Publication:Curse of Strahd
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This text is quoted from promotion material. Text and images are copyrighted by the original publisher.
Plot Summary[edit]
Under raging storm clouds, the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich stands silhouetted against the ancient walls of Castle Ravenloft. Rumbling thunder pounds the castle spires. The wind’s howling increases as he turns his gaze down toward the village of Barovia. A lightning flash rips through the darkness, but Strahd is gone. Only the howling of the wind fills the midnight air. The master of Castle Ravenloft is having guests for dinner—and you are invited.
A fantasy-horror adventure for characters levels 1-10, Curse of Strahd provides everything a Dungeon Master needs to create an exciting and memorable play experience. Fans of the Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game can have additional adventures in Ravenloft by participating in the D&D Adventurers League organized play program.
Publication History[edit]
Curse of Strahd is produced by Wizards of the Coast. It was written by Chris Perkins, edited by Kim Mohan and Jeremy Crawford, and art directed by Kate Irwin. Written in consultation with Tracy Hickman and Laura Hickman, creators of the original Ravenloft adventure.
Adventure Curse of Strahd[edit]
Work In Progress Please do not edit this article.20250324220044
Curse of Strahd | |
Adventurer Levels | 1-10 |
Adventure Tier | 1, 2 |
Summary: |
Creatures in Curse of Strahd[edit]
260 creature in Curse of Strahd.
- Acolyte
- Adrian Martikov
- Alexei
- Anastrasya Vilisevic
- Animated Armor
- Anna Krezkov
- Arabelle
- Arcanaloth
- Archmage
- Argynvost
- Arrigal
- Artimus
- Assassin
- Aziana
- Baba Lysaga
- Baba Lysaga's Creeping Hut
- Baboon
- Bandit
- Bandit Captain
- Banshee
- Barovian Commoner
- Barovian Scout
- Barovian Witch
- Bella Sunbane
- Berserker
- Beucephalus
- Bianca
- Bildrath Cantemir
- Black Pudding
- Bluto Krogarov
- Bray Martikov
- Brom Martikov
- Broom of Animated Attack
- Cat
- Ceithlenn of the Crooked Teeth
- Claudiu Tomescu
- Clay Golem
- Clovin Belview
- Commoner
- Crawling Claw
- Cult Fanatic
- Cultist
- Cyrus Belview
- Dag Tomescu
- Dahlver-Nar
- Damia
- Danika Davanka
- Davar Jassur
- Davian Martikov
- Death Slaad
- Delban
- Deva
- Dire Wolf
- Dmitri Krezkov
- Donavich
- Dorakova
- Doru
- Draft Horse
- Dretch
- Drizlash
- Druid
- Drusilla
- Duchess Morwen
- Dusk Elf
- Elvir Martikov
- Emil Toranescu
- Endorovich the Terrible
- Eravien Haund
- Ernst Larnak
- Escher
- Exethanter
- Ezmerelda d'Avenir
- Father Lucian
- Filmore Stunk
- Fiona Wachter
- Flameskull
- Flesh Golem
- Flying Sword
- Freek
- Fritz von Weerg
- Gadof Blinsky
- Gargoyle
- Gertruda
- Ghast
- Ghost
- Ghoul
- Giant Poisonous Snake
- Giant Spider
- Giant Wolf Spider
- Gladiator
- Goat
- Godfrey Gwilym
- Gorabacha
- Gray Ooze
- Green Slime
- Grizzlegut
- Guard
- Guardian Portrait
- Gulthias Tree
- Gunther Arasek
- Hell Hound
- Henrik van der Voort
- Imp
- Invisible Stalker
- Ireena Kolyana
- Iron Golem
- Ismark Kolyanovich
- Izek Strazni
- Jakarion
- Karl Wachter
- Kasimir Velikov
- Kavan
- Kellen
- Khazan
- King Barov
- King Dostron
- King Katsky
- Kiril Stoyanovich
- Knight
- Kolya
- Kolyan Indirovich
- Kretyana Dolvof
- Lanniver Strayl
- Lars Kjurls
- Lich
- Lucian Jarov
- Lucian Petrovich
- Ludmilla Vilsevic
- Luvash
- Lydia Petrovina
- Mad Mage of Mount Baratok
- Madam Eva
- Mage
- Majesto
- Martin Tomescu
- Marya
- Marzena Belview
- Mastiff
- Milivoj
- Mishka Belview
- Mongrelfolk
- Mordenkainen
- Morgantha
- Mother Night
- Mule
- Muriel Vinshaw
- Myrtle
- Needle Blight
- Neferon
- Night Hag
- Nightmare
- Nikolai Wachter
- Noble
- Norganas
- Nothic
- Offalia Worwiggle
- Otto Belview
- Parpol Cantemir
- Parriwimple
- Patrina Velkovna
- Phantom Warrior
- Piccolo
- Pidlwick II
- Poltergeist
- Priest
- Quasit
- Queen Ravenovia
- Rahadin
- Ratka
- Raven
- Red Dragon Wyrmling
- Revenant (5e)/Monster
- Rictavio
- Riding Horse
- Rudolph van Richten
- Rug of Smothering
- Saber-Toothed Tiger
- Saint Andral
- Saint Markovia
- Savnok the Inscrutible
- Scarecrow
- Scout
- Sergei
- Seriach
- Shadow
- Shadow Demon
- Shambling Mound
- Shami-Amourae
- Shield Guardian
- Silver Dragon
- Skeleton
- Skennis
- Smoke Mephit
- Smoky Dragonet
- Specter
- Spy
- Stanjmir
- Stefania Martikov
- Stone Golem
- Strahd Zombie
- Strahd von Zarovich (Individual)
- Strahd's Animated Armor
- Swarm of Bats
- Swarm of Insects
- Swarm of Poisonous Snakes
- Swarm of Rats
- Swarm of Ravens
- Swarm of Spiders
- Swarm of Wasps
- Sykane
- Szoldar Grygorovich
- Szoldar Szoldarovich
- Taar Haak
- Tarakamedes
- Tatyana
- Thug
- Toad
- Tree Blight
- Twig Blight
- Udo Lukovich
- Urwin Martikov
- Vampire
- Vampire Lord
- Vampire Spawn
- Vargas Vallakovich
- Varushka
- Vasili von Holtz
- Vauund
- Veteran
- Victor Vallakovich
- Viggo Tomescu
- Vilnius
- Vine Blight
- Vladimir Horngaard
- Volenta Popofsky
- Vrock
- Warhorse Skeleton
- Wensencia
- Werehare
- Wereraven (5e)/CoS
- Wereraven (5e)/VRGtR
- Werewolf
- Wight
- Will-o'-Wisp
- Willemina Rikolova
- Wolf
- Wraith
- Yan
- Yelena Arasek
- Yevgeni Krushkin
- Yog
- Yolanda Tomescu
- Young Blue Dragon
- Yrrga
- Zantras
- Zelraun Roaringhorn
- Zhudun
- Zombie
- Zrin-Hala
- Zuleika Toranescu
- Zygfrek Belview
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Adventure Creature Xref | Curse of Strahd (Acolyte) +, Curse of Strahd (Animated Armor) +, Curse of Strahd (Arcanaloth) +, Curse of Strahd (Archmage) +, Curse of Strahd (Assassin) +, Curse of Strahd (Bandit) +, Curse of Strahd (Bandit Captain) +, Curse of Strahd (Banshee) +, Curse of Strahd (Barovian Commoner) +, Curse of Strahd (Barovian Scout) +, Curse of Strahd (Barovian Witch) +, Curse of Strahd (Berserker) +, Curse of Strahd (Black Pudding) +, Curse of Strahd (Broom of Animated Attack) +, Curse of Strahd (Cat) +, Curse of Strahd (Clay Golem) +, Curse of Strahd (Commoner) +, Curse of Strahd (Crawling Claw) +, Curse of Strahd (Cultist) +, Curse of Strahd (Cult Fanatic) +, Curse of Strahd (Death Slaad) +, Curse of Strahd (Deva) +, Curse of Strahd (Dire Wolf) +, Curse of Strahd (Draft Horse) +, Curse of Strahd (Dretch) +, Curse of Strahd (Druid) +, Curse of Strahd (Dusk Elf) +, Curse of Strahd (Flameskull) +, Curse of Strahd (Flesh Golem) +, Curse of Strahd (Flying Sword) +, Curse of Strahd (Gargoyle) +, Curse of Strahd (Ghast) +, Curse of Strahd (Ghost) +, Curse of Strahd (Ghoul) +, Curse of Strahd (Giant Poisonous Snake) +, Curse of Strahd (Giant Spider) +, Curse of Strahd (Giant Wolf Spider) +, Curse of Strahd (Gladiator) +, Curse of Strahd (Goat) +, Curse of Strahd (Gray Ooze) +, Curse of Strahd (Green Slime) +, Curse of Strahd (Guard) +, Curse of Strahd (Guardian Portrait) +, Curse of Strahd (Gulthias Tree) +, Curse of Strahd (Hell Hound) +, Curse of Strahd (Imp) +, Curse of Strahd (Invisible Stalker) +, Curse of Strahd (Iron Golem) +, Curse of Strahd (Knight) +, Curse of Strahd (Lich) +, Curse of Strahd (Mage) +, Curse of Strahd (Mastiff) +, Curse of Strahd (Mongrelfolk) +, Curse of Strahd (Mule) +, Curse of Strahd (Needle Blight) +, Curse of Strahd (Night Hag) +, Curse of Strahd (Nightmare) +, Curse of Strahd (Noble) +, Curse of Strahd (Nothic) +, Curse of Strahd (Phantom Warrior) +, Curse of Strahd (Poltergeist) +, Curse of Strahd (Priest) +, Curse of Strahd (Quasit) +, Curse of Strahd (Raven) +, Curse of Strahd (Red Dragon Wyrmling) +, Curse of Strahd (Revenant) +, Curse of Strahd (Riding Horse) +, Curse of Strahd (Rug of Smothering) +, Curse of Strahd (Saber-Toothed Tiger) +, Curse of Strahd (Scarecrow) +, Curse of Strahd (Scout) +, Curse of Strahd (Shadow) +, Curse of Strahd (Shadow Demon) +, Curse of Strahd (Shambling Mound) +, Curse of Strahd (Shield Guardian) +, Curse of Strahd (Silver Dragon) +, Curse of Strahd (Skeleton) +, Curse of Strahd (Smoke Mephit) +, Curse of Strahd (Smoky Dragonet) +, Curse of Strahd (Specter) +, Curse of Strahd (Spy) +, Curse of Strahd (Stone Golem) +, Curse of Strahd (Strahd Zombie) +, Curse of Strahd (Strahd's Animated Armor) +, Curse of Strahd (Swarm of Bats) +, Curse of Strahd (Swarm of Insects) +, Curse of Strahd (Swarm of Poisonous Snakes) +, Curse of Strahd (Swarm of Rats) +, Curse of Strahd (Swarm of Spiders) +, Curse of Strahd (Swarm of Ravens) +, Curse of Strahd (Swarm of Wasps) +, Curse of Strahd (Thug) +, Curse of Strahd (Toad) +, Curse of Strahd (Tree Blight) +, Curse of Strahd (Twig Blight) +, Curse of Strahd (Vampire) +, Curse of Strahd (Vampire Lord) +, Curse of Strahd (Vampire Spawn) +, Curse of Strahd (Veteran) +, Curse of Strahd (Vine Blight) +, Curse of Strahd (Vrock) +, Curse of Strahd (Warhorse Skeleton) +, Curse of Strahd (Werehare) +, Curse of Strahd (Wereraven) +, Curse of Strahd (Werewolf) +, Curse of Strahd (Wight) +, Curse of Strahd (Will-o'-Wisp) +, Curse of Strahd (Wraith) +, Curse of Strahd (Wolf) +, Curse of Strahd (Young Blue Dragon) +, Curse of Strahd (Zombie) +, Curse of Strahd (Adrian Martikov) +, Curse of Strahd (Alexei) +, Curse of Strahd (Anastrasya Vilisevic) +, Curse of Strahd (Anna Krezkov) +, Curse of Strahd (Arabelle) +, Curse of Strahd (Argynvost) +, Curse of Strahd (Arrigal) +, Curse of Strahd (Artimus) +, Curse of Strahd (Aziana) +, Curse of Strahd (Baba Lysaga) +, Curse of Strahd (Baba Lysaga's Creeping Hut) +, Curse of Strahd (Baboon) +, Curse of Strahd (Bella Sunbane) +, Curse of Strahd (Beucephalus) +, Curse of Strahd (Bianca) +, Curse of Strahd (Bildrath Cantemir) +, Curse of Strahd (Bluto Krogarov) +, Curse of Strahd (Bray Martikov) +, Curse of Strahd (Brom Martikov) +, Curse of Strahd (Ceithlenn of the Crooked Teeth) +, Curse of Strahd (Claudiu Tomescu) +, Curse of Strahd (Clovin Belview) +, Curse of Strahd (Cyrus Belview) +, Curse of Strahd (Dag Tomescu) +, Curse of Strahd (Dahlver-Nar) +, Curse of Strahd (Damia) +, Curse of Strahd (Danika Davanka) +, Curse of Strahd (Dorakova) +, Curse of Strahd (Davar Jassur) +, Curse of Strahd (Davian Martikov) +, Curse of Strahd (Delban) +, Curse of Strahd (Dmitri Krezkov) +, Curse of Strahd (Donavich) +, Curse of Strahd (Doru) +, Curse of Strahd (Drizlash) +, Curse of Strahd (Drusilla) +, Curse of Strahd (Duchess Morwen) +, Curse of Strahd (Elvir Martikov) +, Curse of Strahd (Emil Toranescu) +, Curse of Strahd (Endorovich the Terrible) +, Curse of Strahd (Eravien Haund) +, Curse of Strahd (Ernst Larnak) +, Curse of Strahd (Escher) +, Curse of Strahd (Exethanter) +, Curse of Strahd (Ezmerelda d'Avenir) +, Curse of Strahd (Father Lucian) +, Curse of Strahd (Filmore Stunk) +, Curse of Strahd (Fiona Wachter) +, Curse of Strahd (Freek) +, Curse of Strahd (Fritz von Weerg) +, Curse of Strahd (Gadof Blinsky) +, Curse of Strahd (Gertruda) +, Curse of Strahd (Godfrey Gwilym) +, Curse of Strahd (Gorabacha) +, Curse of Strahd (Grizzlegut) +, Curse of Strahd (Gunther Arasek) +, Curse of Strahd (Henrik van der Voort) +, Curse of Strahd (Ireena Kolyana) +, Curse of Strahd (Ismark Kolyanovich) +, Curse of Strahd (Izek Strazni) +, Curse of Strahd (Jakarion) +, Curse of Strahd (Karl Wachter) +, Curse of Strahd (Kasimir Velikov) +, Curse of Strahd (Kavan) +, Curse of Strahd (Kellen) +, Curse of Strahd (Khazan) +, Curse of Strahd (Kiril Stoyanovich) +, Curse of Strahd (King Barov) +, Curse of Strahd (King Dostron) +, Curse of Strahd (King Katsky) +, Curse of Strahd (Kolya) +, Curse of Strahd (Kolyan Indirovich) +, Curse of Strahd (Kretyana Dolvof) +, Curse of Strahd (Lanniver Strayl) +, Curse of Strahd (Lars Kjurls) +, Curse of Strahd (Lucian Jarov) +, Curse of Strahd (Lucian Petrovich) +, Curse of Strahd (Ludmilla Vilsevic) +, Curse of Strahd (Luvash) +, Curse of Strahd (Lydia Petrovina) +, Curse of Strahd (Mad Mage of Mount Baratok) +, Curse of Strahd (Madam Eva) +, Curse of Strahd (Majesto) +, Curse of Strahd (Martin Tomescu) +, Curse of Strahd (Marya) +, Curse of Strahd (Marzena Belview) +, Curse of Strahd (Milivoj) +, Curse of Strahd (Mishka Belview) +, Curse of Strahd (Mordenkainen) +, Curse of Strahd (Morgantha) +, Curse of Strahd (Mother Night) +, Curse of Strahd (Muriel Vinshaw) +, Curse of Strahd (Myrtle) +, Curse of Strahd (Neferon) +, Curse of Strahd (Nikolai Wachter) +, Curse of Strahd (Norganas) +, Curse of Strahd (Offalia Worwiggle) +, Curse of Strahd (Otto Belview) +, Curse of Strahd (Parpol Cantemir) +, Curse of Strahd (Parriwimple) +, Curse of Strahd (Patrina Velkovna) +, Curse of Strahd (Piccolo) +, Curse of Strahd (Pidlwick II) +, Curse of Strahd (Queen Ravenovia) +, Curse of Strahd (Rahadin) +, Curse of Strahd (Ratka) +, Curse of Strahd (Rictavio) +, Curse of Strahd (Rudolph van Richten) +, Curse of Strahd (Saint Andral) +, Curse of Strahd (Saint Markovia) +, Curse of Strahd (Savnok the Inscrutible) +, Curse of Strahd (Sergei) +, Curse of Strahd (Seriach) +, Curse of Strahd (Shami-Amourae) +, Curse of Strahd (Skennis) +, Curse of Strahd (Stanjmir) +, Curse of Strahd (Stefania Martikov) +, Curse of Strahd (Strahd von Zarovich) +, Curse of Strahd (Sykane) +, Curse of Strahd (Szoldar Grygorovich) +, Curse of Strahd (Szoldar Szoldarovich) +, Curse of Strahd (Taar Haak) +, Curse of Strahd (Tarakamedes) +, Curse of Strahd (Tatyana) +, Curse of Strahd (Udo Lukovich) +, Curse of Strahd (Urwin Martikov) +, Curse of Strahd (Vargas Vallakovich) +, Curse of Strahd (Varushka) +, Curse of Strahd (Vasili von Holtz) +, Curse of Strahd (Vauund) +, Curse of Strahd (Victor Vallakovich) +, Curse of Strahd (Viggo Tomescu) +, Curse of Strahd (Vilnius) +, Curse of Strahd (Vladimir Horngaard) +, Curse of Strahd (Volenta Popofsky) +, Curse of Strahd (Wensencia) +, Curse of Strahd (Willemina Rikolova) +, Curse of Strahd (Yan) +, Curse of Strahd (Yelena Arasek) +, Curse of Strahd (Yevgeni Krushkin) +, Curse of Strahd (Yog) +, Curse of Strahd (Yolanda Tomescu) +, Curse of Strahd (Yrrga) +, Curse of Strahd (Zantras) +, Curse of Strahd (Zelraun Roaringhorn) +, Curse of Strahd (Zhudun) +, Curse of Strahd (Zrin-Hala) +, Curse of Strahd (Zuleika Toranescu) + and Curse of Strahd (Zygfrek Belview) + |
Adventure List | Curse of Strahd + |
Adventure Tier | 1 + and 2 + |
Author | Christopher Perkins + |
ISBN | 0-7869-6598-4 + |
Item Code | B6517 + |
Maximum Level | 10 + |
Media Type | Hardcover + |
Minimum Level | 1 + |
Page Count | 256 + |
Publication Date | 2016 + |
Publisher | Wizards of the Coast + |
System | Dungeons and Dragons 5e + |
Title | Curse of Strahd + |