3.5e Familiars

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For information on familiars, see: Familiars

Creature Entry Summary Type Size Prerequisite Master Benefit
Absol Bringer of Disaster, or misunderstood hero? either way, love that haircut! Magical beast, Augmented Medium
Aubergine Lizard Animal Tiny None +4 on saves against poison
Beacon Mothlet A small version of the beacon moth Magical Beast Small 3 None.
Bloathead Mosquito Magical Beast Small
Bobcat The bobcat is mid-sized lynx about twice the size of a normal housecat. Animal Small None, — Scratch Attack., Scratch Attack
Bookwyrm Dragon Tiny
Boubaball Construct Tiny None +3 Sense Motive
Bug of Holding Magical Beast Tiny None Stores as much as a bag of holding type I which only the master can access.
Candleghast Undead Diminutive Able to cast corpse puppet +4 Fort saves against Heat and Fire
Chickfowl Chickfowl are domesticated flightless birds raised for meat and eggs. Animal Tiny None May reroll Initiative before combat order is determined, but at a −4 penalty.
Chickfowl of the Sea Chickfowl of the sea are domesticated aquatic birds raised for meat and eggs. Animal Tiny None May reroll Initiative before combat order is determined, but at a −4 penalty.
Clothling, Flagbird Construct Small None +3 Jump (3.5e) or Fly (Pathfinder)
Cursed Warrior of Anubis Undead Medium
Dark Pygmy Aberration Tiny Improved Familiar, dark insight 0 or higher, caster level 5th. Dark Knowledge
Darwin Monkey Monstrous Humanoid Small Improved Familiar None
Deep Blue-Ringed Octopus Animal Diminutive Improved Familiar, caster level 5th. -
Dire Chicken, MS Variant Animal Large
Doki Doki Fey Tiny None +3 Diplomacy
Duck Ducks are a diverse group of waterfowl, capable of swimming and diving. Animal Tiny None Water walk (self only, water only) at will as a standard action.
Duskwalker Much like Shadows or Shadow Elementals, Duskwalkers are creatures of shadow. They often end up as familiars for the darkest of casters. Outsider (Cold, Incorporeal, Native) Medium
Egg of Magic and Mystery Fey Diminutive Improved Familiar, caster level 3rd -
Eye Jellyfish Vermin Diminutive None +3 Spot
Eyeball Aberration Tiny None +3 Spot checks
Eyeball Beholderkin Aberration Tiny Arcane caster level 3rd, Improved Familiar. The caster gains +2 initiative.
Famael Weakest of the celestial logos, they are observers whose purpose is to look for problems and report them higher up the chain of command for other logos to address. Outsider Tiny Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, or Neutral Good, Caster Level 5th, and Improved Familiar None
Faux Aberration Tiny Improved Familiar, caster level 3rd. -
Fetum Homunculus Construct Small
Firebrat A tiny scuttling bug with a burning, corrosive bite. Magical Beast Tiny None Energy Resistance 2 (acid) or Energy Resistance 2 (fire).
Firefriend Firefriends are an extraplanar race of insects native to the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Radiance, though they sometimes find their way to the Material Plane. Vermin Small Improved Familiar, 7th-level or higher arcane spellcaster None.
Fizzle Sprite Fey Tiny None +1 CL on [Light] spells
Flying Fruit Snake Animal Tiny None +3 Fly (pathfinder) or +3 Knowledge Nature
Flying Laser Squirrel Magical Beast Tiny Non-Undead, Caster Level 5th, and Improved Familiar None
Frog These statistics describe a small frog about 2–5 inches in length such as a tree frog or a leopard frog. Animal Fine None May hold breath for a number of rounds equal to four times his Constitution.
Ghostfire Undead Diminutive
Golden Hen {{{summary}}} Animal Small
Goliath Frog Goliath frogs are a species of large frog, growing up to 2 feet in length and weighing as much as 7 pounds. Animal Tiny None +3 bonus on Jump checks.
Goop Ooze Tiny Gain the stickSpC cantrip as a spell-like ability at will, caster level equal to your level.
Headcrab A headcrab is a predatorial Xenotheric species, whose natural hatching grounds lie within the vast plateaus of Xen. Outsider Tiny None +3 bonus on Jump checks.
Helmengel An angelic helmet who acts as a guardian angel to those they are assigned to. Outsider Tiny Improved Familiar, caster level 7th. -
Horseshoe Crab Vermin Tiny None +4 saves vs disease, +4 Heal checks vs disease
Huck Limpet A tiny hard-shelled otherworld mollusc. Magical Beast (Xenoblooded) Tiny None Amphibious.
Imp, Buff Outsider Tiny Improved Familiar, caster level 3rd. -
Imp, Jovial Outsider Tiny Improved Familiar, caster level 3rd. -
Imp, Scrawny Outsider Tiny Improved Familiar, caster level 3rd. -
Impette Outsider Tiny Improved Familiar, caster level 3rd. -
Jack Candle Fey Tiny None +3 Intimidate
Jazz Worm Vermin Diminutive None +3 Perform
Kavka Kavkas are small avians from the planet Gokia that feed on bugs and occasionally scavenge on other meats. Animal Tiny None +3 bonus on Listen checks., +3 Listen
Little Reaper Undead Tiny None Kill the Dying temporary hp
Llama, Miniature Animal Small, Tiny
Lustling To a Succubus/Incubus what an Imp is to a Pit Fiend, Lustlings are tiny, seductive demons. Outsider Evil, Chaotic, Extraplanar, Tanar'ri Tiny CL 6+, Alignment: CE, NE or CN OR Subtype: Evil, Demon, or Tanar'ri The Lustling grants no bonus except that you may now spontaneously convert a spell you have available, of the appropriate level or higher, into the following spells: Fanservice, Enthrall, Obsession, Suggestion, Charm Monster.
Maggot Swarm An unnaturally large gathering of sentient, semi-magical maggots. They build their hive in a freshly dead body, repair the body and control it to defend their hive. Vermin Diminutive
Mana Bug A small vermin with an abdomen filled with magical energy Vermin Tiny Improved FamiliarCS, Caster Level 3rd The master of the mana bug familiar may use it similarly to a pearl of power (1st level): once per day the master may regain one prepared spell or spell slot of 1st level that it can cast. Its Spell Dampening ability doesn't apply to spells cast by its master.
Minestrano A little fey, apparently made out of soup in a bowl Fey Tiny CL 5, Improved Familiar +4 on saves against ingested poison and stomach problems.
Miniature Clone Monstrous Humanoid Small
Mo Aberration Tiny None +3 Psicraft or Spellcraft
Mortifiel Outsider Tiny Improved Familiar, caster level 9th. -
Mouse A mouse is a small rodent smaller than a rat, and much more docile and cowardly. Animal Fine None +3 bonus on Hide checks.
Mow Mow Animal Small
Nimbus Seeker Elemental Large Druid level 7th or Improved Familiar and caster level 7th -
Nix The nix is the weakest of all the soul eating maita, taking on the form of a skull (often human, sometimes animal) with subtle eldritch marks carved into its calcified form. Outsider Tiny Improved Familiar, evil alignment, and caster level 7th -
Nixie-1080 Cam Drone Construct Diminutive None Use Knowledge Xeno and Program untrained, or +2 bonus if you have ranks.
Omophagea Rat Magical Beast Tiny, Small Improved Familiar, caster level 3rd -
OwlJerryBear Some say that when a wizard with an intelligence of 3 tried to create a new ruleset for reality he decreed that Owlbears were not two parts. Not equal parts Owl and Bear but Avian + Mammalian + MAN was how they were really made. In application this led to OwlJerryBear Vermin Medium
Oxy-Sprite Elemental Tiny
Para-Matter These odd, vaguely flower-esque orbs of paint-like matter don't appear to be anything of much significance... until they open up their single eye and charge right at you. Aberration Diminutive None Rapid Healing 1.
Parasite, Bloodring Aberration Fine None Spell Resistance
Phantom Limb Undead Tiny Improved Familiar, caster level 11th. -
Pixel Fey Fine None, Improved Familiar, 7th level None
Pixitte Fey Tiny Improved Familiar, caster level 3rd. -
Poison Dart Frog The statistics presented here represent a wide range of brightly colored, poisonous frogs. Animal Fine None No risk of poisoning self while applying poisons.
Pumpkinder Plant Tiny - -
Quantum Cat Aberration Tiny Improved Familiar, caster level 6th -
Quasit Outsider Tiny
Quirk Turk Fey Tiny None +3 hp
Rabbit Animal, Magical Beast Tiny None (rabbit) and CL 5th (magic rabbit) +3 Jump (rabbit) and None (magic rabbit)
Ranting Raven Magical Beast Tiny Improved Familiar, caster level 3rd. -
Rockhound Animal Medium Improved Familiar, caster level 7th. +2 bonus on Trip opposed rolls.
Savvy Quasit Outsider Tiny Improved Familiar, caster level 7th. -
Sea Pig Animal Small None Improved ToughnessCW
Shadow Gen Outsider Tiny Sha'ir 1 None.
Shiba Oni Outsider Small
Singing Cat Magical Beast Tiny Improved Familiar, caster level 3rd 1 temporary gp per HD per day, +2 Perform, +1 additional Inspire Courage
Singstar Fey Tiny None +3 Perform
Sockling Construct Tiny None None
Spark Plushie Construct Diminutive Non-lawful +2 Knowledge Arcana (and may use untrained)
Spelling Faerie Fey Fine None +3 Decipher Script checks
Squirrel These docile rodents thrive in temperate woods, where they eat mostly nuts, berries, and small insects. Animal Tiny None +3 bonus on Climb checks.
Squirrel, Flying Flying squirrels have two flaps of skin connecting their forearms to their body, which allows them to “fly” from tree to tree. Animal Tiny None +3 bonus on Jump checks.
Starcatcher Fae A pixie-like creature made out of dreams and magic, it shimmers and drops glowing fairy dust. Fey Fine Improved Familiar, caster level 7th -
Steam Elemental Elemental Small, Medium, Large, Huge
Super Hamster Animal Small 3rd None
Tanuki Fey Small
Tarantula Vermin Diminutive None +3 Climb
Tatzy A tiny snake-like cat-like creature known to be "territorial" and occasionally used as a familiar. Magical Beast Tiny None Hypnotic Eyes (Su) ability and immunity to tatzy poison.
Tiny Ghost Undead Diminutive None None
Tiny Mimic Aberration Tiny Improved Familiar, caster level 3rd. -
Tiny Phoenix Magical Beast Tiny Improved Familiar, caster level 6th. -
Titiritero Aberration Diminutive Improved Familiar, caster level 5th. -
Tortoise Small shelled reptiles commonly kept as pets. Animal Tiny None +2 Fortitude saves
Tree Ocelot Tree Ocelots, also known as margays, are skillful climbers who live in the trees. Animal Tiny None +3 bonus on Climb checks.
Umbral Cat Magical Beast Tiny Improved Familiar, 7th-level or higher arcane spellcaster None.
Undead Food A food monster made by college-student Necromancers. Undead Small, Medium, Large
Vinycrab Aberration Diminutive None +3 saves vs disease/poison.
Voltorb Elemental Tiny
Weaver of Threads Fey Fine Improved Familiar, caster level 5th. -
Wonder Egg Fey Tiny None +3 Hide
Wormgazer Aberration Diminutive Improved Familiar, caster level 5th.
Zergling A fast, scary beast that tears people apart and runs in groups. Aberration Medium Improved Familiar, Caster Level 5 None.

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