
- Conjure Celestial
- Crown of Stars
- Divine Word
- Dream of the Blue Veil
- Etherealness
- Finger of Death
- Forcecage
- Mordenkainen's Sword
- Plane Shift
- Power Word: Pain
- Project Image
- Symbol
- Teleport
8th Level[edit]
- Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting
- Animal Shapes
- Antimagic Field
- Demiplane
- Dominate Monster
- Feeblemind
- Glibness
- Incendiary Cloud
- Maddening Darkness
- Maze
- Power Word: Stun
- Telepathy
9th Level[edit]
- Astral Projection
- Blade of Disaster
- Foresight
- Gate
- Imprisonment
- Mass Polymorph
- Power Word: Kill
- Psychic Scream
- Shapechange
- True Polymorph
- Weird