3.5e Adventuring Gear

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Adventuring Gear[edit]

Name Cost Summary
3D Maneuver Gear 5000 gp 3D maneuver gear is a belt of complex machinery, the 3D maneuver gear is a set of two-spring loaded grappling hooks that rapidly retract as well as pressurized gas powered jets for high speed movement. They provide "flight", provided there are surfaces to grapple onto.
Alchemical Sheath 420 gp When a weapon is placed inside a primed alchemical sheath, the stored item is applied to the weapon as it is drawn.
Alchemist's Belt 60 gp This specialized belt is designed to hold potions and other alchemical items in place for easy retrieval.
Armillary Sphere 400 gp A strange device that interact with teleportation spells.
Atlatl 50 gp A primitive device that allows for more effective use of javelins.
Bannerlord Cape 150 gp A great flourishing cape bearing symbols and heraldry, these high quality capes are usually crafted for the wearer or passed down in a family line.
Barbed Caltrops 25 gp These caltrops are barbed, they catch on insides of the victim easily.
Blood Pin Hilt 300 gp Technically an augmentation to a pre-existing weapon hilt, this blood pin has a small needle which can sample blood, or inject poison as a trap.
Blowtorch 750 gp A blowtorch is a metal cutting tool which emits a very bright and hot flame from it's nozzle.
Bodkin Caltrops 20 gp These caltrops are particularly sharp and narrow, ideal for enemies with tougher feet.
Bolt Magazine 50 gp A bolt magazine is a rectangular cartridge fashioned from carefully shaped steel components and holds twenty crossbow bolts in a 5×4 arrangement.
Breathing Mask 800 gp A gas mask which helps filter out bad air.
Complete Mortar Kit 150 gp A tool kit to transform a portable cannon into a powerful mortar.
Electro Coil 250 gp A one use item that produce large amount of electrical current.
Espionage Kit 750 gp An espionage kit contains a variety of spying devices, including listening wires, peephole drill, silver pellet, invisible ink, etc.
Etheliometer 50 gp A device to allow those without access to spells to detect the presence of magic, and perhaps glean some information about its type.
Eyepatch, Blackened 50 gp An eyepatch can be used to cover a missing eye, or used to protect a working eye from bright light and keeping it ready for darkened zones.
FT41 Space Suit 200 gp A FT41 is a self-contained individual suit with its own air cycling unit
Field Equipment Pack A neatly packed assortment of goods and tools aiding in field operations and survival.
Gas Mask 100 gp Protection against non-magical fumes.
Goggles 50 gp They do nothing.
Hair Dryer 10 gp A device that has the ability to dry off a Plushie. Also hair.
Heatproof Gloves 200 gp These utility oriented gloves are made of Gossamer and design to protect one's hand from dangerous heat.
Holy Bathwater 75 gp Holy water sold for profit! Not actually any more effective.
Hoverboard 7,500 gp This board lets you defy gravity and perform neat tricks.
Hoverskates 6,000 gp A pair of 'wheel'shoes with a series of small advanced engines underneath.
Lantern Shield 90gp A strange shield which comes with quite a few utilities.
Laser Pointer 100 GP A laser pointer is a small device that resemble a pencil, it is used to make a thin ray of light.
Marksman's Strap 300 gp A system of strap and pulley, which allows the user to sheath a ranged weapon as a free action.
Mercurite Wheelshoes 2600 gp Gnomish wheelshoes were quickly adopted by gangs of roller skating punks in more technologically advanced human nations. One such gang modified their wheelshoes with energy batteries and mercurite alloy frames.
Military Backpack 500 gp A military backpack is a well optimized and reinforced adventuring backpack.
Portable Cot 12 gp An elevated bed frame for travelers.
Protective Headphones 50 gp This solid heavy duty headphones protect the ears from loud noises.
Repeater Module 1,000 gp A repeater module is a reasonably compact, complex mechanism of wood and metal operating with sophisticated springs, that can be fitted to any masterwork light or heavy crossbow and that can hold a maximum of 20 bolts at any one time.
Roamer's Staff 2 gp A staff made for wanderers and travelers with a variety of simple but useful features.
Robomage 50,000+ gp A computer that can rapidly memorize and expend arcane spells.
Rocket Boots 2,000 gp A pair of boots with rocket underneath.
Saddle Ladder 100 gp Knotted tassels that hang off the side of a saddle, they assist in mounting very large mounts but also make it easier to grapple and climb on said mounts.
Sashimono 15 gp A sashimono is a pole held on the back, typically to hold a flag or form of heraldry up high. It can also be used to hold other objects.
Scope 1,500 gp A scope is can be fitted on firearms or crossbows, allowing the wielder to precisely shoot farther away than normal.
Senali Mask Varies Senali Mask are, featureless mask. Made of a special material allowing the wearer to see through the mask with limited visibility. The mask can be upgraded by the Senali Hunter (or Senali Binder) for a certain amount of gold.
Silent Bellflower 75 gp A rare bell-shaped flower that negates sounds, and can protect against sonic attacks.
Silk Gun 45 gp A small device, that when properly loaded with an alchemical cartridge, produces temporary silken items.
Single Shot Gun Device 120 gp A small cannon gun you can install anywhere to make a surprise shot.
Solarite Power Cell 600 gp, 4,000 gp, 13,500 gp, 65,000 gp A radiation-shielded power cell that uses solarite as fuel.
Spice Case 120 gp A clamshell metal case with multiple compartments for herbs, spices, and shakers. It comes with a simple mortar and pestle built in to make spices on the go.
Spider Egg, Monstrous Varies A Monstrous Spider egg is pale orange in color, and normally in a silken "purse" with hundreds of other eggs.
Staff Chamber 400 gp A staff chamber is an complex construct, allowing magic staves to be inserted into large weapons.
Sticky Saddle 400 gp This saddle makes it easier to stay on your mount, but more difficult to get off.
Stiletto Heel Boots Variable A pair of boots with sharp metal heels made for kicking.
Suppressor 1,200 gp A suppressor is a muzzle, either cylindrical or rectangular in shape which significantly reduce the noise produced with a firearm when fired by trapping gasses.
Tactical Marbles 15 gp Lay these marbles to knock down foes
Trick Loader 750 gp You can reload a weapon without a free hand.
Utility Equipment A series of equipment that helps the adventurer in his mission every day and improves his daily life.
Walking Stick 1 sp, 10 gp The perfect accessory for a long walk or hike, and a support against strong winds.
Weapon Cord 300 gp A weapon cord chains your weapon to your wrist, so if you drop it (or are disarmed) you merely need to tug on the weapon to bring it back to your hands.
Weapon Handlebar +500 gp This weapon modification adds one or more handlebar on the hilt or shaft of an oversized weapon, allowing them to be wielded with increased ease but also require additional training
Wheelboard 300 gp A simple board with two pairs of wheels mounted on it.
Wheelshoes 800 gp A pair of shoes with wheels on them. Somehow, people managed to balance on them and use them to move quickly.
ZK-23 Energy Shield 5,000 gp Ah, Energy Shields for the rest of us. Or at least, the Xeno.

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