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Anthro (3.5e Subtype)

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 7-18-09
Status: Completed
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Anthro SubtypeEdit

This subtype pertains to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid creature who appears to be based largely and in part on making an animal anthropomorphic. Like the goblinoid subtype it does not have any mechanical alterations, beyond certain effects which seek out a particular type (such as a favored enemy, or a specific item's usage). As a general rule only creatures with an equal blend of "humanoid" and "animal" qualify. A humanoid with ears of a cat would not, nor a snake with a human face, but a bipedal tiger with humanoid limbs would.

Creatures with the Anthro SubtypeEdit

The following creatures have the Anthro subtype. Your DM may add the subtype to additional creatures such as the Kenku, the Rakshasa, or any other creature which is obviously "a humanoid animal":

Name Description
Airu Bipedal cats known for hunting prey far larger than themselves, they are hunter-gathers, scavengers, scouts, and game hunters for fun, glory, and survival.
Anoup Jackal headed people of the desert, who have a cultural association with immortality and the dead.
Anurian The anurian are a race of magic frog people.
Azal The azal are tall goat people with a history of dealing with and intermixing with extraplanar powers.
Bakka Small bat people, they were originally gnomes who were transformed by a god to endure an apocalyptic event of old.
Boukh Boukh are a race of short goat people who usually live in the mountains, they tend to live alone or in small communities.
Burumeshia Burumeshia are rat-like humanoids with powerful jumping legs from which they leap from branch to branch.
Canin, Giant Canin look like an anthropromorphic version of a dog. The exact appearance will vary depending on what breed they are.
Canin, Large Canin look like an anthropromorphic version of a dog. The exact appearance will vary depending on what breed they are.
Canin, Miniature Canin look like an anthropromorphic version of a dog. The exact appearance will vary depending on what breed they are.
Canin, Standard Canin look like an anthropromorphic version of a dog. The exact appearance will vary depending on what breed they are.
Canin, Toy Canin look like an anthropromorphic version of a dog. The exact appearance will vary depending on what breed they are.
Cheval Cheval were horse headed nomads and warriors with brave spirits and strong bodies.
Corgini Stocky and short, these are corgi people. Cute.
Donbray Donbrays are a race of humanoid donkeys descended from the chevals.
Esquirels Squirrel people who live in trees, they are known to be extraordinarily skittish, dodging between the legs of larger creatures.
Fossor A race of small rodent-like creatures, specialized in digging in soft soil. They live organized in large families which work as crafting and engineering companies.
Fowlen A race of fey which resemble large chickens.
Goatia A race of fiend-infused goats turned in humanoids, with expertise in sacrifices and occult rituals.
Krakamari Krakamari are an ancient race of humanoids with kraken-like traits.
Lacertan Humanoid creatures that have the body, shape and mentality of lizards and other saurians.
Lago The lago are rabbit-like humanoids whose history is far darker than any bunny-related race should be.
Leode Large humanoid lions, their bodies are re-enforced with muscles of carbon steel and bones of titanium.
Ludros Slender and meditative yet playful otter-humanoids, who cultivate the art of hydromancy.
Lugaru Former feyblooded wolf-like warriors originally from the forest, their behaviors split ties with their own kin and they were ejected into the world of civilization. Unfortunately for the fey, civilization suited them and soon, destruction.
Luresca A population of deep-sea fish-looking people, with natural bioluminescence, who dwell in damp caves and in the Underdark.
Makekineko The manekineko are a werecat-like race blessed with unexplainable luck and fiesty, fight-happy behavior.
Mammuti The mammuti are giant elephantine or mammoth-like humanoids, relative to both small humanity and giant-kind and altered by magic long ago.
Mooncursed Known as theriajynxed amongst their own, it is said that they were once lycanthropes who somehow became trapped in their hybrid forms and bred true, forming weaker anthromorphic man-beasts who still feel the call of the night, and whose fates are shaped by the moon.
Moosu Moose-headed creatures from the frozen north, they are well known for their strength, endurance, and politeness. They are the epitome of the gentle giant.
Mudt A race of canine creatures, who inhabit muddy environments and live a simple and quiet life.
Myosines Myosines are humanoids with rodent-like features and sparse hair.
Nanduwary Long-legged, groundbound bird people who run very fast. Beware the coyote!
Needlemus Resembling closest to a hedgehog, the needlemus uses its potent array of spines to ward off others, and as something of an offensive weapon of their own.
Obstagoonan A race based off the pokemon Obstagoon, these humanoid badger-like anthromorphic creatures are masters of picking fights.
Pantheren The Pantheren are quick, agile, stealthy and come in a variety of colors. They usually roam the world alone.
Parraqito Colourful parrot-people with a penchant for piracy.
Phant Humanoid elephant men with strong bodies and alcohol that would make a dwarf proud, for they need it to forget...
Psifelid It is said that psifelids were not actually a natural occurrence, but the result of psionic tampering with a yet unknown and long lost base race, whose latent psychic powers were unleashed.
Pygga Pygga are small, urban fey appearing in the form of small, anthropomorphic pigs. They are born out of wild desire and greed and can find really gross mushrooms pretty much everywhere.
Qua-Vel Four-armed goat men with large beards, they are a contemplative lot, and brave and stubborn in battle.
Shirrec Shirreci (plural of shirrec) are a race made from transmuted humanoid that are changed, with a magical process, into mantis-like creature. They are usually criminal or deprecable members of society that are punished by magical means: their bodies and minds are changed to better accomodate their new lives and tasks.

They are reintroduced into their original society as artisans, artists, consultants, attendants and even higher servants and ministers of nobles and institutions. They are appreciated for their unbound loyalty, reserve and dedication to work, as well as for their incredible manual skills and analytic minds.

Shrimple Shrimp people who have excellent markmanship and live both underwater and on shoals and coastal regions.
Stercules A race of proud and strong beetle people, who love battle as well as introspection and art.
Vespertillum A vespertillum is a bat-like creature. They live peaceful lives and cultivate pastry making as one of the most important arts. The are very resistant to diseases.
Vestifel Vestifel are anthromorphic catfolk with a supreme sense of balance and precision with their every movement.
Viverrae Viverrae resemble anthromorphic ferrets or minks, possessing a long, slim body, pointed snouts, and fluffy fur which makes them seem more full-bodied than they actually are.
Xolotl Humanoid axolotls, both adorable and damp.
Zaprat Zaprats are electricity conducting rodent-men with long tails and large ears.
Zonai Ancient magical anthromorphic humanoids with three eyes and long ears.

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