Setting Sun (3.5e Martial Discipline)
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[hide]Maneuvers of the Setting Sun Discipline[edit]
- To see the full, expanded description of every maneuver, click here.
1st-Level Maneuvers
- Float Like a Butterfly: Stance — Move 5 feet every time you make an attack or another's attack misses you.
- No Rest for the Wicked: Counter — Throw grabbed ally or foe 10 feet as an immediate action.
- Setting Sun Suplex: Strike — Grab on to opponent, throw them to the ground over your head and knock them prone.
2nd-Level Maneuvers
- Distracting Blow: Strike [X-Discipline] — Strike a blow that hits a spellcaster where it hurts - his focus.
- Form Tackle: Rush — Bodily tackle foe, grabbing onto them in the process.
- Horizon Line Punch: Strike — Punch all the creatures in a straight line, moving that distance without provoking.
- Judo Flip: Counter — Grab a creature lunging at you and flip it over your head, slamming it to the ground behind you.
- Sundial Twist Kick: Counter — Follow up melee attack with roundabout kick, deal double damage if previous attack missed.
3rd-Level Maneuvers
- Breaking Dawn: Stance — Delay your turn without changing your place in initiative.
- Burning Sunrise Assault: Rush [Fire X-Discipline] — Make a super jump check and deal extra fire damage.
- Home Run Derby: Strike — Grab on to opponent, throw them to provoke attacks of opportunity for their forced movement.
- Mighty Arms: Stance — Throw people twice as far as normal.
- Pivotal Chop: Counter — A successful Sense Motive check allows you to dodge, then counterattack.
- Roll with the Blow: Counter — When you are hit with an attack, you roll with the damage and reposition yourself.
- Split Punch: Strike — You do the splits before hitting your opponent where it really hurts — between the legs.
- War Monkey Stance: Stance — You wield tons of weapons, although with some difficulties.
4th-Level Maneuvers
- Flying Knee: Strike — Deal massive damage to big opponents with melee attack, ground fliers.
- Gentle Fist: Strike — Negate a foe's ability to use spells, psionics, maneuvers, etc.
- Rolling Launcher: Counter — When a creature attacks, throw them instead. More effective if the attacker was moving or charging.
5th-Level Maneuvers
- Eagle Talon's Grasp: Stance — You gain additional attacks of opportunity and improved grab on them.
- Grip of the Starlit Dusk: Stance — You ignore all size bonuses and penalties for yourself and opponents and can use combat maneuvers on creatures of any size, among other benefits.
- One Inch Punch: Counter — Counter an opponent's counter, continue with your previous action if successful.
- Tears of the Sun: Strike — Causes opponent to bleed, taking damage and rendering them temporarily blinded, deafened, and sickened.
6th-Level Maneuvers
- Bicycle Kick: Strike — Make a charge attack, then make three unarmed strikes; if all three hit, you can make more.
- Luigifan18/Super Smash Assault: Strike [X-Discipline] — Send enemies flying with a mighty blow. The more badly injured they are, the further they fly, just like in Super Smash Bros.!
7th-Level Maneuvers
- Shooting Star Launcher: Strike — Strike your opponent, disarm them, and throw their weapon away all in one swift motion.
- The Clock Strikes Midnight: Strike — Grab on to opponent, spin them around to deal damage, and then throw them.
8th-Level Maneuvers
- Dancing Lotus Whirl: Stance — Each round you may make a free Disarm or Feint attempt.
- Luigifan18/Somewhere Over The Rainbow: Strike — Taking the "hurl 'em off a cliff" tactic to its logical extreme, this maneuver lets its initiator throw a victim high into the air, potentially slamming them into a ceiling, and let the fall finish them off.
9th-Level Maneuvers
- Glass Unicorn Shatter: Strike — Render your foe vulnerable to their body breaking at critical moments, or shatter large objects.
- Hurricane Scythe Kick: Rush — Push an opponent backwards with successive melee attacks.
- Solar Throw: Strike — Grab and throw your enemy; on a failed save, the distance of the throw is infinite.
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